
I'm here!!!

Quick run down of events that have happened so far:

Friday - my leaving party was ace! I would have liked to talk to a few people longer (or at all) but only so much time exists. I was going to try to list everyone who was there, for remembering sake, but I might add that later here:


Highlights* include getting lots of presents**, Liz being sneaky and stealing friends, Wolf being ace, my cousins and sister and Clair meeting together for the first time in a while, people from PGCE being there, Charlotte nearly making me cry, Sarah being amazing, Mahinda and Pete not being there. That is all for now.

Saturday - Got up about 6.30 cause I was awake. Packed and faffed. Parents arrived about 10.30. Liz and Van arrived about 11.30. Linden arrived about 12.15. Left about 12.30, I think, and arrived about 5.30. The journey was pretty smooth due to Liz's ace driving! My hangover and general knackeredness wasn't the most useful. We arrived with the plan of hoovering first, but they'd done it! And other generaly tidying. Helpers helped a lot, and the van was empty in about 10 minutes. We did a bit of jiggling and made sure there were sleeping places, then went for a curry (which was amazing!) then to find some drinks. I don't think I shall go out drinking on Grassmarket on a Saturday again.

Sunday - Breakfast happened, and was ace. Then Liz had to depart from us. Sniff. The afternoon involved buying some food and exploring and tidying, and then the evening involved finding Emily and Tim and me being a party pooper and going home early to be in my flat. My flatmate Alex and Jess (who doesn't really live here, but is here a lot) had waited to watch Monster Inc., which was really sweet! Then I fell asleep. Oops.

Monday - Me and Linden adventured to Arthur's Seat. We got there, and the path didn't seem to go up the hill, it went around. So we went up. It took us about an hour of climbing and falling and getting owies and bruises, but we made it! Only to find we were not at the top. We had to go down far before going up to the top. Oops. But it was an adventure! Then Linden went for dinner with her mummy and her sister and her mummy's friend, and I went for a sneaky pint with my housemate, Patrick, as I was being rubbish at getting ready for my interview and we wanted to create a local. I think I could get on with Patrick forever. I do love Kat and Alex and Jess as well.

Tuesday - I had an interview first thing, which seemed ok, but I don't think I've got it, as I should have heard by now. Then breakfast with Linden, Linden's mum, Hollien (spelling?), Sally, and 2 boys, who I think were Hollien's boyfriend and his friend who had *just* arrived from America to visit. Then we took Linden to the train and I ventured off to buy me a job. Went to a few agencies and got my CV photocopied before I discovered that I didn't have my purse and couldn't pay. Oops. Agency seemed hopeful, but again, I haven't heard anything. The evening involved making a bag for Jess and watching Bill Bailey, for which everyone piled in my room, and Alex was shocked that I let him sit on my bed cause he is smelly, apparently.

Wednesday (today) - Breakfast was bagel with cream cheese and olives and mushrooms and peppers. I feel like I'm on holiday. I'm now eating a lolly that I got for drawing an elephant that eats salmon bagels, to get rid of my garlic breath. I have been to a NHS recruitment fair and the Jobcentre today. I have lots to apply for, so I'm going to get up early and do it. Not inspired today.

So there you go, that's what's been happening. I like it here. Just need a job to stop me stressing.

*Highlights being points of note, rather than purely good things - some of them are blatently not good.

**I didn't understand - it's not my birthday. Why presents? Don't people know I have packed and have to carry them?!? But they were all ace. And it's ace that people love me.
I've just worked out why I'm quite tipsy... I didn't have any tea! Well, I had a cereal bar and some love hearts, cause I found them when packing. But I've only had a pint, and half a can of really rubbish lager.

It'll be a whole can soon.

This week I've been mostly packing. I stayed home for ALL of Monday and Tuesday evenings. I think this is a record. My room is a mess, but I think I've done quite a lot of packing. We shall see what my dad says when he arrives....

Tomorrow is my last day at my job. I don't really know how I feel about that. I've really enjoyed working there. I think I've done far more than the job's been worth, but I'm not sure if everyone thinks that! I think I've made quite a few friends. I guess I'll find out once I've gone. I'm really going to miss glimpses of a certain colleague. And I'm going to miss chatting to a few others on the phone. I might still phone them randomly! Depends if I have a job, cause I'm too cheap to pay for calls :-)

Tomorrow night will be odd... There will be people there I'm going to miss. There will be peope there I will be glad never to see again*! There will be people that I'll stay in touch with forever. I'm having a small worry about if there will be any people there who need to avoid each other. So far, I can only think of 2, so that is ok. I might be more worried about the people that are coming that only know me... There are only so many people I can talk to at once! But it serves me right for inviting the world and his dog. But I really would not have had time to see each group seperately.

Wednesday's ceilidh was nice. I didn't feel the greatest, so didn't dance my heart out. Was grumpy about not dancing with one person. But got to dance with 2 that I really wanted to, so that is ok. I'm amused at how many men know (not) how to waltz/polka. I don't know why. Where would they have learnt?!?

Mahinda rocks.

So, no more bloggage till Edinburgh! I actually excited again now. Yay!!

*I know - I'm a bitch. But it's true. And the blog speaks the truth. And it is one reason why I'm moving.

Cow Parade!!

I'm a little annoyed at how close Emma was... Grump! But yes, I stepped off the train to discover that Edinburgh is currently hosting Cow Parade 2006. That will keep me occupied for the first few days of unemployment!!

I now have somewhere to live. It's very cool and I'm VERY excited! Not met the 2 boys (Alex and Patrick) that I will be living with, so hopefully they won't be cross that Cat has said I can come without meeting them. But spoke to Alex on the phone last week, and he seems cool. There's lots of random things around the flat that make me feel like I'll be just fine! And it's near lots of cool one off shops. Better not spend too much money! But you never know - I might be able to get round to selling some cards...

Didn't get yesterday's job, but never mind. Was a bit put off whilst waiting for the interview, as it seems to be partly privately funded, so seemed like there was some wasting of money going on... Anyway, another interview next week, and the lady who is not going to be my boss now tried to recruit me to the Edinburgh G&S Society, so I might go!

I've never stayed in a hostel before. It was odd. Quite homely, but at the same time I didn't feel at home - it felt like someone else's home and I didn't know which bits I was allowed in. Never mind - it did it's purpose. I spent most of the weekend walking around in the rain. Lots and lots and lots of miles, I reckon.

Arrrrgghh! The drilling has started again! They're doing something on the roof at work. Today it appears they are drilling directly above my head. We did a little test, and I can't hear banging on the desk above the noise of the drill. It is very very loud! And I'm sure against health and safety guidelines about how much exposure to noise you are allowed. Never mind trying to answer the phone or talk to a colleague above it. GRUMP!

I think I'm going to go for lunch before I go crazy.


OK, so I'm here flat hunting.

Guess what's the most exciting thing I've found? I was so excited, almost the second I stepped off the train. I'm not going to tell you now. I'm actually wanting guesses!

I spend the first half hour trying to get a decent A-Z. I wanted the A-Z one that matches my Manchester one, but had to get a different one. It annoys me a lot. The index isn't even in order! Pah. It may be fancy and have colours, but I'd rather have the index in order and the road names on the right bit of the map.

This is how I feel right now:


It's annoying me. But I know exactly why I feel like it, and why I'm trying to drink anything I can find. But I can't do ANYTHING about it.

Double yolker

I brought 2 eggs in for my lunch today. They BOTH had 2 yolks.

I am amazed.

In other news, I've rearranged my interview, and got another! So I have one this Monday and one the Tuesday after. Hurrah! Just to find a place to live... I had great fun flirting with somone who has a spare room on the phone, which is probably not wise. Oh well. Start as you mean to go on.

This week I've been in the house a lot. Not done much packing. Oops. I'm supposed to be out tonight and tomorrow, so no packing there either! Did, however, spend last weekend at my parents and was very constructive there. Made lots of shelves empty for if I need to take things there. Have since discovered that my mum filled them up when someone came round to value the house! Pah. She's cheeky.

Went to Hardy's last night, even though I didn't go to hockey. I didn't feel the need to, as I got a REALLY big briuse at work. I think I need a Health and Safety Risk Assessment, as I am blatently a hazard.

I just made a plan. I might even paste it here, as it was in an e-mail to Liz. It's my plan for the next week and the move. It may be useful to some of you. Well, probably Linden.

Next week I'm hopefully doing this:
Monday - interview then travel then pack then dinner
Tuesday - work then might get mummy round to help pack
Wednesday - work then either pack or hockey then ceilidh
Thursday - work then pack then quiz
Friday - work then do then maybe pack
Saturday - finish packing and go. Will book a van after I have somewhere to go. If we have to pick it up in town, Fat Club then get van then pack. I'm hopefully getting my parents round to help pack the van/take everything else to their house. I suppose we might need to van via their house. Need to leave Manchester/Lostock 1 (cause then it might be 2) to get there for 5/6/7. Then quick snack, unload van, out for dinner, sleep!

I think I should go back to work now. That planning has cleared my head. Yay! Less grumpy.

I have an interview.

I am very excited. But it's also quite annoying!! It's on the 26th May, which is supposed to be my last day of my job, my last day in Manchester and my leaving do.

But if I go to this interview, I will have to leave my house about 5am, and will probably get back to Manchester about 7.30pm. Most of that will be sat on a train. I will probably smell at my interview. And will probably be asleep at Hardy's, if I still keep my leaving do there and then. And I'll be going back up the day after with all my stuff (plan willing). CRAZY!

So I've asked if they can postpone it until the Tuesday (bank holiday Monday) just for me. Fingers crossed!! I will go to the interview either way, it will just be about 300 times easier this way.

For those of you interested it's an A&C 4 NHS job, and sounds quite interesting. To do with the database of approved GPs and stuff. I can't tell you much more today, as I applied weeks ago and thought they mustn't want me, so I've forgotten. I have 2 weeks to read up though, so that's ok.

What else is new? Not a lot... Still nowhere to live, and no set plan for getting up there, but many, many sub-plans for if things happen/not. The week's not been that exciting really... Have been feeling pants for most of it...

Went to the CAOS meal on Tuesday, and spoke to more people than I have all year! I'm still really sad about CAOS, as it used to be the centre of my life, and I used to be the centre of it, but it's not anymore. And I'm worried that they're killing it and no-one goes anymore. And it upsets me. I didn't get an award for the first year in 7! Grump.

Monday and Wednesday nights were mostly spent in bed. Sunday and Thursday were spent at pub quizzes.

That is all!!

Being a Grown Up: Rule 1

You are a grown up if you check the weather forecast and it changes your plans/outfit/accessories.

*This does not count for people like Cass who would do it for work reasons.

Grumping and stressing and not sleeping.

Oh so tired.

I haven't slept enough since probably last Tuesday night, but maybe even before that. I'm so unsensible. I don't like it.

So, what have I been up to? I did a concert on Saturday. It went quite well actually! Better than any of the rehearsals I've done. It was a little disturbing that Luc, Mark and Jenny were sat inches away from my elbow when I was playing... The other disturbing thing was looking for my parents at the interval and finding them talking to Al's parents. I miss Al's parents so much. They were so nice to me - treated me like one of their own. They'd welcome me, but at the same time I didn't feel like they were always putting on a front for visitors, if that makes sense? Anyway, I did speak to them for a bit, and it was lovely. They are still as nice to me, which I suppose makes sense, but I kind of expect them to be as cold as Al is to me now. But even he was nice briefly on Saturday. They know I'm moving, and once I've got an address I'm going to e-mail them, as they said they're up in Edinburgh occasionally, so we could meet up. I haven't decided whether to speak to Al about it yet... I'd love to go for a drink with him before I go - clear the air and see if we can be friendly - but I don't want to invite him out, as that'd be just like always, me making the first step, and I'll still be wanting him to have done it.

Friday I was supposed to be having a quiet one, as I had an early rehearsal on Saturday, but thanks to Mahinda that didn't happen!! We went to the Gospel choir concert, as I was persuaded by the conductor (cause I fancied him, but don't anymore). I didn't expect it to be so religious. I know, I know!! But I just didn't. I'm afraid to say that it didn't impress me much. I'm used to religious music, but it's generally in Latin, so I don't know. But the points just didn't always make sense, and the music wasn't exactly hard to perform, so I couldn't be impressed. That aside, I am glad I went to support Zen (and it turns out I knew a few others in it). Afterwards Mahinda bought me dinner cause I was grumpy and moaning about being poor and hungry. Thanks, hubby! Then we drank and drank a bit more, and then it was 3.30, so Mahinda stayed over. Neither of us appear to be able to sleep next to people, so I had about 3 hours sleep before orchestra! Oops.

Fat Club was a disaster this week. Last week I was so proud of myself I just ate rubbish all week, and it really showed. That and I broke one of the Fat Club rules* by drinking on a Friday. So now I'm grumpy about that. I'm hoping it was a superficial thing cause of the drinking, as my belly has felt a bit odd since, so we shall see next time. I can't decide whether to join a club up in Edinburgh... I don't really want to, as Liz and Paula won't be there, but I don't want to put any weight back on. I'll just try really hard for a bit, and when I can next be in Manchester for a Saturday I shall weigh in and decide, I reckon.

What else did I do last week?

Monday: Nowt. Ooh! That's a lie - we went to Dan's gig at the Orange Grove, mainly to see Charlotte for her birthday. I had a generally ace time, with a bit of being a freak about Al turning up. We saw Cameron from Hollyoaks licking beer off the pool table. Jimby fell off a wall on the way home cause he was being an idiot. When I got home we had no water cause Ads had been an idiot.
Tuesday: CAOS rehearsal
Wednesday: Hockey
Thursday: CAOS rehearsal
Friday: Gospel concert
Saturday: CAOS concert
Sunday: Went to parents and cleared out A LOT of old stuff, then went to the Red Lion pub quiz with Sarah and Linden and Si and associated friends.

Generally, I've spent much of the week being grumpy. But I'm glad I did the concert, even if the rehearsals made me tired and grumpy. And I'm glad I'm moving, even if it is making me stressed and not sleep and therefore grumpy. I'm sure it'll all be fine when I get there. Maybe.

*Not the official Weight Watchers rules, I break them all the time, but the Fat Club rules that me, Liz and Paula have for weigh-ins:
  • No drinking the night before.
  • Make sure you have a poo.
  • Don't have breakfast.