Blogging via e-mail

I always knew I had a secret address that I could e-mail to and it would
appear as a post, but I also always forgot it. Today I found out, so
here's my first attempt.

E-mailing looks more like work than blogging.


After work I got the bus with Gavin, my colleague, and we went for a pint
before he was going to softball. I was a little tipsy after 1 pint, so got
tea whilst he had a second. Ended up a little late for orchestra, but it
was fun never the less. We had the randomest assortment of music, so it
was tricky to play. And I was tipsy. Oops. Afterwards went for a pint or
2 with Tim and, as always, was good to catch up with him. Patrick also
joined us, and then Patrick and I went to Doctors to play with Savoy.
Because I wasn't getting up early on Friday I played out a little too long
and hard and drank with strange boys. It was fun.


Train was pleasant. Was being nice and not sitting in my seat, as the
people around were using it for their luggage, but then had to. But was
quite glad of that, as I met Angus (9) and Emily (7) and their Gran (didn't
ask). We played Donkey and sudoku and ate fruit in bar format. I've got
a new favourite joke:
Why did the bike go to sleep?
Becuase it was too tyred!

They laughed at my previous favourite joke, so it has now been reinstated
in my memory:
What's funny about legs?
They've got a bottom at the top!

I've decided all jokes need to end in exclaimation marks. FACT. Arrived
in Mankychester and found Emma who bought me glitter! Then went to Varisty
and met Rebecca from old work. Am very glad to be in touch with her still,
as she's ace and lovely. There were also others from old work, including
Car Park Dan, who knows Debs seperately. Who would have guessed? He came
along for the curry with us, which proves what I'd always thought - he
should have been in my social circle earlier! Curry was at Pink Garlic and
the register was Charlotte, Dan, Liz, Andrew, Debs, Andy, Dan, Joel, Cass,
Me. It was Too Hot, but I think that could be said of everywhere. The
kitchen couldn't handle us, but we were kept topped up on water, and when
the food came it was ace! I dare say the best curry I've eaten on the
mile. You should all go. But note that it's an alcohol free place, so you
should know that first and not moan.

We then trundled along to Hardy's where I was pleased to see Wolf and Clive
and find Simon, Paul, Miranda and Steve. We sat outside and say on the
grass (with Joel) and went in the phone box (with Mahinda) and sat on the
grumpy table (with Jimby) chatted to everyone, I think.

Will have to update these days later, as I want to go home now. I've taken
to not cycling to work this week (but may on Friday) as hands hurt, and I
like the time that being on he bus gives me to read. But should really
start back on the exercise, so might go to a bike shop this weekend and see
if they can help me cycle better...

Fat Club
Pirate Party


Fire Club

Off sick


OK, so I had to come in and remove the long blurb at the bottom of my e-mails! And it removed the editing (bold/spaces). Pah.

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