

I left my hostel in Singapore with 1.5 hours to get to the airport to be there 2 hours before.  It should have taken less than an hour, so I was swimming in time.  When changing MRT I realised I was not going to be there for 2 hours before at all any more, and started to have a mini panic, remembering that some check-ins close 2 hours before.  I was from then on rather speedy at all changes and ran to check in.  Everything was fine.

The flight was delayed due to 2 lost passengers.  Eventually I gained from this as the guy next to me moved in to one of their seats and I got two.  Hurrah!  Prior to that I was in possibly the worst seat possible.  We took off around 8.30pm Singapore time, so I watched a film, ate dinner and then slept.  Unfortunately this was about 3 hours before landing by then, and so I landed at 6.30am Sydney time with only 2 hours sleep in me.  I made it in to the centre (very easy direct train) and found the hostel.  I could leave my bag and have a shower, cheering me up.  When in the shower the room began to move.  I've never been that disorientated before.  I needed sleep and couldn't check in for 5 hours.

The obvious answer: Sydney Botanical Gardens.  I found a bench and lay down to read my book and had mini naps.  The view was lovely, temperature just right.  I think I stayed there for 4 hours!  I did wander around a little before and after, ended up back at the hostel about 3 to check in.  I tried to call the Pickerings but couldn't find any of them so had a nap.  Everything began to stay still for longer by now.  After my nap I managed to find Uncle Dick by phone, and then ran off to meet Sarah for dinner.

It was pretty fortunate for me that I found a friend in Sydney.  I was so tired and disorientated and blistered (feet) and still full of a cold that I was pretty fed up.  Some bargain dinner and a couple of drinks and a catch up made me feel much more human!  Sarah's living here for up to a year on a temporary working visa, combining travel and earning money with being nearer her boyfriend.  We talked of everything from the last few years, careers, boys, what we want to do next, politics, Scottish independence, the Royal Family.  As you do.

I am definitely not cut out for shared rooms.  And top bunks.  At least everyone was back by about 11 and lights out.  Despite being so tired I still woke up at 3am for a few hours.  Even resorting to my sleepy album didn't work.

I managed to get up and check out on time and store my bags again.  I went to the MCA cafe as I knew this had free wifi and a good view.  Turns out that timings didn't work out and I didn't get to talk to David.  I did discover a crowd that turned out to be waiting for Prince Charles.  The bloody big cruise ship that was in the way of most of my photos hung out a sign saying "Royal Suite Available".  He was due in 8 minutes, so I thought why not go and see him, so I did.  I spotted a few nutters - a lady determined to give him an envelope that police were telling her that it wasn't a good idea, people who'd made signs, people covered in flags.  But in general everyone was polite and well mannered - until he arrived, then PUSHING started.  Not amused.  Still, it was interesting to see.  He looked younger in real life than I expected.  He might be king.  Weird.

Still tired and ill and sore of feet I didn't fancy much adventure, so I just wandered around the Rocks, up to the Bridge and back to the hostel for a bit of a rest and some crochet.  Oh, and writing this and a photo sort.  Recharging.

Then just as I was about to leave to meet Auntie Janet the biggest hailstones I have ever seen happened.  They were as big as marbles, and melted instantly as it was warm.  It was very weird!  So I departed 10 minutes later and was still perfectly on time.  I discovered the raincover on my rucksack is bright yellow - there is no need for that.  And I managed my day bag, rucksack, suitcase and umbrella!  I found my lift at the arranged corner and we want in search of Janet's mum and her friend Phil who had been to the Opera House for a concert.  I was thoroughly entertained by their conversation all the way back, but at one point I realised that if they didn't have Aussie accents it would have been rather boring - about mircowaving meals and buses.

We arrived at the Aussie Pickerings and Katrina was home so we had a little catch up.  Then she went out and Liv came home and went out again, then Uncle Dick came home and Kat came back - it was really nice and comforting to be around the normal family comings and goings.  I find it really interesting how my dad and his brother are very alike even though they moved apart in their early twenties, and although the Aussie Pickerings have not been big parts of our lives due to distance we are all so alike in the way we interact and mannerisms.  I was still ill and tired so headed to bed early.

Saturday we had a lovely family day.  I thought everyone was going to have bits and bobs to do, but I think they secretly liked having a sneaky holiday day, so we went for a drive, coffee, views in the morning.  Back for lunch and then had a movie afternoon (the girls are very good at these if you need - including popcorn) followed by out to Manly Wharf for dinner.  The restaurant was full of trendy young people including a footballer and someone from Australian Masterchef, but I didn't know any of them.  The food and views were lovely.  The noise was a little too much for me and my cold so I was thoroughly exhausted by the time we got back.

Sunday had a very early start with Uncle Dick driving me to the airport - he even parked and accompanied me in the queue, which was very lovely.  We parted ways and he promised that next UK trip would include Scotland - we'll see!

Next stop: New Zealand...

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