Grumping and stressing and not sleeping.

Oh so tired.

I haven't slept enough since probably last Tuesday night, but maybe even before that. I'm so unsensible. I don't like it.

So, what have I been up to? I did a concert on Saturday. It went quite well actually! Better than any of the rehearsals I've done. It was a little disturbing that Luc, Mark and Jenny were sat inches away from my elbow when I was playing... The other disturbing thing was looking for my parents at the interval and finding them talking to Al's parents. I miss Al's parents so much. They were so nice to me - treated me like one of their own. They'd welcome me, but at the same time I didn't feel like they were always putting on a front for visitors, if that makes sense? Anyway, I did speak to them for a bit, and it was lovely. They are still as nice to me, which I suppose makes sense, but I kind of expect them to be as cold as Al is to me now. But even he was nice briefly on Saturday. They know I'm moving, and once I've got an address I'm going to e-mail them, as they said they're up in Edinburgh occasionally, so we could meet up. I haven't decided whether to speak to Al about it yet... I'd love to go for a drink with him before I go - clear the air and see if we can be friendly - but I don't want to invite him out, as that'd be just like always, me making the first step, and I'll still be wanting him to have done it.

Friday I was supposed to be having a quiet one, as I had an early rehearsal on Saturday, but thanks to Mahinda that didn't happen!! We went to the Gospel choir concert, as I was persuaded by the conductor (cause I fancied him, but don't anymore). I didn't expect it to be so religious. I know, I know!! But I just didn't. I'm afraid to say that it didn't impress me much. I'm used to religious music, but it's generally in Latin, so I don't know. But the points just didn't always make sense, and the music wasn't exactly hard to perform, so I couldn't be impressed. That aside, I am glad I went to support Zen (and it turns out I knew a few others in it). Afterwards Mahinda bought me dinner cause I was grumpy and moaning about being poor and hungry. Thanks, hubby! Then we drank and drank a bit more, and then it was 3.30, so Mahinda stayed over. Neither of us appear to be able to sleep next to people, so I had about 3 hours sleep before orchestra! Oops.

Fat Club was a disaster this week. Last week I was so proud of myself I just ate rubbish all week, and it really showed. That and I broke one of the Fat Club rules* by drinking on a Friday. So now I'm grumpy about that. I'm hoping it was a superficial thing cause of the drinking, as my belly has felt a bit odd since, so we shall see next time. I can't decide whether to join a club up in Edinburgh... I don't really want to, as Liz and Paula won't be there, but I don't want to put any weight back on. I'll just try really hard for a bit, and when I can next be in Manchester for a Saturday I shall weigh in and decide, I reckon.

What else did I do last week?

Monday: Nowt. Ooh! That's a lie - we went to Dan's gig at the Orange Grove, mainly to see Charlotte for her birthday. I had a generally ace time, with a bit of being a freak about Al turning up. We saw Cameron from Hollyoaks licking beer off the pool table. Jimby fell off a wall on the way home cause he was being an idiot. When I got home we had no water cause Ads had been an idiot.
Tuesday: CAOS rehearsal
Wednesday: Hockey
Thursday: CAOS rehearsal
Friday: Gospel concert
Saturday: CAOS concert
Sunday: Went to parents and cleared out A LOT of old stuff, then went to the Red Lion pub quiz with Sarah and Linden and Si and associated friends.

Generally, I've spent much of the week being grumpy. But I'm glad I did the concert, even if the rehearsals made me tired and grumpy. And I'm glad I'm moving, even if it is making me stressed and not sleep and therefore grumpy. I'm sure it'll all be fine when I get there. Maybe.

*Not the official Weight Watchers rules, I break them all the time, but the Fat Club rules that me, Liz and Paula have for weigh-ins:
  • No drinking the night before.
  • Make sure you have a poo.
  • Don't have breakfast.

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