Catch up!
Sorry Pete - I missed out the whole day aftter my birthday, including the presents that arrived then. That morning's post included an ace tambourine from Pete, and a swiss army credit card from Liz. Both are exceedingly pretty, and I'm sure useful in the right circumstances! I've been carrying the tool around, but not the tambourine. That's stayed in the flat.
27 Tuesday: Can't remember... Possibly did nothing except phone my parents.
28 Wednesday: Went for a drink with Adam, Housemate Kat and Alex (Housemate Kat's boyfriend Alex, not to be confused with Housemate Alex!). We played some free pool and then went to a lovely Irish (maybe) bar and talked rubbish all night. It was nice.
29 Thursday: I cleaned, like I've never cleaned before. The kitchen is still minging, but not nearly as bad. I mopped and scrubebd the walls and hoovered about a million times and moved things that have probably not been moved for years. It was a bit like a work out! I also decided to take the bottles to be recycled, and carried them in a way that probably made me look like a tit, but I decided it would be better for my arms.
30 Friday: I ached. And used the rain as an excuse not to cycle today. I planned to cycle 3 days a week, but 2 isn't that bad, as it's actually further than I thought. Takes me about 40 minutes to cycle. The bus is about 50, so not much difference... I need to cycle faster. It is £2.30 less per day if I cycle. Damn non-Oxford Road bus prices!
1 Saturday: I'd made myself look forward to me weekend of nothing, and planned shopping and walks up hills and bike rides and stuff. But then it went a little off plan! I was going to buy a swimsuit and a new rucksack for cycling, but bought lots of dvds*. And then went drinking with my housemate. We drank A LOT and I don't remember big bits of time. Oops. I do remember getting in a club for free by drawing on ourselves, and getting chucked out as Patrick wouldn't stop smoking. Got to bed about 5 Sat night/Sun morning.
2 Sunday: Got a text about 10 from a friend saying she was in town for the day, so I went shopping again, and bought books** and a crazy hat and some weird glasses and fell in love with some pirate shoes. Then went to the pub again. So much for walks and exercise and seeing the sights! But it was lovely to see Helen, and I met lots of nice people that I'm going to keep. Mainly, the Savoy opera group, which I decided not to join (it being similar to MUGSS and me needing to get out of that for a while), then decided to join and e-mailed and they said they didn't need me, so I grumped. Anyway, when I found them in the pub they seem nice.
3 Monday: Napped on and off all evening, feeling like poop.
4 Tuesday: I cycled to work and back and got freezing, then went Ceroc dancing with Adam. It was interesting! I didn't really realise what I was getting into... I thought it was going to be like a ceilidh, not jive. So was wearing jeans and trainers and a rubbish t-shirt, and lots of the ladies were in heels and dresses and stuff. Oops. I'll know for next time.
5 Wednesday: I had a cold. Grump. So suffered through work. I don't think cycling's that good for me. I get too cold. Well, I'm hot from the exercise, but my skin feels very cold, and I think that makes me get a bit ill. I shall keep an eye on it... Housemate Patrick still persuaded me to go to the pub to watch the football though. Mainly as I was allowed to take my book. It wasn't very interesting and Patrick got bored after the first half. He's off home for a few days now, so it was nice to go out with him. Housemate Kat also joined us for a couple of drinks, and that was lovely. Got up in the middle of the night to wee (too much information, I know) to discover Housemate Alex had come home with bags and bags of food that a shop was throwing out. I think it was the same shopas last time, but I didn't really ask - I just went back to bed.
6 Thursday (today): There was stuff everywhere in the kitchen! It's funny. At least it's not all fridge stuff this time - it's things off the shelves that were best before June. I'll be stearing clear of much of it, but some of it will be fine, I guess. I cycled in again and my head feels a bit sore. I think I'll go to bed when I get in, so I can go out for a pint later! Texted Kelly from Savoy, and so that will be nice.
Plans: Tomorrow I'm going to meet Mark/Ads/Dan in town, as they're in Edinburgh for an hour or so between trains. Fools! I can't believe they're going to do this stupid cycle. You should all sponsor them though (says me, who hasn't done it yet!). Del's coming up for the night on Saturday, so that will be ace. On the 17th I'm going to go with my gran on a blind trip to St. Andrews, which should be an experience! Then on the 21st I'm back in Manchester for the weekend. I'm very excited about it, but also really nervous, as nothing will be the same as it was.
Other news: My dad is now officially retired! That's strange. He didn't plan on retiring early - there's been quite an unpleasant time at home whilst he's not know what's going on and what to do about work. But I think he's ok now that a decision has been made. He's having to rethink lots of things though, which is never easy for anyone. He's been applying for jobs, and I think they're going to move house soon, which they're realising they should do anyway, not just because of this, but because they really don't *need* that big a house anymore. They've been looking at all sorts, from bungalows near their current house, to a 20 bedroom house/appartment complex thingy on the Isle of Aaron.
Anyway, I really should try to get some work to do...
*The Star Wars Trilogy box set (IX, X, XI), the Back to the Future Trilogy box set, Clerks 10th Anniversay special edition, Mallrats and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (my other one broke and I sent it back).
**2 Christopher Brookmyre, a Nick Hornby and a book on Fashion.
Weekend adventures
Friday: Went to the campsite and ate chips. Opened 25 presents from Katherine and Jennifer. It was ace! There's all sorts. I kind of want to list them, but don't want to forget one, so am not going to. Went for a sneaky pint between leaving the caravan and getting to the tent. It was about 20 yards. Got talked at by a very drunk local who tried to persuade us he worked in the zoo and had to pick up penguins as they fell over when aeroplanes went overhead. Slept in a tent.
Saturday: Went for a big walk up a big hill. Couldn't find the shortcut back to the caravan, so had to go a long way around the road. Oops. Then we went to the zoo. I think my favourite animals are still the pygmy hippos. I liked the penguins too. Koalas are boring. Fact. Then we went for dinner which was nice. Then the sisters came and slept at my flat.
Sunday: Showed off the garden and the man that has a parachute. Mummy and Daddy went to Carnoustie. Me and Katherine and Jennifer went to spot cows and put them on trains. I got home and fell asleep as I was tired. That is about all. Ooh, I got to talk to Liz whilst she was on call! It was lovely to catch up with her briefly, and then her bleep went off. I know I know she's a doctor, but that made it more real. Go Liz!
Today (Monday): Work. It was quite good! I met my other team member, who must have enjoyed the fact that everyone else was off and he didn't really know what to show me. I think he did a bit. I got lost on the way here on my bike, so will now attempt to get home in a more direct fashion. When I get home I plan to tidy and clean. It's a good plan.
What else? Me and Katherine have entered into a bet. We have to put £2 a side each week. If we manage to lose a stone in 10 weeks we keep it or spend it on each other or something. If we fail, Jennifer gets the money. I'm calling it "Jennifer's Fat Fund", as she is skinny and we are going to make her spend it on chocolate.
I'm hungry.
I am going to plan trips back to Manchester soon. These currently look like 22nd July and 9th Sept.
Ooh, plans for the next year... On my Birthday Adam made me pick something I wanted to do before my next birthday. I picked go to America and visit Melissa. I've also added on go to Ireland.
The times in bold are where the paragraph underneath was written.
21st June, 2am.
I'm failing at going to bed. I've had a great day! Far better than I expected the day to be before I moved here. So there. Me and Lolly went to town and had Pizza Hut buffet lunch and shopped a bit. I bought a nice new top. Then we made fairy cakes before Lolly went home. I then cooked curry for everyone in the flat and Adam to arrived with wine! Then we went for a quick pint and found a bakery on the way home. There seems to have been a lot of food! Adam made me pick something I had to do before my next birthday, and despite some bizzare suggestions*, I decided on visiting Melissa in America.
Am very excited that the net is back on now!! I hope it is tomorrow, so I can mail the people I want to and sort out my bank accounts before going to work on maybe Thursday. The joys and perils of the world wide web.
*Suggestions from Patrick were weirdest and included swallowing a piece of string so that it came out my bum before the other end was in my mouth, and blowing up a volcano after warning the village below to become a hero.
Tuesday 20th June (or 20/06/2006 – who else can say they will be alive the equivalent of theirs*, huh?!?). My 25th Birthday.
I’m not sure if it’s sad or not to be sat on your own on writing on your blog on your birthday! But I don’t care. It is what I’m doing. And I like it. I’m happy.
One of my big reasons for moving to Edinburgh was that I hadn’t done any of the things I thought I’d have done by the time I was 25. I cannot remember if I have said this on here before or not, but again, I don’t care. (It’s my birthday, I’ll cry if I want to.) (Not that I am crying.) (It’s my birthday, I’ll repeat myself if I want to.) (Better.) Anyway, remember being little, like 12, and thinking 25 is dead old? I always thought by then I’d be married and have kids and a house and stuff. As I got older I didn’t think this as much, but I still reckoned by 25 I’d own a car and have a career type job and a steady relationship. But not that long ago I realised I wasn’t going to have ANY of those, so what else was in my vision? I’ve always wanted to live in Scotland, particularly Edinburgh, and always said that I’d do it “one day”. But when I realised I wasn’t going to do any of the things I imagined I’d have done, I realised I should do it by now. So I did it. I’ve lived in Edinburgh before my 25th birthday. And I am very glad.
I was going to do a “normal” blog and update on the last few days (since the party), but have changed my mind now. Mostly because I have a big pile of post that I want to open! And Lolly’s coming to visit for the day, but I’d quite like to open my post on my own first.
You can have an updated burn picture though. It looks more and more like a zombie bite everyday.

*For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, take your birth date and month, and combine them to a year. Like my sisters – Katherine, 21/12/2112, Jennifer, 05/12/0512. Jennifer wasn’t born in the year 512. Katherine isn’t that likely to be alive in 2112. But she may prove us wrong yet!
Saturday 17th June between 1am and 6.13am.
We’re having a party. I thought I’d come and write, as I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone. I have been talking to people, like a good girl, am just having a few minutes out.
It’s quite nice. There are a few people I like. There are a few people I don’t, but what’s to be expected of a party? There’s very rarely a party where I actually like EVERYONE. I just keep quiet, like I am now, so they will never know that I don’t like them.
Anyway, it’s very nice. I like living here and I think I’m going to like it more and more when I get used to it. It still feels like a holiday, but as I was explaining to someone already tonight, I’m a bit bored of holiday now and am ready to be myself and talk to lots of people and go out a lot again. I’ve had enough of being in and on my own. I must have saved A LOT of money though.
I am happy.
There are still things I want, but I can want things and still be happy, right? I hope so.
Hee hee. How emo. I hate the phrase emo. Especially like this. What I really mean is how emotional. Emo is a completely different thing, in my brain. They’re like mods of mods and rockers, but a bit different. Not this “modern” use of the word. I sound so old!! But I’m meaning the way a few people say “I’m sorry for being emo on you”, where they really mean I’m sorry for showing emotions.
Flowers = hippy. FACT.
Some random (and quite cute man) is playing my cello. He’s quite good. He’s so good, in fact, that I cannot possibly snog him, as I’m inferior. The boy I like most appears to be in a dark corner with another girl, and he’s been there for a while. Pah. I’m obviously meant to sleep alone tonight! And most other nights, if I get my way. I’m determined to behave myself up here. I really want to have a proper grown up relationship. That might not end.
It’s 4.12. The sun had already come up. It’s beautifully quiet outside. There are still lots of strangers here.
Someone kicked my burn and took a chunk of skin away. Ouch. Lots of people have told me this evening (and I already knew) that chicks dig scars. But that really doesn’t help me!
It’s now 6.09. I go to sleep. Most people have left. There are a few people still in the living room. They were very, VERY amazed that I can do a Rubik’s cube. Even though I said I could before I did it. And the second time I did it they were still impressed. Odd. You’d think they’d be bored by then.
So, I shall expand on the last post.
I got a job. It's helping configure a HR system that the company have recently purchased. It actually soudns interesting. It's a 6 month post, with the possibility of staying on. I don't think I will stay longer than that, and possibly shorter, as I still only want to work for the NHS. I'm strange. But it will be experience, and it's in nice offices, and there's a gym and it's near a shopping centre. Should be fine for a bit!
I burnt my leg. I was watching a film cause I couldn't sleep, so rearranged a bit and put my lamp (which has no shade as the shade is HUGE and keeps getting in my way) on the floor, so that it wasn't in my view. Then when sleepy I went to turn the computer off, swung my legs out of bed, and Owie! It was weird because it didn't hurt. I don't think I have much feeling in my legs. Here's a picture of it:
So there you go!
Since that post, I went to see Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. It was fun!! Any musical with songs about a girl's bottom and how to get yourself a lady has to be good.
Jobs update
anyway, that's one interview. I have another on Thursday and another on Friday, both of which I am hopeful about also. Ideally, I would have today's job. As it's in the NHS and probably a good career job. And I want to be a grown up. Secondly, I probably vote for Friday's. It's box office cashier/supervisor (I don't know which!) throughout the festival. Sounds hectic and long hours (48 hour week), but sounds fun. Would finish at the end of August, which would mean doing more job hunting again... But Thursday's job is in HR, which interests me, but for an insurance company through a temp agency, which doesn't. Would be ongoing temping, for 6 months ish. Which would mean I could do more relaxed "career" job hunting... We shall see once all the offers are in!!
What else have I been doing? Yesterday me and Liz did lots of shopping. We were good at shopping. I picked things for Liz to try, and she tried everything she was told! And I was complimented for picking things that looked really good that Liz wouldn't have tried herself. We got Liz a ball outfit, which was the main goal. I was fairly good and didn't buy much, except in Lush, where I spent TOO MUCH. Oh well. I bought lots of moisturising bath things, as I have sore ow sunburn. Then we made cheesecakes (yes, 2!) which are ace. And we met Adam and went on a mission to find housemate Kat for a drink on her 21st, which was nice. Yay!
Not sure what to do tonight... I think I might tidy and feel better for it!
Sea and sand and summer
Liz is now napping in my bed.
Yesterday me and Adam went to see Buddy. I decided to use some of the money from my leaving work collection. It was cool! I like 50s music and clothes. Anyone know of a good 50s theme bar?!? I wanna go. Maybe I'll just have a themed party one day. Seeing that show many years ago is why I wanted to learn double bass. Maybe I shall get some Buddy music and learn to play my bass! The show was a little spoiled by the scally grannies who wanted to boogie in the aisles, so were shouting when the music stopped, but it stopped cause he died. And they're going "Play more music" and I'm sat thinking "Shut up, he's just died in a plane crash". Pah. But it was still ace.
Then we walked up to Calton Hill and looked over Edinburgh, then wandered over to a Tree Festival. It appears to be like Garden of Delights, but maybe not as good. It was shut though by the time we got there! Oh well. Then we walked home. I reckon it was about 5 miles. It was nice. Then, about 9.30, Liz arrived!! It's only been 2 weeks, but she is taking the advantage of time off and coming to visit. She is here till Tuesday. So we had adventures earlier, and shortly will be beautifying ourselves and going out for dinner. Then tomorrow we shop.
Bin raiding was Tuesday, and those paragraphs were Saturday and today is Sunday, so what did I do in between? Mostly sod all. I was tired and ill. So stayed in pyjamas all day Friday. but that was probably good, because out the window didn't look good. Well, maybe it looked fun actually - it was still hot, but there was mist and you couldn't see far. A bit like Harry Potter land or something. Thursday I didn't do much all day, then was persuaded out for a drink to a party where I didn't know many people. But it was nice to go. I can't remember what Wednesday was. I think it was job things followed by watching a film.
So there you go, update. I now go nap or shower. I can't decide...
Pretty surreal!
That failed through locking devices, so we went and looked in some skips for metal. Jess is doing a big sculpture thing for a performance. Something about hot air balloons. Anyway, she needs lots of metal to weld and make sparks off through the show.
We found some, then went to Scotmid (Co-op) to get some milk for the morning. It turns out that a fridge had broken, and they were throwing out LOTS of food. It was in bin bags outside. So we took it. Lots of it. About 3 bin bags of cheese, two of meat, pizzas, yogurt, butter, quorn, salmon; all sorts! There's so much food in our fridges and freezer now. It's crazy.
I'm stuffed. It's 3.30am. I need sleep.
- Cider IS Loopy Juice.
- Going up the wrong side of the cliff results in owie owies
- Apples are drugs.
- Poo is squishy.
- Linden is God of creation, destruction and knee pads.
- Bagels are not the same as elephants.
So, as I've not posted in a week you'd think I'd been busy having fun. You'd be wrong. I've mostly been:
- Applying for jobs.
- Thinking I should be applying for jobs and therefore not enjoying what I am doing.
I have also been doing:
- Reading outside, as it is the most sunny and glorious ever.
- Watching people play with fire.
- Listening to drums.
- Having house guests disrupt my unpacking/applying for jobs goals.
- Generally being the least smelly person in the group.
- Believing/not believing Housemate Patrick's lies.
- Walking a lot.
I think that might be it.
I never thought I'd say this, but I need a routine. I need a job so that I know when's my time to enjoy myself. I need a job so that I know when I need to go to bed. I need a job so that I know when not to drink.