
So, I shall expand on the last post.

I got a job. It's helping configure a HR system that the company have recently purchased. It actually soudns interesting. It's a 6 month post, with the possibility of staying on. I don't think I will stay longer than that, and possibly shorter, as I still only want to work for the NHS. I'm strange. But it will be experience, and it's in nice offices, and there's a gym and it's near a shopping centre. Should be fine for a bit!

I burnt my leg. I was watching a film cause I couldn't sleep, so rearranged a bit and put my lamp (which has no shade as the shade is HUGE and keeps getting in my way) on the floor, so that it wasn't in my view. Then when sleepy I went to turn the computer off, swung my legs out of bed, and Owie! It was weird because it didn't hurt. I don't think I have much feeling in my legs. Here's a picture of it:

So there you go!

Since that post, I went to see Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. It was fun!! Any musical with songs about a girl's bottom and how to get yourself a lady has to be good.

1 comment:

Simon said...

That probably looks worse than it is, right?