I know this world is killing you...

I've got bored of blogging.

Had the debrief meeting for the Savoy show. I've never had a debrief before. It was... interesting. I found out a lot (mostly in the street/pub afterwards, in true gossip style) that I didn't know about the show & Savoy. Then went for some drinks and it was fun. I didn't get as drunk as intended, as was tired, so went home fairly early.

Was spent mostly in bed. And then the quiz on Sunday evening. I think that was all.

Mainly nothing. Work (in office, no trips). The evenings were filled with tidying/sorting. I needed it. Although I didn't actually get much done, as I didn't get home till late mostly, and then didn't do much.

Work. Not orchestra! Turned up to the church to discover that there was a concert on instead. So we visited the pub early. Wasn't feeling on top form, so didn't stay very long.

Work. Work leaving do (Gillian's, not mine). I didn't really know anyone, but was good to go and be more social. I'll get there. I then meandered accross town to deliver some robes* to a wedding and then to the coach station.

Arrived in London at 7am, having managed about an hour of sleep. Linden was possibly regretting not thinking through what time I'd arrive! I went for the longest shower I could manage, to let her nap. Then we went on adventures which included Primrose Hill, Camden (where we picked up Archie), postcards & very heavy salad. Linden had to go off for wedding adventures, so me and Archie went for more cider adventures. We had a good girly gossip & then I had to go to Epsom to see Del. Archie didn't want to stop playing out, so we talked to strangers and I left Archie with them, after I'd decided that they were okay.

Got a train to Epsom where I found Del with Rodney & Tash and we went to a pub. Gareth & Amily arrived later. Much cider was consumed. Too much. I didn't intend to, and I know that if asked I would have refused another drink. I made the mistake of buying a round fairly early on, and then got drinks put in front of me all night... I do remember everything, including making pasta and cheese when we got in. But I don't remember falling asleep on the sofa, so when I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, I didn't know if there was anywhere comfier I could sleep. So not much was had.

Ouch. Ouch, ouch, ouch. Ouch. Getting up was tricky, so happened very slowly over Hollyoaks. Eventually me and Del went for a walk and found a pub for lunch and fed some ducks. I explained my evil duck theory and how it was bad to feed the ducks. But it turns out he wasn't really trying to feed them, he was trying to lure them from the pond back to his garden, so that's ok. I then went to London to find the Josie, Adam, Tim & The Penny Dreadfuls. I got distracted and decided to walk instead of getting the tube, so got lost. I didn't have a map. I just decided which way was north, and I think I was wrong. but I got a bus and still got there well before the others, who were in a car, also with no map. The show was fun. If you ever get the chance, see them. I then (rather sucessfully) got back to the coach station . I managed a little more sleep on the way home, probably due to lack of sleep the other times. But not enough.

Work. I was almost asleep. Left at 4 to go to bed. Got up for a couple of hours in the evening, but mostly slept. :-)

Is now. I got up fairly early & was in work early. Hurrah! Going to a friend's gig tonight. Ace.

*Costumes from the show. The wedding was a G&S themed wedding. I think they met through Savoy. I may have made that up...

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