I hate the M8 in rush hour!

Who built a motorway THROUGH the middle of Glasgow?!? But I did see a great rainbow, and am quite convinced that for a while I was actually in the bottom of it.

I currently have a rifle in my living room. And some humongous fairy wings. It's fun.

This is my early night. It is after midnight and I *should* get up at 6. I think I will not. I need sleep. As most of you know, I'm not a nice person when I don't sleep. Or eat. I ate tea today. It had spinach in, cause I thought that was a good idea. Yesterday my tea was Guinness. No wonder I was rude to people. Well, not actually rude, just pathetic and usless.

I am very much looking forward to my bed.

Coffee! On cereal!

So, I've written some of this. I'm just going to organise it...

Work. Ran around a little. Flopped.

Work. Fixed the internet. Sewed.

Work. Drink with Dave. Production meeting.

Work. Seaside. Work. Glasgow rush hour traffic. Rehearsal. Rehearsal. Pub. Melissa, Gwen, Dan & John Boy. Home. Wine. Spaced. Bed.

Work. 104 pairs of shoes*. Bongo club. Home. Sew. Melissa & Gwen. The High Life. Bed.

Melissa & Gwen left. Tesco. Sew. Sew. Sew. Liz, Cass, Andy & Andrew. Sew. Met new housemate. Adam's 30th birthday. Sofa**.

Sew. Others got up. Sew. Toast. Sew. Others go out. Sew. Pizza. Sew. Others came home. They helped me sew. Hurrah! I love my friends.

Now. I put my coffee on my breakfast. It was ace.

So, tonight is the costume call. I'm not ready. I'm very cross at myself for not being ready. But I'm a lot nearer than I thought I might be yesterday, due to the amazing help of Liz, Andrew, Cass and Andy. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

When I said I'd do these costumes, I didn't realise they'd want them for today. I've been busy up until today. So I thought I had a week to do everything. But they want it for tonight, so therefore it's not ready and I'm so cross with myself. It's ruined this weekend with some of my favourite friends, and I've made myself ill through not having enough time to look after myself. But it's my own fault! Everyone will have some sort of costume tonight though, and my list of things to do is going to be pretty short, I think. So it should be amazing by the dress rehearsal next Monday...

*The 104 pairs of shoes were not mine. Nor did I really want any of them. It was an exhibition about domestic violence, represented by shoes. 104 women are killed each year by a significant other or ex, so famous (actual famous, and important in women charity stuff famous) women gave shoes and said why. It was fairly interesting, although a lot of them weren't very original, so when 100 people say "here are some shoes..." it could get a little dull. And it was a little upsetting. But I'm glad I went.

**I gave up my bed and slept on the sofa, so that I could get up before the others and do stuff. This meant sleeping pretty much in the costumes. There's dedication for you!!


I got lots of bruises yesterday, in such random fashions. I have a bruised hand because I accidentally hit my cello case in a rush to pack up and get to Melissa. I have a bruised thigh due to Gwen's suitcase. And I have bruises on my calf from Dan Paterson hitting me with wings.

Who'd have my house guests?!?


I just ate pineapple and melon that I won at work.

I win such random things at work. A mountain bike and a platter of fruit. Whatever next?!?


I'm going to the seaside today!! I'm going with work, but still. I'm going to go early and have lunch by the sea. It might be lunch in the car, as I've got Rodney and I might not want to leave him anywhere. And it's raining here. But I am going to the other side of the country, so it might not be raining there.

After work I'm going to Savoy rehearsal to (hopefully*) find my material and see some people about some things, then to orchestra rehearsal, and the I am going to find MELISSA! And Gwen and JohnBoy and Dan Paterson and who knows what other randoms they have picked up along the way...

So I am rather happy today. I've been grumpy and stressed for a few days, but I'm getting over it now. So there.

*Does it count as a split infinitive if it's in brackets? I hope not. If it does, I'm sorry.



I can't believe I wrote that last post though. Oops. Hope I didn't scare someone. He knows who, if in fact he reads these things. I have a habit of saying things I shouldn't (as you all probably know!), but then trying to fix them by talking more (again, as you all know), which is quite tricky over e-mail. I don't know if I'm looking like a freaky stalker lunatic, or other type of crazy, or actually coming across how I meant it. Oh well.

No-one came to help me with costumes tonight. PAH! So now I'm going to go to bed. My back hurts lots. I think I'm going to be a rebel and set my alarm for 7 not 6. Wow.


There is a baby at work. I want one.

I hate hormones*. I wish that wasn't what I wanted out of life, because it's not something that I can work towards/plan for by myself. So for me to be truly** happy with life is completely out of my control. And I hate that! I've tried and tried and tried to want something else, or even just not want babies. But I can't.

I will be happy whatever - I've decided that now, and I can achieve that myself. But yeah. Pah.

I should stop writing exactly what I think. Soon it will scare people.


*No, this is not a time of the month post!
**I've now got "Truly Scruptious, you're truly truly scrumptious!" stuck in my head...


So, today at work lots of us are being assimilated. This sounds like it should hurt. It didn't, but mainly because I am now worth £3000 a year more.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Of course, I'm quite glad I get more money. Who wouldn't be?!? It means that I might get out of my overdraft one day. Ooh, but it also means I have to start paying student loan, I think. And it means I might be able to buy a house soon. But on the other hand, do I like earning this much and doing this little work?!? To be fair, an unlikley number of my visits have been cancelled, which has resulted in me doing nothing.

I think the decision has to be stick it out a while and see if I get more excited about it. I think I might. We're on a sort of side project at the moment, so when this has finished it might be different. But after this morning, I shall stay a while and see. I know that seems like I'm being bought, but I hope I'm not. I just think that if the job is worth that much then it must get more interesting. At least more tricky, anyway. I WANT TO USE MY BRAIN!!!

Well, get these costumes out of the way, buy a house, then think about a different job. I imagine that will be quite a few months, so then I will be able to make a decision (yeah, right) and I will have another chunk of experience.

Who knows, maybe one day I'll find a job and stick to it for more than 6 months?!?

At last!

So this might be a long one... And I'm having difficulty remembering what I've done. Which is annoying. That's why I don't like to leave it this long. I don't like having gaps in my life!

Friday 2nd Feb - Savoy fundraiser concert
Concert was quite good actually - I've not heard most of them perform before. It was a very poor audience though... Afterwards I accidentally got drunk and stayed up late.

[Get outta my dreams, Billy Ocean, just came onto my iPod. You all need to know that I used to think this was Get outta my fridge.]

Saturday 3rd Feb
Met up with ex-Housemate Kat for a curry, combined with a trip to Leith to find a material shop and some other various costume/shopping stuff. Went home about 5 and went to bed. Was tired and felt awful.

Sunday 4th Feb
Nowt, maybe.

Monday 5th Feb - Notes on a Scandal
Went to the cinema with Caroline and a friend. Very much enjoyed the film.

Tuesday 6th Feb

Wednesday 7th Feb
Went to Glasgow with work. Pass.

Thursday 8th Feb
Adam came to the pub after orchestra!

Friday 9th Feb

Saturday 10th Feb - The Ball
I went to Savoy's 45th Anniversary Ball and had an excellent time. I did my usual trick though - had a lovely and sensible evening until getting exceedingly drunk and forgetting. Oops.

Sunday 11th Feb
Gondoliers sing through followed by watching Dave get his hair cut off. That was weird.

Monday 12th Feb
James tried to make my internet work, but the router is broken. Pah. Kelly came and helped me do some cutting out of material for costumes.

Tuesday 13th Feb
Went to Irvine with work. It's far away. Well, ish. I didn't finish there until 5.30, which meant I didn't get back to Edinburgh until 8, so I missed my production meeting at 6. Oops. Went to bed.

Wednesday 14th Feb - Valentine's Day
Spent the day in bed, alternatively sweating and shivering. It was ace. But I suppose better than realising the rest of the world is being romantic!

Thursday 15th Feb
Spent in bed again, followed by a short trip to the pub to see Caroline for her birthday, and Shaun and Nat who were visiting. I was pretty lame and not out long.

Friday 16th Feb - home
Still wasn't feeling great, so didn't go to work. Which meant I could get a lift from James (THANK YOU!) earlier in the day and got to my parents' house for about 5. Saw my parents pictures and mum's bruises (she fell off a horse whilst they were in Cuba). Then had dinner and showed them my photos from America. My dad said there are some very good photos, but he doesn't know how as they are all random. They saw my glasses for the first time, and the general consensus is that they are ridiculous, just like me. Everyone was a little giddy, but maybe I just noticed cause I didn't drink.

Saturday 17th Feb - MUGSS Show
Up early and to Bolton to swap my router. Then into Manchester to Abakhan/The Attic/Primark to do costume stuff. I miss those shops. Then met Dean for lunch before dropping Carl's car and stuff at Liz's and joining the soaks at the Mark Addy - traditional show week ritual. Had a great day catching up with people. Then The Show. I've realised over the years that I don't often enjoy watching shows. Oops. That's probably why I get involved - so I don't have to watch. But as shows go it was good! I enjoyed seeing all the effort of the set and costumes, and how co-ordinated the cast were. And Rosy! Rosy was blue!!! The aftershow party was fun too. Me and Carl left about 6. Oops.

Sunday 18th Feb
Up at 10 to get into town to meet Charlotte, etc. It was lovely to see everyone! It made me want to move back. Now I am all muddled again.

Monday 19th Feb
Now. I'm at work. I have a headache. Owie. I think caffeine is just about helping.

So there you go! Not as bad as I feared. Just a few days gap in the memory. And gmail wasn't working at the time, so I can't even check there. Grrr...

I've got 35 costumes to make in 1 week. Panic! Ish. It'll all be fine. I just might not be able to enjoy Melissa and Gwen and Liz and Andrew and Cass and Andy as much as I would like to when they visit.

I want to waffle about lots of other stuff in my head, but first I need to let it swim around a little longer, until it is coherent. So for now, I shall go to the bank and material shops and rehearsal and home. I look forward to home.
As Mahinda says, I lie like a mushroom.



I should have the net at home tonight! Won't that be fun, kids?!

So I'm going to blog this evening. Maybe...

A week of "normality"

This post I wrote on Friday, but my internet would not let it be posted…

So, I've had a working week back at home, so I felt the urge to blog. I am putting off blogging about the holiday for a while, and may never do so! It's my choice. You can't make me.

Up at 6. Unpacked. Almost got run over on the way to the bus stop, as I looked the wrong way. Oops. Work. Went straight to the cinema on the way home. Couldn't really face going home, and so when Caroline texted to say she'd missed me and did I want to go to the cinema I was very excited! Watched Venus, which was interesting... I think I liked it, but keep changing my mind about how much, if at all. I think it didn't help that I almost fell asleep... So I went straight home, like a good girl. This would have been great, if I hadn't emptied my suitcase across my bed before going to work... So it took me about an hour to find my bed, by which time I wasn't tired anymore! It was 11, but my body thought it was 6, so I read and must have fallen asleep eventually.

Up at 6. Work. Went to Glasgow with my boss, where I did an interview and she watched. I'm now deemed competent enough to go out on my own (she just needed to check, as she'd never been out with me before, and I've just been on holiday). I didn't get lost, and managed to drive on the right (left) side of the road. After work I watched Mirrormask and it was excellent!

Up at 6. Work. Went out on a visit all by myself. Didn't get lost or anything. And all went smoothly. Did manage to leave my phone at work, which wouldn't usually be a problem, but Alex had borrowed my keys (because a French girl broke his in the lock) and I needed to get him to let me in, and I needed to arrange getting to a production meeting in the evening. Saw Katharine on the bus, and got confused of how to remove my headphones, so ended up taking off my glasses. Oops. All worked out OK in the end. Phew! Production meeting was good - I like knowing what else is going on, and how much enthusiasm there is/isn't. The show will be great!

Up at 6. Work. Didn't go on any visits. Did accidentally get weighed though... Spent the day looking forward to leaving! Pub before orchestra was good - me and Caroline met earlier, which was nice. She's very busy at the moment, so any chance to drag her away from work is good! The rehearsal itself was fine - our conductor was away, so we had different members conducting. I was exceedingly tired, and almost fell asleep. Oops. We have a new cellist who is good, so I shall try to persuade him that he wants to lead the section next week. I also got all the trearsurer stuff, so I shall sort it all out this weekend, hopefully. Had a pint after rehearsal, and was considerably more drunk than I should be from a pint. Strange. So I went to Doctor's to see the people after the Savoy rehearsal, then went home. Sleep!

Alarm at 6. Changed it to 8. :-) I'm at work now, and not doing much. Shhh... Tonight I am going to a fundraiser concert for Savoy, then spending the rest of the weekend doing costumes and treasuring and maybe washing. Fun. So busy! Just want to sleep!

So, that's the activities. Anything else? Hmmm...

I feel odd being back. I know I've lived here for qutie a while now, but it still doesn't feel like home. On the way back from America, all I wanted to do was go to my parents! But would have been pointless as they are in Cuba anyway. I do have "issues" about friends though - I have very few people I would class as "a friend". But I know lots of people. It'll all work eventually, I'm sure. It'll be better when I'm not cross at my flat*. And when I've seen Adam**. And after I go to Manchester for the weekend.

*Bills unpaid, even though I left money and specific instructions. People going in my room and leaving mess. Shower being rubbish. No-one else seems capable of buying/changing a light bulb. My bike got stolen (this wasn't from the flat - this was when Housemate Alex borrowed it). I'm fed up of having to keep every single item of mine in my room, in order that it doesn't get ruined. Grrr!!!

**Just discovered Adam is going away for the weekend! Grrr!!!!!