I've just worked out why I'm quite tipsy... I didn't have any tea! Well, I had a cereal bar and some love hearts, cause I found them when packing. But I've only had a pint, and half a can of really rubbish lager.

It'll be a whole can soon.

This week I've been mostly packing. I stayed home for ALL of Monday and Tuesday evenings. I think this is a record. My room is a mess, but I think I've done quite a lot of packing. We shall see what my dad says when he arrives....

Tomorrow is my last day at my job. I don't really know how I feel about that. I've really enjoyed working there. I think I've done far more than the job's been worth, but I'm not sure if everyone thinks that! I think I've made quite a few friends. I guess I'll find out once I've gone. I'm really going to miss glimpses of a certain colleague. And I'm going to miss chatting to a few others on the phone. I might still phone them randomly! Depends if I have a job, cause I'm too cheap to pay for calls :-)

Tomorrow night will be odd... There will be people there I'm going to miss. There will be peope there I will be glad never to see again*! There will be people that I'll stay in touch with forever. I'm having a small worry about if there will be any people there who need to avoid each other. So far, I can only think of 2, so that is ok. I might be more worried about the people that are coming that only know me... There are only so many people I can talk to at once! But it serves me right for inviting the world and his dog. But I really would not have had time to see each group seperately.

Wednesday's ceilidh was nice. I didn't feel the greatest, so didn't dance my heart out. Was grumpy about not dancing with one person. But got to dance with 2 that I really wanted to, so that is ok. I'm amused at how many men know (not) how to waltz/polka. I don't know why. Where would they have learnt?!?

Mahinda rocks.

So, no more bloggage till Edinburgh! I actually excited again now. Yay!!

*I know - I'm a bitch. But it's true. And the blog speaks the truth. And it is one reason why I'm moving.


Anonymous said...

It doesn't feel right that well..tomorrow technically because of the time...you are leaving! Man!!! you will have so much fun...one big adventure!

Anonymous said...

Well, you're in Edinburgh now and where's the bloggage?

Anonymous said...

Aaaaw, I'm touched!

Hope Friday night was good, even if odd. Was Wolf on top form?

Anonymous said...

The place was packed...like...unable to move packed...silly alison having far too many friends!!!!