
How big are your dads feet?
Don't know... 9?

Have you ever ridden a box down a staircase?

Do you wave when you see people you know?
Depends who and how far away they are. Sometimes I salute.

Can you braid hair?
I can plait. Is that the same?

Are you good with painting nails with your left hand?
I'm ok.

Do you own plaid pants/skirt?
What's plaid?

Do you keep your relationship status to your self?
There is no status.

How long has it been since you last ate a popsicle?
An ice lolly? Years!

Whats worse: ice cream on a hot day that drips on your hand or ice cream on a cold day with no drips?
I have no opinion on either.

Is your best friend black?

Are you in someones will?

Do you read gossip magazines?
Not really. Chat sometimes.

If all your hair fell out tomorrow, would you cry?
Depends how it fell out and if it hurt.

Did you ever dress your animals in doll clothes?
We used to put ties on the dog and her ears in bunches.

Do you frequently use the term ‘whoa nelly!?
Not frequently, no.

Is kissing people with braces better than people without?
I have no idea.

Have your parents ever busted on your clothes?

Do you put extra salt on things?
Yes. I try not to, but it's just so tasty!

Is yellow a color that you look good in?
Nae, nae and thrice, nae

Is your best friend drop dead sexy?
I don't know anyone "drop dead" sexy. It's a weird concept to me. Hot, for sure.

What do you call music?
Things that have tunes.

Do you give your lovers pet names?
Not so far.

Gold or silver?

How clean is your room?
Not very.

Have you ever gone a whole day without eating?
I doubt it. I'm fat.

Do you know someone that keeps money in weird places?
I don't know where other people keep their money.

Is there someone that is just like you?
Not that I've met so far.

Do you love the last person you kissed?
Almost certainly not.

Are you good with talking to people you dont know?
Sometimes. It used to be most of the time, but I'm getting old.

How old were you when you found out that movies and tv shows were scripted?
I have no idea.

Are you a good singer?
Some days! Just depends.

Are you a pet person?
I would love pets, but not possible at the moment.

Christmas list?
I don't generally do lists of things for me. Have a festival ticket wish list.

Are all redhead fire croches?
I have no idea what that means.

How do you feel about the person that you’ve become?
I've not got to them yet.

Disney Channel just called, you can be on a disney channel show of your choice, which do you choose?
The one with all the brothers and the mechanics place! Brotherly Love?

Do you write your name on your clothes?
Not very often.

Are you about following the rules?

Do you own a swimsuit?
Yes, as of last week. A Bravissimo just opened up here.


My brain is a little broken today. Last night was madness in many forms all in the same evening. It was fantastic, just a bit mind boggling. I'm not going to go into too many details (some of you can read between the lines for some bits) but here's a vague summary. Remember, this is one evening:

Left work to go to flat viewing.
Had conversation with Jackie from orchestra.
Cute guy arrived to view flat, we thought each other were the letting agent, hilarious.
Saw (rubbish) flat.
Went swimming.
Bought pasta & pear cider.
Went to old flat.
Alex wasn't in.
Talked to new flatmate.
Alex came back.
Had a catch up, which was lovely.
Alex has been through some shocking stuff.
Think he's going to be ok.
In fact, he's going to be ace.
He doesn't smoke or drink anymore.
Was late to meet Adam, but rang Caroline and little sister on way.
Erica didn't come to the pub in the end, but had a nice catch up with Adam.
Have informed him that Erica does not have approval still!
Check in with Eoin (haven't really seen each other for days).
Phoned sister to plan August.
Chatted to a few people online.
Phoned Erin.
Left hilarious voicemail.

I'm now exhausted from one evening. All brain hurty. But happy. Checked in with lots of people I love, and that's always nice. Still more people on the list though - don't think you've been forgotten.

What else to note? Urm... This weekend was nice! I met up with Simon and we had a wander and chat. Found a small beer festival. And half an upside down purple cow. As you do.

I've also discovered swimming. Bought a swimsuit on Sunday, and have swum every day since. On my first visit, I rescued a girl from drowning. The lifeguards asked me to see if she was ok (head out of water, breathing, so not in immediate danger) and then asked me to bring her to the edge! A bit cheeky really. But one of them was hot, so that's ok. It was a weird experience. She was ok, just so you know.

So, it appears I didn't publish this yesterday. Now I have another evening of adventures to report...

I'm playing a festival! It's next weekend (2nd August) in a field somewhere. We had a rehearsal last night. The folk stuff sounded great. The Bach didn't... Oh well! I looked at the music on the bus, so I might be better tonight. But I'm pretty excited about the festival. We're on about 5ish, then have the whole evening to drink and party! Then sleep in tents. I love my tent. Did I mention that?!

We just had a coffee morning at work. It was nice - I talked to 3 people I wouldn't normally have.

I went to Caroline's gig yesterday. It was mini-Starlets, because 'the boys' couldn't come. So just Caroline, Biff and Mikey Horn. They are good. I'm not so keen when they are acoustic though, because it has to be all the ballads. Still lovely. And I saw Dave's band for the first time. And there was performance poetry. Interesting!

We've just tidied the cupboard at work. I feel organised.

Pirates and ...?

What's the pair of pirates? Cowboys & Indians, cops & robbers, snakes & ladders, jam & bread. It might be smugglers...

This weekend I was at a loss for things to do. I left the weekend free as A Boy was supposed to be coming to visit. He didn't, and has therefore gained Wanker Status. I'd had a back up plan of visiting some galleries and there were some parties that I would actually quite liked to have gone too, but all would have had undercurrent of being stood up. So, CassMan to the rescue! We were chatting on the internet, as you do on a slow work Friday afternoon, and realised we both wanted to go camping. Steve and Miranda were already in the Lakes and had invited others, so a plan was born. We've discovered it takes me about the same time to get to Oxenholme as it does for them. Genius. So a weekend of camping ensued. Some things that happened* were:
  • Bikes levitated along the road
  • Burying treasure on a pirate island
  • Beer drunk and food consumed in a lovely pub
  • Moss
  • Paddling in the lake
  • Adventuring through forests
  • Getting lost and almost being stranded for the night
  • Sheep
  • Sliding down when asleep
Oh, maybe it's policemen!

*Some of these are exaggerated.

Sunrise, Sunset

So, now I have the song from Fiddler on the Roof stuck in my head, whereas the title was supposed to be nothing about that at all!

Last Sunday Caroline came round for several reasons including loveliness, yummy food, making me tidy, doing some work on my computer, and watching Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. They were on at the Cameo, but I didn't want to spend money and I needed to do stuff too. So Caroline brought them round. Lovely films - lots of conversation and semi-deep thoughts. Here are some that I have kept:

People often don't like themselves because they are always with themselves. There's no way of getting any time off. You've not been anywhere that you haven't been. You've never told a story that you didn't already know. It's obvious when you think about it - anyone would bug you if you knew what they were about to say/do at all times. If you knew every story they told. If they couldn't tell you about somewhere you haven't been. Of course, there's some good things on the same tact - you always know who you're talking about and you don't have to explain what you really meant. But no wonder people are fed up with themselves!

So, I'm going to try not to be bored of myself. Go somewhere I've not be (yet) and tell stories I've not told (yet). Ignore myself sometimes. Stuff like that. I'm not really sure how it's going to work, if at all, but it might be interesting...

Don't you just love it when you check for spelling errors and it says "No misspellings found"? I do. Lovely.

I'm in the same strange situation this weekend as last weekend. Where I might have plans that last the whole weekend, or I might have none. I just don't know what to plan! I don't *need* to plan, I just like to. I feel a bit strange not knowing whether I'll spend the whole weekend on my own or none of it. I don't know who I can try to see at last minute. I don't know what's going on at all! I feel a little lost.

This has been open all day on my computer. I keep forgetting. I don't know if I've finished any sentences.

Oh well...