Pretty surreal!

I innocently got home from the pub quiz about 12.30am (which was surprisingly fun, despite us being almost the worst, but not as bad as 2 girls, so they won the crisps). Jess then made me go on her mission, which I didn't understand what it was (I was drunk) and it turned out to be go to Tesco and try to raid the bins.


That failed through locking devices, so we went and looked in some skips for metal. Jess is doing a big sculpture thing for a performance. Something about hot air balloons. Anyway, she needs lots of metal to weld and make sparks off through the show.

We found some, then went to Scotmid (Co-op) to get some milk for the morning. It turns out that a fridge had broken, and they were throwing out LOTS of food. It was in bin bags outside. So we took it. Lots of it. About 3 bin bags of cheese, two of meat, pizzas, yogurt, butter, quorn, salmon; all sorts! There's so much food in our fridges and freezer now. It's crazy.

I'm stuffed. It's 3.30am. I need sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh very odd. But very cool all the same.

Remember reading something about a group of Londoners who went round raiding supermarket bins for same day as the sell by date food. Aparently there's quite a lot, as they're not even allowed to give it away to charity!!! Also odd.

Sounds like you have some crazy, but fun housemates ;)