Monday morning

It's Monday morning. 11.40, to quote the time on my computer clock. I am sitting in nothing but my dressing gown eating fried egg and tomato pesto baps*.

I love flexitime.

That said, I do have to go to work soon. Grump.

Thanks for everybody's ace comments to cheer me up. I had an excellent weekend as it turns out, so not needed! But lovely.

Went to the Rocky Horror Show, as would have to pay for the ticket either way. Planned to go to the work thing afterwards, but this plan was a bad idea for 2 reasons: (1) I had cleavage, and (2) the show started at 8.30, so finished around 11 and I didn't know how late the other pub stayed open for. But this was ok, as the company at Rocky was great. I'd not seen some of them for ages, and it was nice. Crashed at Simon's flat.

Went home about 4, showered, dressed, went to Tesco to buy crisps and chocolate and alcohol, then headed to Chris' flat for an evening of films. Was a lovely evening of lovely company. And got a lift home into the bargain.

Sewed green things for the show, in the company of 2 of Housemate Alex's friends who are staying for a while. Then headed to the Savoy rehearsal where I met everyone and generally interrupted the rehearsal. Felt a bit bad that I'd made such a disruption, but then I realised that it's not my fault that everyone was too excited about green shiny things, as I didn't really talk. The cast are interesting and I'm quite sure I'm going to hate some of them. Hurrah! But there are plenty that I like and get on with, so that's good. Went to Doctors afterwards, where I suddenly felt knackered so didn't stay long. Dave was there, and boasting that he hadn't been very far away from Bedlam in 29 hours. I told him to go home. Maybe not in the politest way ever. Oops. He hadn't slept and looked very out of it. Hope he's ok.

Now, I really should go to work. But I really don't want to. That's the problem with lazy mornings.

I've got an interview next Monday, and I can't yet decide if I want to go to it. I'd have to do a report for it, and I've not got any time to do it, and I don't know how to... But will think about it today and see... I've got another application in, and I'm sure there'll be more soon. I just want to think carefully about what I want to do, before ending up in another non-perfect job.

*It still amuses me that they call them baps. I'm such a child.


Mahinda said...

Are you amused about the bread rolls being called "baps", or the other things being called "baps"?

Either way, nice baps! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hurrah for baps! That's what I say! Anyway..

I've got a non-perfect job. Not sure if I know anyone with a perfect job. Good luck with your quest to find one though!

Unknown said...

"It still amuses me that they call them baps"

who's they?

that's also how I refer to them.

Alsion said...

Mahinda - STOP LOOKING!! ;-)

Liz - Thanks! I think it's going to be an eternal quest, but that's life...

Pete - Tesco. I don't mind it in conversation, I just can't help chuckle when it's printed.

Unknown said...

dave spends too much time in fecking bedlam. (or the pleasance if it happens to be fringe time)
say hi to him though.
yep i'm fairly certain that i'd hate fair few characters in that cast.