
I can’t connect to the internet at the moment. It’s annoying!!! When I moved into this flat was under the impression that we had interweb. We don’t. We jump onto other people’s wireless. I wasn’t too happy with this, but had just arrived and didn’t want to cause havoc, and thought I really better wait until I got a job before I could do anything about taking bills off people and fixing it. It stopped me worrying at least, but justifying it this way. But now I cannot connect to anything, so am just writing in Word. It will probably all get uploaded at once in one REALLY big blog that no-one can be bothered to read :-)

The times in bold are where the paragraph underneath was written.

21st June, 2am.

I'm failing at going to bed. I've had a great day! Far better than I expected the day to be before I moved here. So there. Me and Lolly went to town and had Pizza Hut buffet lunch and shopped a bit. I bought a nice new top. Then we made fairy cakes before Lolly went home. I then cooked curry for everyone in the flat and Adam to arrived with wine! Then we went for a quick pint and found a bakery on the way home. There seems to have been a lot of food! Adam made me pick something I had to do before my next birthday, and despite some bizzare suggestions*, I decided on visiting Melissa in America.

Am very excited that the net is back on now!! I hope it is tomorrow, so I can mail the people I want to and sort out my bank accounts before going to work on maybe Thursday. The joys and perils of the world wide web.

*Suggestions from Patrick were weirdest and included swallowing a piece of string so that it came out my bum before the other end was in my mouth, and blowing up a volcano after warning the village below to become a hero.

Tuesday 20th June (or 20/06/2006 – who else can say they will be alive the equivalent of theirs*, huh?!?). My 25th Birthday.

I’m not sure if it’s sad or not to be sat on your own on writing on your blog on your birthday! But I don’t care. It is what I’m doing. And I like it. I’m happy.

One of my big reasons for moving to Edinburgh was that I hadn’t done any of the things I thought I’d have done by the time I was 25. I cannot remember if I have said this on here before or not, but again, I don’t care. (It’s my birthday, I’ll cry if I want to.) (Not that I am crying.) (It’s my birthday, I’ll repeat myself if I want to.) (Better.) Anyway, remember being little, like 12, and thinking 25 is dead old? I always thought by then I’d be married and have kids and a house and stuff. As I got older I didn’t think this as much, but I still reckoned by 25 I’d own a car and have a career type job and a steady relationship. But not that long ago I realised I wasn’t going to have ANY of those, so what else was in my vision? I’ve always wanted to live in Scotland, particularly Edinburgh, and always said that I’d do it “one day”. But when I realised I wasn’t going to do any of the things I imagined I’d have done, I realised I should do it by now. So I did it. I’ve lived in Edinburgh before my 25th birthday. And I am very glad.

I was going to do a “normal” blog and update on the last few days (since the party), but have changed my mind now. Mostly because I have a big pile of post that I want to open! And Lolly’s coming to visit for the day, but I’d quite like to open my post on my own first.

You can have an updated burn picture though. It looks more and more like a zombie bite everyday.

*For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, take your birth date and month, and combine them to a year. Like my sisters – Katherine, 21/12/2112, Jennifer, 05/12/0512. Jennifer wasn’t born in the year 512. Katherine isn’t that likely to be alive in 2112. But she may prove us wrong yet!

Saturday 17th June between 1am and 6.13am.

We’re having a party. I thought I’d come and write, as I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone. I have been talking to people, like a good girl, am just having a few minutes out.

It’s quite nice. There are a few people I like. There are a few people I don’t, but what’s to be expected of a party? There’s very rarely a party where I actually like EVERYONE. I just keep quiet, like I am now, so they will never know that I don’t like them.

Anyway, it’s very nice. I like living here and I think I’m going to like it more and more when I get used to it. It still feels like a holiday, but as I was explaining to someone already tonight, I’m a bit bored of holiday now and am ready to be myself and talk to lots of people and go out a lot again. I’ve had enough of being in and on my own. I must have saved A LOT of money though.

I am happy.

There are still things I want, but I can want things and still be happy, right? I hope so.

Hee hee. How emo. I hate the phrase emo. Especially like this. What I really mean is how emotional. Emo is a completely different thing, in my brain. They’re like mods of mods and rockers, but a bit different. Not this “modern” use of the word. I sound so old!! But I’m meaning the way a few people say “I’m sorry for being emo on you”, where they really mean I’m sorry for showing emotions.

Flowers = hippy. FACT.

Some random (and quite cute man) is playing my cello. He’s quite good. He’s so good, in fact, that I cannot possibly snog him, as I’m inferior. The boy I like most appears to be in a dark corner with another girl, and he’s been there for a while. Pah. I’m obviously meant to sleep alone tonight! And most other nights, if I get my way. I’m determined to behave myself up here. I really want to have a proper grown up relationship. That might not end.

It’s 4.12. The sun had already come up. It’s beautifully quiet outside. There are still lots of strangers here.

Someone kicked my burn and took a chunk of skin away. Ouch. Lots of people have told me this evening (and I already knew) that chicks dig scars. But that really doesn’t help me!

It’s now 6.09. I go to sleep. Most people have left. There are a few people still in the living room. They were very, VERY amazed that I can do a Rubik’s cube. Even though I said I could before I did it. And the second time I did it they were still impressed. Odd. You’d think they’d be bored by then.


Anonymous said...

That looks like a nasty bite, you've got there. Watch out for people wielding cricket bats!

I prefer the palindromic version of the birthday thing - where 23/02 becomes 23/02/2032. At least I've got a chance of seeing 2032!

I too HATE the word (not phrase!) "emo". Especially when applied to music. It's RUBBISH. The word, that is, not the music.

Anonymous said...

I have no chance of seeing either of those dates: 28/05/2805 or 28/05/5082. I was born on a pallindromic date however (albeit slightly corrupt format to make it work) 28/5/82.

Anonymous said...

I was born 21/01, I somehow doubt I will see 21.01.2101
Make sure you keep burn clean!
p.s. Emails are fun...