Some days

I've only got round to writing about some days, but Liz has requested I publish, so here they are! More will follow, in reverse order I suspect, as it is logical.

Sunday 12th Feb - Hangover
Was hung over, but had planned to see my sister (as she didn't come to Dan's gig on the Friday cause of the spot on her nose). Eventually managed to get the train home for about 2. We went and saw Walk The Line**. I enjoyed it! But secretly I'm a country fan. I want to live in the era that I can wear those sort of dresses without looking odd. It did get a bit long at one point but I still would watch it again. Then I went back to my parents and we chucked*** out a load of clothes that are just too big/unflattering. It was ace! I have a whole empty wardrobe at home. Except for all the coathangers that seem to be storing themselves there now. Then we had a nice meal and I got a lift home and my parents took away the big bag of clothes I chucked*** out from this house too.

Sat 11th Feb - La Fabulous Cafeteria
Put on 2 at Fat Club through being naughty all week. Was grumpy. Bought a music theory book and got the bus home. Didn't go home. Went to Charlotte's and grumped around her house all afternoon. It was nice! It was like when we lived together. Half asleep and lounging and watching rubbish films and stuff. Then I went home and got ready for going out. It was Murray's birthday, so we went to Harry's Bar then Fab Cafe. It was... Interesting! I haven't seen those bunch a lot since me and Al split up, as they're "his" friends. There was Charlotte and Dan (who I see lots, so wasn't referring to then!), Murray, Simon, James, Murray's friend (Dave?) and later on Emily* and her boyfriend. Can't remember his name either. I got drunk and talked to everyone and had a nice time.

*Emily is the girl Al was going out/living with before me. She calls me "The Evil One", which although a bit mean, I am happy to live with. As far as I'm concerned I didn't notice Al liked me until he told me and I made sure he was single. As far as she's concerned I'm the reason she was dumped cause she could tell he liked me and tried to keep him away from me. Either way, I'm sticking to my version, she can stick to hers and call me evil. **We went to the cinema we both used to work in. It was strange that I can hardly remember it at all! Whether that's cause it was 7 years ago, or whether it's because most memories include Laszlo and I've blocked them out, I just don't know. Either way, it was odd. On top of the Al reminder weekend it was a odd.
***By chucked, I mean put in the bin that takes clothes and decides if they are useful and gives them to charities, or recyles them if they can't be worn as is. Just in case people worried about my morals.

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