
I'm here!!!

Quick run down of events that have happened so far:

Friday - my leaving party was ace! I would have liked to talk to a few people longer (or at all) but only so much time exists. I was going to try to list everyone who was there, for remembering sake, but I might add that later here:


Highlights* include getting lots of presents**, Liz being sneaky and stealing friends, Wolf being ace, my cousins and sister and Clair meeting together for the first time in a while, people from PGCE being there, Charlotte nearly making me cry, Sarah being amazing, Mahinda and Pete not being there. That is all for now.

Saturday - Got up about 6.30 cause I was awake. Packed and faffed. Parents arrived about 10.30. Liz and Van arrived about 11.30. Linden arrived about 12.15. Left about 12.30, I think, and arrived about 5.30. The journey was pretty smooth due to Liz's ace driving! My hangover and general knackeredness wasn't the most useful. We arrived with the plan of hoovering first, but they'd done it! And other generaly tidying. Helpers helped a lot, and the van was empty in about 10 minutes. We did a bit of jiggling and made sure there were sleeping places, then went for a curry (which was amazing!) then to find some drinks. I don't think I shall go out drinking on Grassmarket on a Saturday again.

Sunday - Breakfast happened, and was ace. Then Liz had to depart from us. Sniff. The afternoon involved buying some food and exploring and tidying, and then the evening involved finding Emily and Tim and me being a party pooper and going home early to be in my flat. My flatmate Alex and Jess (who doesn't really live here, but is here a lot) had waited to watch Monster Inc., which was really sweet! Then I fell asleep. Oops.

Monday - Me and Linden adventured to Arthur's Seat. We got there, and the path didn't seem to go up the hill, it went around. So we went up. It took us about an hour of climbing and falling and getting owies and bruises, but we made it! Only to find we were not at the top. We had to go down far before going up to the top. Oops. But it was an adventure! Then Linden went for dinner with her mummy and her sister and her mummy's friend, and I went for a sneaky pint with my housemate, Patrick, as I was being rubbish at getting ready for my interview and we wanted to create a local. I think I could get on with Patrick forever. I do love Kat and Alex and Jess as well.

Tuesday - I had an interview first thing, which seemed ok, but I don't think I've got it, as I should have heard by now. Then breakfast with Linden, Linden's mum, Hollien (spelling?), Sally, and 2 boys, who I think were Hollien's boyfriend and his friend who had *just* arrived from America to visit. Then we took Linden to the train and I ventured off to buy me a job. Went to a few agencies and got my CV photocopied before I discovered that I didn't have my purse and couldn't pay. Oops. Agency seemed hopeful, but again, I haven't heard anything. The evening involved making a bag for Jess and watching Bill Bailey, for which everyone piled in my room, and Alex was shocked that I let him sit on my bed cause he is smelly, apparently.

Wednesday (today) - Breakfast was bagel with cream cheese and olives and mushrooms and peppers. I feel like I'm on holiday. I'm now eating a lolly that I got for drawing an elephant that eats salmon bagels, to get rid of my garlic breath. I have been to a NHS recruitment fair and the Jobcentre today. I have lots to apply for, so I'm going to get up early and do it. Not inspired today.

So there you go, that's what's been happening. I like it here. Just need a job to stop me stressing.

*Highlights being points of note, rather than purely good things - some of them are blatently not good.

**I didn't understand - it's not my birthday. Why presents? Don't people know I have packed and have to carry them?!? But they were all ace. And it's ace that people love me.


Alsion said...

Hmmm... I think you're right. I might make a brief and more humourous post about the same bit of time soon.

Anonymous said...

love you love you love you love!!!!!!!!

Kate said...

Arthurs seat rocks (pun, haha)- especially the part when my Dad and I walked up it and then along the long walk bit to near the Parliament building and had a cream tea. ( Not that the cream tea is obligatary, but a flippin good idea)

Glad you are alive, and finding beer.
K xxx