A week of "normality"

This post I wrote on Friday, but my internet would not let it be posted…

So, I've had a working week back at home, so I felt the urge to blog. I am putting off blogging about the holiday for a while, and may never do so! It's my choice. You can't make me.

Up at 6. Unpacked. Almost got run over on the way to the bus stop, as I looked the wrong way. Oops. Work. Went straight to the cinema on the way home. Couldn't really face going home, and so when Caroline texted to say she'd missed me and did I want to go to the cinema I was very excited! Watched Venus, which was interesting... I think I liked it, but keep changing my mind about how much, if at all. I think it didn't help that I almost fell asleep... So I went straight home, like a good girl. This would have been great, if I hadn't emptied my suitcase across my bed before going to work... So it took me about an hour to find my bed, by which time I wasn't tired anymore! It was 11, but my body thought it was 6, so I read and must have fallen asleep eventually.

Up at 6. Work. Went to Glasgow with my boss, where I did an interview and she watched. I'm now deemed competent enough to go out on my own (she just needed to check, as she'd never been out with me before, and I've just been on holiday). I didn't get lost, and managed to drive on the right (left) side of the road. After work I watched Mirrormask and it was excellent!

Up at 6. Work. Went out on a visit all by myself. Didn't get lost or anything. And all went smoothly. Did manage to leave my phone at work, which wouldn't usually be a problem, but Alex had borrowed my keys (because a French girl broke his in the lock) and I needed to get him to let me in, and I needed to arrange getting to a production meeting in the evening. Saw Katharine on the bus, and got confused of how to remove my headphones, so ended up taking off my glasses. Oops. All worked out OK in the end. Phew! Production meeting was good - I like knowing what else is going on, and how much enthusiasm there is/isn't. The show will be great!

Up at 6. Work. Didn't go on any visits. Did accidentally get weighed though... Spent the day looking forward to leaving! Pub before orchestra was good - me and Caroline met earlier, which was nice. She's very busy at the moment, so any chance to drag her away from work is good! The rehearsal itself was fine - our conductor was away, so we had different members conducting. I was exceedingly tired, and almost fell asleep. Oops. We have a new cellist who is good, so I shall try to persuade him that he wants to lead the section next week. I also got all the trearsurer stuff, so I shall sort it all out this weekend, hopefully. Had a pint after rehearsal, and was considerably more drunk than I should be from a pint. Strange. So I went to Doctor's to see the people after the Savoy rehearsal, then went home. Sleep!

Alarm at 6. Changed it to 8. :-) I'm at work now, and not doing much. Shhh... Tonight I am going to a fundraiser concert for Savoy, then spending the rest of the weekend doing costumes and treasuring and maybe washing. Fun. So busy! Just want to sleep!

So, that's the activities. Anything else? Hmmm...

I feel odd being back. I know I've lived here for qutie a while now, but it still doesn't feel like home. On the way back from America, all I wanted to do was go to my parents! But would have been pointless as they are in Cuba anyway. I do have "issues" about friends though - I have very few people I would class as "a friend". But I know lots of people. It'll all work eventually, I'm sure. It'll be better when I'm not cross at my flat*. And when I've seen Adam**. And after I go to Manchester for the weekend.

*Bills unpaid, even though I left money and specific instructions. People going in my room and leaving mess. Shower being rubbish. No-one else seems capable of buying/changing a light bulb. My bike got stolen (this wasn't from the flat - this was when Housemate Alex borrowed it). I'm fed up of having to keep every single item of mine in my room, in order that it doesn't get ruined. Grrr!!!

**Just discovered Adam is going away for the weekend! Grrr!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Oi let me know how many tickets you need for Sat night!! Show is looking/sounding superb :-)

Anonymous said...

Damn Frenchies!

A housemate borrowed your bike and it got stolen? That's awful!

Bills and lightbulbs. I know the feeling. In three years since moving into Tenby Towers II, I'm still the only person who's ever changed a lightbulb in the kitchen, living room, or hallways. How rubbish is that?!