Weekend adventures

Thursday: Watch Trainspotting to learn about the locals. Went to the cinema. Saw Thank You For Smoking. It was good. I would recommend everyone watching it. It made me laugh.

Friday: Went to the campsite and ate chips. Opened 25 presents from Katherine and Jennifer. It was ace! There's all sorts. I kind of want to list them, but don't want to forget one, so am not going to. Went for a sneaky pint between leaving the caravan and getting to the tent. It was about 20 yards. Got talked at by a very drunk local who tried to persuade us he worked in the zoo and had to pick up penguins as they fell over when aeroplanes went overhead. Slept in a tent.

Saturday: Went for a big walk up a big hill. Couldn't find the shortcut back to the caravan, so had to go a long way around the road. Oops. Then we went to the zoo. I think my favourite animals are still the pygmy hippos. I liked the penguins too. Koalas are boring. Fact. Then we went for dinner which was nice. Then the sisters came and slept at my flat.

Sunday: Showed off the garden and the man that has a parachute. Mummy and Daddy went to Carnoustie. Me and Katherine and Jennifer went to spot cows and put them on trains. I got home and fell asleep as I was tired. That is about all. Ooh, I got to talk to Liz whilst she was on call! It was lovely to catch up with her briefly, and then her bleep went off. I know I know she's a doctor, but that made it more real. Go Liz!

Today (Monday): Work. It was quite good! I met my other team member, who must have enjoyed the fact that everyone else was off and he didn't really know what to show me. I think he did a bit. I got lost on the way here on my bike, so will now attempt to get home in a more direct fashion. When I get home I plan to tidy and clean. It's a good plan.

What else? Me and Katherine have entered into a bet. We have to put £2 a side each week. If we manage to lose a stone in 10 weeks we keep it or spend it on each other or something. If we fail, Jennifer gets the money. I'm calling it "Jennifer's Fat Fund", as she is skinny and we are going to make her spend it on chocolate.

I'm hungry.

I am going to plan trips back to Manchester soon. These currently look like 22nd July and 9th Sept.

Ooh, plans for the next year... On my Birthday Adam made me pick something I wanted to do before my next birthday. I picked go to America and visit Melissa. I've also added on go to Ireland.


Anonymous said...

you should come back before the 22nd...I go to Rome on the 22nd...grrrrr....but nevermind! lol, I want to pick up penguins...

Anonymous said...

I hate it when the crash bleep goes off. Its very unsettling and always at a bad time. Eg. on the phone. On the loo. asleep.

It was lovely to talk to you. Can't wait till you come back.

I want a pygmy hippo. Please will you steal one for me (a girl one)? I'm sure her and Beryl would get on.