Irn-Bru is the answer

I stick by my never delete posts rule, so I'm just going to post lots until that drunk one is off the radar!

This week:

Was exceedingly grumpy before orchestra, and quite during, but happy afterwards. It was ace. Got a new crush (see drunken post).

Work. Am quite sure I also did something that evening, but I cannot remember what.

Ooh! Ceilidh. My first ceilidh in Edinburgh. It just wasn't the same as Manchester ones. Mainly as I didn't know many people - 3 in fact. Andy Pooh Bar and his girlfriend, Iona, and Dave (ex). So I didn't dance much. Wasn't in the mood to be crazy and talk to boys. But did make a new female friend called Sam who is cool and invited me out tonight but I can't go.

Mark was here! Started the day by washing and tidying and rearranging my room a little so I can have a radiator (it's starting to get cold, even by my standards...). Then I met Adam for a quick drink and then went to see Mark at his friend Dan's flat (as it was Dan's birthday). Drinking games ensued, and I remember a cat and a German girl and karaeoke. Then we went to Subway as we decided this would be most like 5th Ave and therefore a good idea. I don't really remember being there, just have one flash of what it looks like inside. Don't really remember walking home either, but do remember that I couldn't get in and had to ring the doorbell. Oops.

Mostly throwing up, followed by going to meet Mark and Dan and tell them they were bad people. Then wisely didn't go to Doctor's and went home and watched a film.

Work. Nothing. Except a girl called Josie came round and gave me green things to sew for the next Savoy show.

Morning off! Then work. Sewed green things.

Work. Nothing. Was supposed to go to orchestra, but just couldn't face it.

Work. Half day off! Died hair pink. Went to pub then orchestra then pub then pub. Discovered people live near me, so I don't always have to get the bus home on my own. And they like drinking, so we went to a pub near my house. Hurrah!

Orchestra is really hard this term. I cannot play most of the music. This wasn't a problem, asd I thought it would fix itself. But it isn't. I don't know what to do - someone else has already told me they don't want to do the concert as they are worried about looking rubbish. I feel like this too, but have to lead the section looking rubbish. And will definitely be noticed.

Maybe I should practise. A lot.

Is now. I am very broken, but haven't been sick, despite thinking I was gonna. The plan for tonight is one of 3 things:
  1. Work night out. (Want to do this to know more people at work, but am scared as I might make a fool of myself, or not know anyone, or not like anyone.)
  2. Rocky Horrow Show. (Not really in the mood for this, but due to a mix up, I might have to pay for the ticket anyway, so I might go.)
  3. Meet Sam, girl from ceilidh, and some of her collegues. (Quite want to do this, but not as much as 1.)
Might combine all 3 if needed!

Plan for the rest of weekend is:
  1. Nothing.
  2. Nothing.
  3. Nothing.
  4. Nothing.
  5. Nothing.
It'll probably do me good, but I'm grumpy about having no friends and plans.


Anonymous said...

girl, you got plans. come to america and love me forever!!!

Anonymous said...

Just remember you have friends - and as soon as I have a job and money I will come to edinburgh to celebrate the fact :-)

Anonymous said...

only smarties have the answer!!!

btw pics from manc oxfam gig are up via


that's all.

take a train journey out into the hills.... take a picture or two, and
grab a beer in a pub and read a good book :)


Anonymous said...

love u and miss u...