Cow Parade!!

I'm a little annoyed at how close Emma was... Grump! But yes, I stepped off the train to discover that Edinburgh is currently hosting Cow Parade 2006. That will keep me occupied for the first few days of unemployment!!

I now have somewhere to live. It's very cool and I'm VERY excited! Not met the 2 boys (Alex and Patrick) that I will be living with, so hopefully they won't be cross that Cat has said I can come without meeting them. But spoke to Alex on the phone last week, and he seems cool. There's lots of random things around the flat that make me feel like I'll be just fine! And it's near lots of cool one off shops. Better not spend too much money! But you never know - I might be able to get round to selling some cards...

Didn't get yesterday's job, but never mind. Was a bit put off whilst waiting for the interview, as it seems to be partly privately funded, so seemed like there was some wasting of money going on... Anyway, another interview next week, and the lady who is not going to be my boss now tried to recruit me to the Edinburgh G&S Society, so I might go!

I've never stayed in a hostel before. It was odd. Quite homely, but at the same time I didn't feel at home - it felt like someone else's home and I didn't know which bits I was allowed in. Never mind - it did it's purpose. I spent most of the weekend walking around in the rain. Lots and lots and lots of miles, I reckon.

Arrrrgghh! The drilling has started again! They're doing something on the roof at work. Today it appears they are drilling directly above my head. We did a little test, and I can't hear banging on the desk above the noise of the drill. It is very very loud! And I'm sure against health and safety guidelines about how much exposure to noise you are allowed. Never mind trying to answer the phone or talk to a colleague above it. GRUMP!

I think I'm going to go for lunch before I go crazy.


Anonymous said...

I win I win I win I can't say how close I was..I was spot on...cows...I knew had to be cows...

Alsion said...


Yes you win. You win the prize of the present I'd already made you!!

Anonymous said...

The present you made me while you were drunk....

Alsion said...


You know it's going to be ace.

Anonymous said...

I should probably be scared that I even think I know this but I believe current H&S legislation requires that you be provided with ear protection if you are subject to an average noise pressure above 80dB or a peak above 135dB.

Alsion said...

What's that in real money?!? How do I test?

I've only got 2 more days there. Can't be bothered fighting! It's just very hard to concentrate, so I won't be doing much.

Anonymous said...

You test with a sound pressure meter, eg

80dB is irritaiting, like an alarm clock 1' from your head

130dB is about where it becomes painful, eg a car horn 1' from your head/nearby thunder

110dB is rock concert

(Remembering dB (deci-bells) is a logrithmic scale)

Doubt very much that helps...

Simon said...

Uh-oh. The cows, the precious cows!

I know the guys who won the Cow Parade Competition last time out. I'll have to get them up to Edinburgh soon!