More humourous version of last post:
  • Cider IS Loopy Juice.
  • Going up the wrong side of the cliff results in owie owies
  • Apples are drugs.
  • Poo is squishy.
  • Linden is God of creation, destruction and knee pads.
  • Bagels are not the same as elephants.

So, as I've not posted in a week you'd think I'd been busy having fun. You'd be wrong. I've mostly been:

  • Applying for jobs.
  • Thinking I should be applying for jobs and therefore not enjoying what I am doing.

I have also been doing:

  • Reading outside, as it is the most sunny and glorious ever.
  • Watching people play with fire.
  • Listening to drums.
  • Having house guests disrupt my unpacking/applying for jobs goals.
  • Generally being the least smelly person in the group.
  • Believing/not believing Housemate Patrick's lies.
  • Walking a lot.

I think that might be it.

I never thought I'd say this, but I need a routine. I need a job so that I know when's my time to enjoy myself. I need a job so that I know when I need to go to bed. I need a job so that I know when not to drink.


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