The World

Today I wish I lived in a different time. I wish I lived in a time where a promise was everything. And women were betrothed because they were told to be. Because I am tired and want to be looked after.

I can't make that make sense. Oh well.

I have been drunk a lot this week. Oops.

Tuesday I did something. Maybe. Ooh, no I didn't! I had a selfish me only evening. Hurrah. Wednesday I was off work cause my belly hurt. It still does. But Wednesday was the worst. Basically, my body doesn't like food anymore. Which I'm kinda liking at the moment... I'm used to thinking about food quite a bit cause I'm usually hungry, but at the moment I don't fancy any food, and so don't think about food very much, which leaves loads of time to think about everything else in the world! Which might scare everyone else, but I'm appreciating. And it's got to help with Fat Club. Even though I was off work I went out. I felt very naughty, but had justification. I went to watch hockey (and did a job application) and then went to find Mark for his birthday. I didn't drink and went home early, so it was all ok. And I went to work on Thursday, even though I felt awful. Thursday night I went for dinner with Liz and then to the Ra!n Bar quiz. That was possibly the worst belly night. Ow. And I was sweating/shivering too. I so should have gone home! But the effort of walking to a bus was too much for me. Anyway, the quiz was ok. There were loads of us! So that's always a bit pants as you can't talk to everyone. But it was good cause my friend Dean came and so did Jimby and The Greek and Emily, who I don't see very often. Yay! On Friday I went to meet Fran for her birthday in Didsbury, and it was lovely. I really like Fran but don't see her often and I should make more effort. And there were other people there I've not seen for aaaages too, and I had a comment about looking less fat, which was nice. Then I went to meet Adam et al in Sand Bar for his birthday drinks. That was very nice and I drank lots and I talked A LOT all night. Actually, until 4am with one of Adam's friends from home who looked a bit like a pirate and I offered him the other half of my bed as our sofas are TOO SHORT to sleep on. And then I got up about 8 on Saturday for Fat Club, which was a success. I've now lost the 2 stone I said I wanted to lose when I started going. This number was based on nothing other than I picked 2 as a number because it sounded ok. I still need to keep motivated and going and stuff. But it's nice to have some progress sometimes. When I was leaving for Fat Club there was a man I've never seen on the sofa, so I told him to get in my bed because I was going out. He wasn't there when I got back. It was strange. Anyway, I tidied all day, but not in a bad way that was work, in a pottering around kid of way, which is fine, until I went to meet ANNE who was here for the weekend. I love Anne. We used to be twins. And Nisha was there too and I don't see her often. It was lovely, except for the fact that I ate too much food and felt awful. So when Rosy wanted people to keep drinking I decided that I would be sensible and go to a random party. I got home about 4. Ouch. Today is Sunday and I went to the cinema to see Tristan and Isolde. It was great actually! Then I walked home trying to decide about everything in my whole life ever, coming to the conclusion that I needed to be on my computer. Cooked Adam birthday lasagne and we watched Factotum which is bizarre. I think I liked it. I keep forgetting that I like cooking. This upsets me. I should remember and cook and eat properly. Every day.

So there you go, my week in a paragraph. I know it hurts me to read it, so I imagine it's not easy for anyone else either. Haa ha. If it hurts it serves you right for being nosey.


Anonymous said...

I am blogged that thing twice. blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog...sorry. I will stop it now. I am getting bored of LJ is this site any fun for bloggyness?

Alsion said...

I didn't mean to blog it twice. My computer was being spacky.

It also only just sent me the mails to say that comments had been posted. Grrr!

Generally I have no issues with this site though.