Another week...

I don't mean to keep leaving it a week between blogs. Mainly cause I then want to write everything I've done and the post gets far too long. But tough. This blog is for me.

Monday 30th Jan
Belle and Sebastian. They were alright... I wasn't impressed by the first few songs. They had loads if different instruments who all appeared to be playing the same tune. And it all seemed pretty basic. I could have played the violin part given a couple of hours. So that didn't impress me. The only bit that did was the trumpet cause I can't play that. I suspect if I could I would still have been impressed cause he was very cute. They did get better when they got more lively. The crowd seemed pretty dull for the first half hour at least. Strange considering it was sold out, so I would have thought they were hard core fans. Overall I'm glad I went cause it was fun and nice, but not musically impressive.

Tuesday 31st Jan
Classified. Ask for further information.

Wednesday 1st Feb
Melissa's last night! Grump. But we celebrated in style by going to the ceilidh. It was a strange ceilidh for a number of reasons:

  • My sisters came. They've never been before, and weren't sure they'd like it. I think they did.
  • I sat out a number of dances. This doesn't usually happen.
  • There were a number of people* there that I didn't expect. And from parts of my life that I don't necessarily like to think about when at a ceilidh.
  • I forgot how much I fancy one of the regular ceilidh goers. Looking forward to next month already! And will pick an excellent outfit.
  • I got drunk.

Thursday 2nd Feb
I took the day off sick. I feel a bit naughty, as I was blatantly hung over. But I was ill too. I'd been feeling rubbish for a few days and been playing too much. I knew I'd be useless. So I stayed home. Diagnosis Murder wasn't even on though. Melissa left at 5.30am. Crazy girl. I miss her. In the evening I went to MUGSS. We had a production meeting and then rehearsal. I really haven't done very much for the show, but the panic has not yet set in. Oh well. Got bored of rehearsal, so went to Rain Bar to join the quiz. The quiz master will talk to everyone except me! Pah.

Friday 3rd Feb
Work. So very, very tired. So after work I went straight out to meet Linden. I knew going home and finding sofa would result in napping. So went to Corbieres and found Linden, Ed (and Graham and Mike from his work), Ant (Linden's friend from Stoke) and his 2 friends. I like that place! It felt like you were in Star Wars. And I've just discovered it's on Half Moon Street. I want to live there now. After a couple of diet cokes we went for dinner at the Waterhouse. I then went to find Liz/Charlotte/Dan/Miranda/Steve/Cassie/Andy/Justin at Knott Bar. By this point I had lost the power of conversation, despite how much coke I'd drunk. So I went to find the ski crowd in Tiger Lounge (so Mark didn't hate me forever) briefly before being lame and going home. In Tiger Lounge me and Jenn watched safety videos, the best of which was possibly Alvin Stardust teaching kids to cross the road. I went home and was grumpy at Dan (purely cause I was so tired), so to make up for it (and because I said I would) I sewed his trousers. Got to bed about 1.

Saturday 4th Feb
Woke up about 6. Grump. But it's ok, as I'd made Mark promise to wake me up when he came to pick up the others (he'd made me promise to be wearing clothes in bed) so it was only a bit different. Fat club was not a disaster or good. Exactly the same. Then had a big clothes/material clear out (well, only 2 places, so not that much went) and felt better. Spent the evening at Cass/Andyville and played bingo before falling asleep face down on the floor to Withnail and I.

Sunday 5th Feb
Woke up about 5, crawled into bed with Liz. Got up about 11. We went for a stroll around New Mills before going bowling, then to Miranda and Steve's for tea**. Then Cass, Andy and Liz came to mine and I made chilli that slightlytylt too hot to eat (but we all managed) then watched Dogma. I fixed a bag that has been broken about 2 years. Yay! After they went I ended up staying up too late due to washing and cleaning and stuff. But it felt better.

Monday 6th Feb
Work. The highlight of which was trying to get a dog*** out of the road. The plan for tonightvacuumcuum, eat, sit. Maybe with a bit of sewing or something else creative. Hopefully with some heat (I managed to make the radiators not come on since yesterday).

Credit for this post must be given to Pete who inspired the random linkage.

*Paul - drove me and Al to Kent for Andy's funeral. I quite often see him and he doesn't recognise me. I never think it's appropriate to go over and tell him why I know him. He probably doesn't want to think about Andy every night in the pub. I'm sure he thinks about him enough.
*Dean - maths teacher. Makes me realise that I screwed that up.
*Oliver - really good violin player. Makes me remember that I'm not that good and need to do something about it cause it only upsets me.

**I didn't have tea, just incase you were confused, Pete!

***The dog had really bloodshot eyes. I suspect his owner was on drugs and so was the dog. I tried to get it to come to me (as it was stood in the middle of the road) but it didn't. When I walked a bit further I noticed about 3 security men and various other staff were watching the man with interest. I guess I'm glad the crazy high dog didn't come to me after all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bought the new Belle & Sebastian album last night. Not listened to it yet.

I realised that I loved all the tracks from The Boy With The Arab Strap, one of their early albums, that Mark and Lard used to play lots of. I'm hoping that I like the new stuff.