Double yolker

I brought 2 eggs in for my lunch today. They BOTH had 2 yolks.

I am amazed.

In other news, I've rearranged my interview, and got another! So I have one this Monday and one the Tuesday after. Hurrah! Just to find a place to live... I had great fun flirting with somone who has a spare room on the phone, which is probably not wise. Oh well. Start as you mean to go on.

This week I've been in the house a lot. Not done much packing. Oops. I'm supposed to be out tonight and tomorrow, so no packing there either! Did, however, spend last weekend at my parents and was very constructive there. Made lots of shelves empty for if I need to take things there. Have since discovered that my mum filled them up when someone came round to value the house! Pah. She's cheeky.

Went to Hardy's last night, even though I didn't go to hockey. I didn't feel the need to, as I got a REALLY big briuse at work. I think I need a Health and Safety Risk Assessment, as I am blatently a hazard.

I just made a plan. I might even paste it here, as it was in an e-mail to Liz. It's my plan for the next week and the move. It may be useful to some of you. Well, probably Linden.

Next week I'm hopefully doing this:
Monday - interview then travel then pack then dinner
Tuesday - work then might get mummy round to help pack
Wednesday - work then either pack or hockey then ceilidh
Thursday - work then pack then quiz
Friday - work then do then maybe pack
Saturday - finish packing and go. Will book a van after I have somewhere to go. If we have to pick it up in town, Fat Club then get van then pack. I'm hopefully getting my parents round to help pack the van/take everything else to their house. I suppose we might need to van via their house. Need to leave Manchester/Lostock 1 (cause then it might be 2) to get there for 5/6/7. Then quick snack, unload van, out for dinner, sleep!

I think I should go back to work now. That planning has cleared my head. Yay! Less grumpy.


Anonymous said...

I think certain hens have a propensity to lay double-yolkers. But if they were commercially produced eggs, well, what are the chances of that?!

Anonymous said...

You're obviously going to have twins!

Alsion said...

They were Tesco Free Range Organic eggs, I do believe.

I best not have twins! Not any time soon, anyway.

Anonymous said...

How will you get all your shoes up in Edinburgh??? I am going to be in Edinburgh for 3 whole weeks this summer now! Have more or less been given job from 6th-13th with theatre company...I MAY get to actually act...yay!

Glad your head is less grumpy!

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER seen an egg with two yolks. Good luck with the interview.