Here it is...

So, I found it! I'd been writing in a mailbox that isn't mine. Oops. But hopefully no-one else noticed!


Thursday - Orchestra and random meetings
Orchestra was fun! Exactly the type of orchestra that I need and was beginning to lose hope that it existed. It said it started at 7.30, so I got there about 7.25 (after a shandy and tea in the pub!). Most people rolled up between 7.30 and 8. Rehearsal is till 9, and it will never overrun due to a girl (Lizzie?) who asks many times if it's time to finish yet. This is good to know.
It turns out that they had a concert in May, and stop for August for the festival, so July is a bit experimental. There's fewer people as people go on holiday, and there's not a concert to rehearse for as the next one's at Christmas and work would have to be started again 'proper' in September after the break, so they try out new pieces, and members get to try conducting and the like.
Everyone seems really friendly and goes to the pub. I went for a couple, but didn't want to stay long as I was off to Doctors to meet the Savoy crowd. I was persuaded to have 2 shandys, not the 1 I was planning, on offer of a lift* over to the other pub. I don't really know why I was drinking shandy, but there you go. I was thirsty and not supposed to be drinking all week. Off I went to Doctors with Rodney. He likes going to new places. As well as the people I went to say hi to, I also had a few surprises. Richard and Katharine were there, as was Wee Andy. Had a brief catch up with them all and a glance at Katharine's ring. Scary! No doubt I'll be bumping into them more often now, it coming up to the festival season, so that will be good.

Friday - Can't remember!

Saturday- Sleep/Out
I woke up at 8 and decided that was too early, so went back to sleep. Woke up at 3.45. Oops! There goes Saturday. Spent the evening with Housemate Patrick, where we failed to get in many places for free. We got in 1, using out technique of drawing the stamps on our hands, but failed at 2 other places. Oh well. Was a nice evening anyway, and found people we knew when wandering around. Patrick may have been a little drunk, as he'd been drinking whiskey at home, so I blame that on the failing thing, as I decided he was designated artist.

Sunday - Sunbathing, Reading & Pub
Best weather ever! But I couldn't be bothered doing anything like walking up hills, as I keep meaning to do. Thinking about it, it was probably too hot anyway. I spent the day in the garden reading. I got a little sunburnt, but only in random places, as I must have missed with the cream. Finished Danny Wallace's Yesman and started another Christopher Brookmyre. In the evening I went to the pub to meet the Savoy people. Last week there were there about 7, so I went about 8.30, sat till about 9, then went home again to get my phone. They were there about 10! So I went back. I cycled there and back twice and it was actually quite easy and quick. Yay for the bike and new confidence in cycling!

Monday - Gran outing
I spent most of the day on VERY HOT public transport - up at 6.30 for train to Carnoustie, where the air conditioning had broken in my carriage. I thought it was just hot, until the announcement, then I moved seats. Spent a couple of hours at Gran's house, before going to find the bus. VERY HOT bus to St. Andrews via Monifeith, where we picked up another group of people. So, now I'm on a bus (with my knees squashed) with 40 or so old people, half of them blind**. It was an ace trip! I must have been the youngest by 30 years, except the leaders, who are probably in their 40s. We arrive at St. Andrews at 2 and have to be back on the bus at 4. So what did we do? Shopped! Gran wanted new shoes, so we went and got her some trainers and some shoes. Then we pottered around charity shops and drank coffee. Back on the VERY HOT bus to go to a lovely pub for tea, then back on the VERY HOT bus to Carnoustie. I dashed off straight away (well, was chucked out too!) to have a quick paddle in the sea before my train back. Trains are annoyingly infrequent after about 4, so I had to wait for 40 mins in Dundee. Back in Edinburgh at 10 to 10, home about half past. Sleep!

Tuesday - Work
I stayed late at work, writing most of this. Shhh. Trying to build up my hours, cause I need to before having Friday off. I really wanted to go home early, but stayed longer doing nothing. It didn't seem that cheeky as I had nothing to do pretty much all day. I'm getting quite good at stalling, so I can spend all day doing very little now. I don't like it, cause when I do have something to do, I'd much rather be blogging or e-mailing or something. Oh well.
Ooh, went to get weighed at my own (cheaper) version of Fat Club. I've lost half a stone in 3 weeks! Hurrah. I've got 7 to lost the other half. Sounds easy with that rate of progress, but just need not to be naughty and reverse it.
Spent the evening working on an application for a different job. It would be ace if I get it, but we shall see. Patrick tidied and cleaned the kitchen, which was very much appreciated! I was probably going to do it again tonight, but none of it was my mess.

Wednesday - Work
Had a little more to do today, so that's good! Someone's going to come and do a workstation assessment on me soon, too. Maybe I'll get something to stop my tendonitis getting worse...

Tonight tidying/packing. Tomorrow night orchestra and drinking. Weekend Manchester! I'm excited to be coming back, but also a little worried that I'll feel weird. We shall see...

So there you go. I blogged. Eventually.

*I got a lift from Jill Andrews, a lawyer. On the way to the car we were also chatting to Jill Andrews, a lawyer. This turns out to be quite useful that they know each other, when they get e-mails from each other's clients by mistake!
**It was a trip run by the blind society, and everyone needed a pal to come with them. If I hadn't gone up, Gran wouldn't have been allowed out to play. Gran's partially sighted, but I still can't decide how much! She didn't want white shoes as they'd show the dirt. I said she can't see it anyway, but this seemed to be The Wrong Thing to say...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>and a glance at Katharine's ring. Scary!

/sniggers like a twelve year old then crawls back under his rock