Jobs update

Liz left today. I had an interview, which she kindly drove me to. With hindsight (A wonderfully dangerous thing) I should have got the bus, as those lanes went far faster. As it was, I was late. And in a FOUL mood. I don't know why I woke up so grumpy. But I was. Hadn't slept much. Hadn't realised I was so worried about the interview. Oh well. Anyway, I was 20 minutes late. Not sure if that will make a difference. I wouldn't give an interview to someone who was late. Maybe. But hospitals are well known for getting lost around, so maybe I would.

anyway, that's one interview. I have another on Thursday and another on Friday, both of which I am hopeful about also. Ideally, I would have today's job. As it's in the NHS and probably a good career job. And I want to be a grown up. Secondly, I probably vote for Friday's. It's box office cashier/supervisor (I don't know which!) throughout the festival. Sounds hectic and long hours (48 hour week), but sounds fun. Would finish at the end of August, which would mean doing more job hunting again... But Thursday's job is in HR, which interests me, but for an insurance company through a temp agency, which doesn't. Would be ongoing temping, for 6 months ish. Which would mean I could do more relaxed "career" job hunting... We shall see once all the offers are in!!

What else have I been doing? Yesterday me and Liz did lots of shopping. We were good at shopping. I picked things for Liz to try, and she tried everything she was told! And I was complimented for picking things that looked really good that Liz wouldn't have tried herself. We got Liz a ball outfit, which was the main goal. I was fairly good and didn't buy much, except in Lush, where I spent TOO MUCH. Oh well. I bought lots of moisturising bath things, as I have sore ow sunburn. Then we made cheesecakes (yes, 2!) which are ace. And we met Adam and went on a mission to find housemate Kat for a drink on her 21st, which was nice. Yay!

Not sure what to do tonight... I think I might tidy and feel better for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grrr. I wasn't hungry until you mentioned Cheesecake.

Now I want it! The ginger and lime one. mmmmmm.