Leaving on a jet plane
See, that's how well the move plan is going. But I have fixed a date. 27th May. So I'm having a party on Friday 26th May. Put it in your diary NOW! That's all the plan so far too. No place decision or anything sensible.
Also in that last week I want to do the ceilidh on Wednesday and Ra!n Bar on Thursday. But may not manage if I've not packed.
Everybody needs a rock...
That song has been stuck in my head. A LOT.
Monday - Work. Not a lot. Pub with Jimby and The Greek and Joel and Kieth. On Sunday my and Kristy had a big gossip about how Jimby never invites people to things, then on Monday an invite! Not sure if she told him at work. But anyway... Drinking was nice.
Tuesday - Work. Handed in notice. Eventually! I was shaking. After work I went to CAOS. I've decided to be in the orchestra for the concert, so went to rehearsal. I also went to choir, mainly to see Charlotte, but she wasn't there. But I made a couple of new friends. Yay! Spoke to my mum who seems to be less worried about me going away on a whim now. She's even got one of her cousins on the mission of helping me out.
Wedndesday - Cycled to work (yes, I know it's not very far), then played hockey, then went to the ceilidh. Sweaty!
Thursday - MUGSS. We're doing a show on Saturday. I'd done pretty much NOTHING about it. Shhh. Then I got drunk. Oops.
Friday - Simon's last day at work. I am going to miss him, even though he's really annoyed me all week! Typical conversation:
Simon: I've got nothing to do.
Me: Want to do this to help out?
Simon: No.
/Simon drumming on the desk.
Me: Sure you don't want anything to do?
Simon: Nope.
/Simon drumming on the desk.
Then Matt picked me up and we went on a costume mission. That was fun! I should work there. Now I'm at chez Holker and Charlotte's in bed after playing. I'm tired.
Tomorrow - Kirkby!
Other fun conversation at work:
[Reading stars from the paper at lunch]
Me: I'm a gemini
Lisa: Me too! That must be why we argue a lot.
Me: We don't argue.
Lisa: Yes we do.
She didn't get why I was laughing.
I'm going to go watch the snooker now.
The World
I can't make that make sense. Oh well.
I have been drunk a lot this week. Oops.
Tuesday I did something. Maybe. Ooh, no I didn't! I had a selfish me only evening. Hurrah. Wednesday I was off work cause my belly hurt. It still does. But Wednesday was the worst. Basically, my body doesn't like food anymore. Which I'm kinda liking at the moment... I'm used to thinking about food quite a bit cause I'm usually hungry, but at the moment I don't fancy any food, and so don't think about food very much, which leaves loads of time to think about everything else in the world! Which might scare everyone else, but I'm appreciating. And it's got to help with Fat Club. Even though I was off work I went out. I felt very naughty, but had justification. I went to watch hockey (and did a job application) and then went to find Mark for his birthday. I didn't drink and went home early, so it was all ok. And I went to work on Thursday, even though I felt awful. Thursday night I went for dinner with Liz and then to the Ra!n Bar quiz. That was possibly the worst belly night. Ow. And I was sweating/shivering too. I so should have gone home! But the effort of walking to a bus was too much for me. Anyway, the quiz was ok. There were loads of us! So that's always a bit pants as you can't talk to everyone. But it was good cause my friend Dean came and so did Jimby and The Greek and Emily, who I don't see very often. Yay! On Friday I went to meet Fran for her birthday in Didsbury, and it was lovely. I really like Fran but don't see her often and I should make more effort. And there were other people there I've not seen for aaaages too, and I had a comment about looking less fat, which was nice. Then I went to meet Adam et al in Sand Bar for his birthday drinks. That was very nice and I drank lots and I talked A LOT all night. Actually, until 4am with one of Adam's friends from home who looked a bit like a pirate and I offered him the other half of my bed as our sofas are TOO SHORT to sleep on. And then I got up about 8 on Saturday for Fat Club, which was a success. I've now lost the 2 stone I said I wanted to lose when I started going. This number was based on nothing other than I picked 2 as a number because it sounded ok. I still need to keep motivated and going and stuff. But it's nice to have some progress sometimes. When I was leaving for Fat Club there was a man I've never seen on the sofa, so I told him to get in my bed because I was going out. He wasn't there when I got back. It was strange. Anyway, I tidied all day, but not in a bad way that was work, in a pottering around kid of way, which is fine, until I went to meet ANNE who was here for the weekend. I love Anne. We used to be twins. And Nisha was there too and I don't see her often. It was lovely, except for the fact that I ate too much food and felt awful. So when Rosy wanted people to keep drinking I decided that I would be sensible and go to a random party. I got home about 4. Ouch. Today is Sunday and I went to the cinema to see Tristan and Isolde. It was great actually! Then I walked home trying to decide about everything in my whole life ever, coming to the conclusion that I needed to be on my computer. Cooked Adam birthday lasagne and we watched Factotum which is bizarre. I think I liked it. I keep forgetting that I like cooking. This upsets me. I should remember and cook and eat properly. Every day.
So there you go, my week in a paragraph. I know it hurts me to read it, so I imagine it's not easy for anyone else either. Haa ha. If it hurts it serves you right for being nosey.
So cold...
I'm going to go backwards this time.
Today - I have a dodgy belly still. Fell hungry, but eating makes me feel sick. Grump. I just had the best tea though. Garlic bread and gherkins. Work was fun. It didn't feel like I'd been off for ages and that I drank a lot last night and had little sleep.
Yesterday - I did very little then I met Nik then I went on a date.
Sunday - I ate 2 pieces of toast and 2 bananas and was sick more than that = negative calories.
Saturday - Got up early, packed, got in car, bought bread machine for parents, came back to Manchester, met Mark, got very drunk, played poker, stole things, don't know how I got home.

Thursday - St. Andrew's is the windiest place ever. FACT. We went to the aquarium and I discovered a new favourite fish to go with my old favourite. Then we went to the beach and got sand blowed into out eyes.
Wednesday - We went ice skating as a surprise for the kids. I wasn't as good as I remember. But Simon is the most competitive man ever (maybe as bad as Linden!) so we raced. It was tricky to be good and get better and hold up a small child. But it was ace. Then we went to a park and ate lunch with crisps as we forgot the forks. It was windy.
Tuesday - Went to see Elephant Rock and stood on a thing that was about to fall into the sea and went to the most fun park in the world. Maybe. I can't remember which park we went to which day, but there were 3 and they were the best park ever. Monday - Went to Sensations, a science place in Dundee. It was fun! I want to work there. The guys (all people who worked there were cute guys! Maybe I just didn't see the girls) got to do experiments all day and do presentations of cool stuff. I should move there. I think we went to a park too. Then the kids had an egg painting competition that me and Lucy got to judge. Then we had to cook tea cause we had no mums (they all went to Gran's, not that I didn't cook every day anyway...)
Sunday - Cooked with mother for 27 (?) people. When people arrived I was in the kitchen with my 50's dress and heels looking like the perfect housewife. I rule!
Saturday - Packed the cars (2 cars, 6 people plus luggage, 1 dog and the contents of a whole kitchen). Drove to Scotland. Cleaned the contents of the cottage kitchen. Tesco order didn't arrive. The men had a trip to Dundee to fetch it (hour round trip). They got their delivery fee back. £5.99. In coins.
Friday - Went to Lostock after work, stole mother's car, went to East Didsbury, went to West Didsbury and saw awfulcabarett after a nice meal, went to Rusholme, went to Hulme, went to Lostock. It was fun.
Thursday - Met Mark in town, shopped for his nan's 80th present, went for a couple of drinks, Linden arrived, I went (not that quickly - I wasn't avoiding her!), met Ads and later Mahinda in Hardy's, talked to Wolf.
I'm going on holiday tomorrow!
- Drinking champagne with strangers (last Friday)
- Being annoyed with people at work (now)
- La Fabulouso Cafetire. I've got a date.
- Being the funniset person ever (most of the time)
- Jam*
- Being grumpy (most of the time)
- Saying FACT far too much
- Very little sleep
- Having different crush men obsessions every day
- 9 sausage and mash (not eaten by me)
- Tidying my shoes**
I am going to Scotland tomorrow. Here is what I think of that:
- My mother is a genious. We arrive tomorrow afternoon, shortly before our Tesco online shopping order
- My mother is crazy. On Sunday we entertain 25-40 people (family, including small children and Gran) in a house that we don't know how big it is or how many pans there are.
- I am the most helpful (FACT), so I shall mostly be cooking/looking after children/helping my mum plan the next meal so she doesn't worry.
- We are going to a place called Sensation. It is a kids science discovery place. My dad just typed sensation into Google. Fool.
In other news:
- I like bullet points.
- I like Linden's shopping list that included a tall sexy funny clever man.
*This is not true, but should be in all lists ever. FACT.
**This is actually an event when you have as many shoes as me.