
I'm not going to do any updates on my whereabouts today, as the last one covers everything so far. It shall be un-time related thoughts. Ooh, un-time. That's probably not a real word, but I now quite like it. It's a whole concept in itself.

The other day I looked at myself in the mirror and though "you look old". I saw wrinkles under my eyes. I never thought I'd notice or be bothered by this! So I ran out and bought anti-wrinkle cream*. It was a very strange experience. I hope I don't notice them again. Not hoping because they're not there, just because I don't want to care about them.

Another thing I've been wondering, is what does having pink hair say about me? I never thought about that before, just did it because I liked it. But now I think people judge me on it, and I'm not sure in what way.

There was another, but I can't remember now and I have to go out. I think it may have been about a job/career plan.

Anyway, going to see Cassie!! Very excited.


*I didn't actually run. I looked in Boots and got confused by the choice, but then saw some in Lidl a few days later.

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