
I keep thinking about jam. Not the physical stuff, just if you ask me something random, I'll probably say jam. And we've been playing Mallet's Mallet a lot.

I've spent a lot of the time in the pub recently laughing about the story of Rosy running into a tree. Yes. INTO A TREE. It's possibly not as funny to people who don't know him, and it probably doesn't help that I have to explain that Rosy's a boy, and is the Goonie dog, which then brings out whole explanation about the fact that I'm married... And then I wonder why people think I'm crazy.

What else?

Melissa's last night! How sad. I met her and Gwen after work and we went for dinner and drinkage. I got to learn about the previous evening's adventures, which involved Gwen falling asleep in a flowerbed and Melissa thinking Gwen had lost her head, and lots of crying and wailing. They are friends again now. It was all silly and drunken and lack of communications fault.

Anyway, we didn't do much except drink! Went for food at Assembly, opposite the upside down purple cow, then went for drinks at Bar Oz. Dave, Gavin, Nathan and others came to join us there for drinks. Melissa and Gwen decided they needed more food, so me and Dave went to Opium for a drink, then joined the crowd again at Doctors. Melissa is wonderful, so many lots of people came to see her off. I almost cried, but it was ok. Dave got a talking to and has promised to look after me, or something (I'm not allowed to know!), which must have scared him as much as me, as we'd only snogged when drunk, and now he's under wrath of an American!! But seemed to take it in his stride. I'd been feeling rough all day at work, so didn't stay out too late.

Felt more awful than Thursday, and knew I'd been pretty useless on Thursday, so thought it best not to go in. I'd not had much sleep, as I just can't sleep at the moment. It's so frustrating! Called in sick and spent most of the day in bed. Can't remember what I did in the evening... Ooh, Paul Kendler came for the weekend. That means that in the afternoon I went to Dave's flat and we watched some Black Books. Met Paul at the station, along with some of his friends. Went to the Elephant house for food/drinks (I had a diet coke) and chatted. Then Paul came back to mine to dump stuff. The evening's activities were something along the lines of drinking. I can't remember exactly. Remember finishing in Underbelly, thinking Paul will be in a show till 5, but he was out early due to a burst pipe. He'd got back to my house but couldn't get in. Oops.

Woke up at 10. Feel this isn't fair as we were up till 5.30. Dave was not awake. I was a little bored. I washed up and read and e-mailed. But was still knackered, so when Paul went off on adventures I didn't. Eventually Dave surfaced and we went out to watch Pirates 2. It was very well done, but I don't think I'm a big fan... Couldn't remember the first one, so a lot made no sense! And it has no ending. And I'm a scaredy cat. But I appreciate it and did enjoy it a lot. After that we found Adam at random on Viewforth, which was nice. Then I went to find Paul and Becky at the top of Calton hill to watch sunset. I was a little late, but the only one who brought beer, so I feel that's ok. It was nice looking out over the world, even though I got there after dark! We shared my beer, then went off to find John G (who looks like jesus) and his sister, Kate, and Ben (who looks like a bear) at the Assembly Rooms. Ben's been working there, and the other 2 had been watching The Muppets. Had a drink, then me and Becky wimped out to get early nights when the others went to watch musical comedy, or something. Found Kelly and had a nice catch up, then with Dave to Bedlam and persuaded him that he too is knackered and didn't want to stay for the party.

Went for lunch with Dave's friends. You may have noticed that we've been spending a lot of time together. This is A Good Thing. I'm happy around him and am happy going to things where I know only him, as I would be with lots of my friends. I just got a little panicky when someone introduced us as together... But that panic stayed inside and only lasted a minute or so. His friends seem lovely! I know it's only one group of many of his friends, like it would be if anyone came to meet my friends. But I felt comfortable and like they liked me. I reckon in some ways I get on with them better! This is only in a couple of ways, like that I have a "normal" job and can talk to them about offices/spreadsheets/projects. I could not join in very much with the talk of films, but hopefully I didn't come across as that much of a dumbass! Maybe I shouldn't have said that about snake not having opposable thumbs...

I then went home for a while and relaxed, before heading out to the PGP party. They have one every Sunday for the people who have just arrived and the people who are leaving. Simon had just arrived, so it was great to catch up with him a little (we were some of the first there). During the party Bohemian Rhapsody played. Now I have an irrational hatred of this song. I think I blame Jennifer (Little Alsion), as she used to practice it on the piano*. Anyways, I left and Dave followed me with a coat (I'd told him he had to do this earlier, but didn't think he would!) and we had a chat outside, so now he's my boyfriend! Would have been useful to know before lunch with his friends, but hey, it's ace. We then ventured to C Venue for more drinkage, before getting a taxi home in the rain.

Left without saying bye to Paul K cause I didn't want to wake him. Can't remember what I did in the evening... Must have been exciting! Oh, actually, it was. It was Gwen's last night, so she came over and we drank wine before going for a drink in a pub. It was really nice to talk just to her for a while. I've been hanging out with her all week, but not properly talked. It was lovely. I realised how tired I was, so walked her to Doctor's before turning straight around and walking home. Dave left with me, and it wasn't until half way home that I realised he hadn't been there for hours, and it must have looked exceedingly weird to the others! We came in different doors and then just left straight away. Oh well ;-)

Spent some time at home before going to meet Adam for a drink. He was off to a show with some of his other friends (apparently I met one before, but we didn't seem to recognise each other!). He was being a bit quiet, as was I, so it was a little strange, but nice. They went off to their show (some Spaghetti Western music) and I went to find people I know. This turned out to be Savoy people as their show had *just* finished, and I went to Bedlam. Had a chat with Simon (you go form knowing no Simons to knowing millions! Pah), which amused me a lot. He's not really friends with Dave, and was moaning about him the other day. I chose not to tell him I was seeing him then, as I thought it was a little cruel, but I told him on Tuesday and it amused me a lot. Then a girl called Eleanor (?) from Savoy bugged me and I walked off.

Had the morning off work through flexi-time, to try to make myself less ill. It didn't work! I got sent home from work early for looking rough. Pah.
Spent the evening at home. Was going to go to see Murder at the Savoy (as I promised some people I'd see it twice) but couldn't be bothered... Was nice to spend time with Housemate Patrick. I'm going to miss his random questions. (Oh yeah - did I say he's moving out? Anyone know anyone who wants to move to Edinburgh?) They are generally a choice for the rest of life. Some of yesterdays were:

Bananas or sandals? (I'm not sure I answered this one... I tried to argue about the definition of a sandal. Think I decided on bananas, as I don't eat much fruit)
Would you get rid of murder or racism? (Murder - people will always find ways to discriminate, I decided, so would stop people being killed. Patrick picked racism, as it's mean and murder is a bit like discipline. Neither of us were sure we were sure!)
You can only have 5 veg - pick them. (Me - mushrooms, spinach, peas, broccoli and garlic. Patrick - mushrooms, onions, greens, carrots, peas. We know mushrooms aren't a vegetable, but I was going on "vegetable", so potatoes weren't counted.)

Answers please!

My charger arrived for my Palm thingy!!! Hurrah! I will have a life again soon. So I did some organising of that and photos and iTunes and stuff.

Is now. Still been sneezing ALL day, and generally feel like poo. But not quite as bad as yesterday. Have mostly had meetings all day. Am not amused with work at the moment, but am about to go to my monthly review, so maybe this will make it better.

Tonight I try to see Linden and Simon and others, as I spend tomorrow night with Patrick and then go on holiday. I guess I will see Dave too, but I'm not going to try too hard as he knows that we can see each other when we're back and he knows that others will be gone. And I can see him and others. So it'll all be ok.

This be tomorrow. I spend the evening with Housemate Patrick and some of his friends from home. And maybe Linden too.

I go on holiday. We're going to Carnoustie for a couple of nights, then Achmelvich for 5 or so, then maybe Aviemore for 1/2. I'm quite excited - Achmelvich is probably the most beautiful place I've ever been. I'll be sharing a tent with my sisters for the week, so hopefully no fighting!


I feel this has been a very long post (probably cause it has) and it might not make much sense. So I will now summarise:
  • I've not been to any shows this week.
  • I have been quiet ill.
  • I have a boyfriend.
  • I go on holiday on Saturday.
  • Melissa has gone :-(


*I first spelt that as paino. Mistake??

Went straight from work to Bar Oz. Handily, if I get a different bus, I can get off right outside! It's opposite one of the venues, so that's where Melissa, Dan, Gwen and Darren were. I had discovered on the bus, that I left my purse at home. Oops! But was rescued by Darren buying me a pint, then Del buying me a pint and chips later. I was pretty merry, as had 3/4 pints before the chips, so they did little in the way of beer soaking... But it was nice - went to a few bars/pubs, then walked home.

Lolly came! We had an impromptu dinner party, with Melissa, Gwen, Andrea, Darren as well as Housemate Kat and Patrick. It was fun! We had lasagne and wine and cider. Then went on a mission to the Three Sisters in search of Indie (knowing that it would be pants). It was fairly pants, but kinda fun. Del joined us too. Details are a little hazy - we may or may not have gone somewhere else.

Free comedy! There's a part of the Fringe Festival called the Free Fringe, which is a great idea. It costs lots to hire venues up here, so a few have joined together, and basically don't charge the performers who don't charge their audience. The bar gets extra custom and the performers get whatever donations people give at the end. Organised busking, I like to think. Anyway, the day started with me and Lolly wandering along the mile, to see what we could find. We found a rather cute guy who was doing a free show, so we told Adam and he came too. Well, we didn't tell him the guy was cute, I don't think he would have been amused.

Mark Allen's Quite Good Britain
A show all about how Britain really isn't "Great" any more. I enjoyed it a lot - lots of funny bits, as well as informative history and stuff. He seemed like the kind of bloke we'd hang around in the pub with. In fact, I'd quite like to. Maybe I should stalk him. AND there was even a song at the end. What more could you want?? And we discussed random bit for the next few hours, proving how much we liked it. And it was free. And we got badges. 8/10.

The next few hours were spent wandering around... It was jolly nice. Then we went for more free comedy:

Fear of Ironing
A middle aged man, who we thought was gay, talking about his wife making him iron. I wasn't that amused. Sorry. 3/10.

Hearing voices
This was a comedy duo, going by the names of Michale Fabbi and Mike Manera. They were ace! A big man in a really odd charity shop outfit, and a cute man who was really quite inappropriate. They had us laughing quite a bit. Even when their special effects didn't work! 7/10.

Think nothing happened after, cause we was tired. Ooh, no! We still had beer left that we'd been carrying around, so we sat in the park and watched the fireworks at the end of the tattoo. Housemate Kat happened to cycle by, so she joined in. Hurrah for drinking in the park!

Got up about 11 and got to the show we wanted to see at 1.15. It was a show I wanted to watch all week, and Lolly did too, so we both went. The next show I watched Lolly *really* didn't want to, so I was going to go on my own, but went with Richard (PGP, who I scared last year by remembering him from 4 years before, even though we only spent a few hours in the pub together). Shows:

Much Ado About Nothing
I wanted to see this mainly for one man. There's a guy (who was actually quite cute, but I didn't fancy) that I overheard singing in a rehearsal. I found out who he was, and even made him sing in the street for me. So we went along, and I didn't know what to expect. I know, I know, it's a famous play. Whatever. I didn't know anything about it! And I enjoyed it muchly. I was a little confused by the first half hour (apparently it's longer than an hour really, so I guess that could partly be why), but really got into it. Excellent performers. 8/10.

No Oranges for the Accordians
This was a strange show. It was about 3 people's journey from Ukraine to Vienna, with voiceover from another friend who doesn't go on the trip, and interspersed with puppeteer of their mothers. There's Russian music and random bouts of dance/acrobatics, and even an inflatable crocodile. It amused me a lot. It helped that 2 of the guys were hot and got pretty undressed. 8/10.

After that, I worked a shift, which was fun! I was in the cafe (where I belong!) and then on box office. Then it was the end of week 1 party... I got drunk. I didn't mean to! I just bought one glass of wine, then Lisa (who is the most amazing person, but I don't want to talk about her on here, but you should ask me sometime) said she had a bottle I could share. Oh boy. I bought a bottle after that. Memory gets a little hazy. Ask more about that in person too!

Woke up at 8.50. Was still rather drunk. Managed to get to work for 9.55, so wasn't late, but was very rough. Gavin just kept looking at me funny. I think he could tell how rough I was! After work met Dave for a picnic in the park. He brought chocolate muffins, which I didn't eat, and I brought beer, forgetting that he didn't drink beer. Hee hee. But it was nice - we sat and watched the castle and both saw people we knew going past. Melissa and Gwen then joined us with wine, and we sat until we were too cold. Dave went off to build some set, and we went to mine to watch Spaced. Hurrah for Spaced!

Was meeting Gwen for a girly night, but we got persuaded to go see comedy:

Brendon Burns
An Australian bloke, who was doing part 3 of his trilogy. I didn't see parts 1 or 2, but I don't think that mattered much... I just don't think I knew what to laugh at. It's not going to give away by telling you that since his last show, he went mad and through the Priory. I think my issue was that I didn't want to laugh at anything about being mad (mainly cause of the way he did it, I guess, as some people do it well and I laugh). Plus, I didn't know whether to like him or hate him or slap him or hug him or shag him or laugh or cry. It was confusing. But I have to admit, also fairly funny. 6/10.

Afterwards, spent time talking to Mat about how much he'd fallen for Larissa and what they're going to do next. I kind of wanted to shake him and say "give it up, have me!", but he was being quite sensible about it, and I think they'll do what's best. Holiday romances are hard. Especially in a PGP setting, as everyone is so exhausted and often on opposite shifts, they don't get time to sort out any niggles and just have to do what they fancy at the time. It's definitely getting to the point that everyone is being a bit emotional and stuff! I've to to remember extra much that this isn't a holiday and anything I do will still be here after, so no getting annoyed by/with people! So I went home, fairly early (11).

Spent the night being a geek - catching up with people on the internet and tidying (very vaguely) and then watched Eddie Izzard. "I'm covered in bees!" Still didn't manage to catch up on that much sleep though. Oops. Well, maybe I did get 8 hours. Maybe my body just now knows what it is and wants it. Or needs it, cause I'm a bit ill. Mahinda blames kissing boys. I might too.

Is now. I was planning to watch a show at 6.20, but it appears that plan might have changed due to some events last night... I'm intrigued. It's Melissa's last night, and I'm going to be sad. But I have had an extra few days of her! She was supposed to go back on Monday with Larissa, but told work she was too scared to fly after the terrorists, and stayed some extra days. Not enough though.


I should not have worn heels today. It's confusingme that everything's far down.

I'm sure that's it. I'm sure the confusion has nothing to do with being so drunk still.

Melissa fun!

Tuesday: Work, show, show, pub, pub

I'm getting over the job thing. I am learning quite a bit, and it should be useful experience. I got a rejection letter from the job I really wanted. I'm a bit grumpy that I don't even know why I don't get an interview, but can't be that surprised or I'd ring and ask. And it's probably a good job I don't have to do a presentation next week. I'll probably be drunk. Anyway, I'm kind of enjoying it at the moment. I've been doing reports for people, and they seem impressed with the fact that I listen to what they want and give it to them before the deadline. I can cope with that. And I like making pretty graphs.

Anyway, life's not about work. After work I went to meet Jonathan to see a show before he headed back to Manchester. Then I hung around in the office for a while talking to Mat and Dan and generally getting in the way, with a small amount of being useful in between, before going to watch another show (probably to get out of the way!). Here's what I think about the shows:

Tits and Blood

Had no tits or blood. And apparently the play isn't even called that. The writer called it something else. I don't know what. Anyway, it was some American late teens/early twenties actors. I don't know if I'm allowed to admit this (cause I kind of half work for the venue and all) but I didn't enjoy it much. It was supposed to be mind bending (is this a show, or is this who we are, or is it real, or is it not?) but I just didn't get convinced by any of it. Maybe because they were American and talking about taking a girl to the lake, but there isn't a lake in Edinburgh (at least not one that I know of that people to go make out at). I wouldn't watch it again, but I could see the potential, maybe. 1/5.

Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens

This was by the same people as Yeti, that I watched on Monday and wasn't as impressed as I thought I should be. I was impressed with this one. Maybe I just liked the content/story better. It's about AIDS and most of the characters are dead. They are very cleverly dressed in white, but if alive have some red on them. (You've got red on you!) It's people talking after they're dead about how they got AIDS and how people treated them and who keeps them going and stuff. When I say talking, I mean singing and talking in rhyme. There were a few bits where I wasn't amused - there was a bit that felt like a boy band as they are all in white and people stand up at the key change and there was a bit that felt like a lecture that the government wasn't doing anything - but overall I enjoyed it a lot. 4/5.

After the shows I went to some pubs (naturally!). In intended to stay out all night with Melissa, having Wednesday off work, but I was a wimp and went home about 3. Mainly due to jealousy over flirting people! But I knew it was irrational and I was just tired, so I went.

Wednesday: Sleep, walk, drink, eat, Lambrini, show, drink

I stayed in bed till 11. Which wasn't really a lie in, as I went to sleep about 4, so not really a catch up! Left about 1 to find Melissa, Gwen and Larissa, who were having lunch after seeing a show. Melissa and Gwen went to watch a show and me and Larissa went to the bank and wandered around town. It was quite nice! Saw street things and people I knew and stuff. Then found Melissa and Gwen and we caused chaos on the Mile. Talking to anyone who was a cute boy, seeing what we could make them do. We got 2 people to sing for us in the street, but no-one would get naked. Gwen and Larissa had to go off to work, so me and Melissa went for a drink. We managed to get free tickets to a show on route. So had a pint then went to mine to change and eat pasta, drank Lambrini in the park and then watched:

The Sperm Monologues

Apparently when you give sperm now, some places ask you to leave a message to your kid who's allowed to see it when they're 18. There were 3 boys who played various characters showing what they would do. It was quite interesting! What would you say when giving sperm? Would you be prepared, or ad lib, or what? I liked it quite a lot. One man was French, one was deaf, one had a terminal illness, one was a school kid and was jealous that his friends had kids, one was too scared and just ran right out, etc. It was cool. 4/5.

Afterwards we hogged one of the guys in the bar and told him we enjoyed it, but the man in front creeped us out. At the end he turned around and said he enjoyed listening to us. We were delightful. Then tried to make us go to his show. Then drinks, drinks, drinks! Was lovely to play out with Melissa. I shall be doing it again tonight.

Thursday: Now, ow, Irn-Bru

I hurt. Oops. But I had an ace time yesterday, and just need to sit down all day. Well, I *should* think... Anyway, the hangover made me realise and appreciate the goodness that is Irn-Bru. I forget how good it is. Mmmm... Orange nectar.

We have some good facts on the menu at work this week:

All polar bears are left handed
Women blink nearly twice as much as men
It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow
Lawyers have feelings too! (allegedly)
The electric chair was invented by a dentist

OK, so I already knew the last 3, and am not very amused by the elbow one. So I actually meant I like the fact about polar bears.


I am probably a bit tired. I fell off my bike about 3 times this morning, and have random stratches/bruises on my legs. I don't really know how I kept falling/wobbling. I feel quite drunk. It's odd! I've not drunk since Saturday and now it's Tuesday. And I didn't drink that much on Saturday, but had a REALLY big hangover on Sunday. It must just be exhaustion. But it's quite good. I don't need to drink! Hurrah! Except maybe caffeine...

I watched 3 shows last night. I shall tell you about them now.

Yeti: An Abomnimusical
I wanted to watch this as the company who are performing it were here last year and amazing. I have to say I wans't as impressed... There were some very good bits for sure, and very good performers. I think the story was just a little too slow and random in places. I will, however, still go and see their other show (they alternate days) as I still think the company is very talented. Ooh, I'm going to do a Pete and rate them! 6/10.

Murder at the Savoy
This is being performed by Edinburgh Savoy Opera (or whatever their "real" title is...) who I often mentiong drinking with. I was advised earlier in the day to wait until later in the week to watch it, but as I came out of the previous show I was convinced. And I am glad. I thought the singing was excellent, and as I'd never seen the show it was surprising. Never a dull moment. But as suspected the professionalism isn't wasn't quite what it might be in a day or two. Still better than I thought from the warnings though! 8/10.

Hey Diddle Diddle...
I wasn't going to watch this one until I heard how good the company are, and if you don't get in their quick, it sells out. I can see why. Amazing performers! Didn't notice a second out of character, and I *think* the only notes that made me cringe were on purpose. Probably not a surprise to hear the story is based on the nursery rhyme. It did, however, surprise me (in a good way) that it was quite adult in content! Whether it was just cause I was tired and emotional, I'm not sure, but it certainly made me think a lot. I felt rather single afterwards! In transition between leaving my parents family and having one of my own. Oh well. Anyway, I'd recommend anyone seeing this theatre company if they get the chance - National Student Theatre Company. 9/10.

In and around the shows I talked to Jonathan Hunter mainly, and Carl and Larissa (Melissa's friend from America too, which confuses me a lot as their names are similar, who is lovely) and Mat (first time PGPer, who is very cute). There were other people, but there're not as good. (There was lots of hanging around as for some reason the shows were running an hour late... Great opening day!)

Tonight I intend to watch a show at 6.20 with Jonathan H before he goes back Southwards. Then I shall see if they want me to be useful for the rest of the evening, as I'm feeling cheeky for watching shows. If they don't want, I want to watch The Macbeth Conspiracy as I heard them rehearsing and the bloke has an amazing voice. Maybe I can help and then watch that and then help again. I think I'll ty to go home and shower first. I cycled in, and just could not decide if I'd have time to go home between work and meeting Jonathan. I think I can make time cause I'd rather have beautiful hair than be sweaty for the rest of the evening.

I've got tomorrow off work! I keep forgetting. It's nice to remember again. I don't even need to take a holiday day, as I've gained enough flex hours. Hurrah!

My phone keeps ringing! Someone's trying to fax me and it's annoying. I am not a fax machine. I am NOT a fax machine. Ooh, Gavin managed to direct it to the fax machine. It tells us that someone has bought $40,000 worth of bonds. Ace. I don't think it's for me.

Ooh! I'm ace. I just got asked to do some work and we were discussing a deadline, and I just kept saying yes when they pushed it forward (I've not got anything else to do!) and now they think I'm amazing. I've got till Friday to do about half an hours work. I'm going to go do it now. Then I'm going to come back and do the reviews of the shows. I want to make it so you have to click to read more. I'm not sure I'm clever enough...

EDIT: Yeah, I'm not!

The shortest for a while...


I went to help out at the theatre after work. It was lots of fun! I carried scaff and helped build stages, in heels and a skirt. I rock.

Was in a big, big grump. I'm rubbish at being tired! But I'd forgotten that, as I've not really been that tired since I've been up here. Went to Bobby's and had a drink with PGP people, then Doctor's to see Savoy people. Patrick had persuaded me to go see some free comedy as Barry'd got us free tickets. But it was on at 11.15, and was running late. By 11.45 I gave up and went back to Doctor's and went to see the Improverts with Kelly. It wasn't free, and was on later than the other, so my excuses were rubbish! But I just felt better there. And the guy I've had a crush on for a year was performing, so it was nice. Except that I'm sure he was drunk and being a bit odd... Got home about 2. Oops!

Bex from PGP was going to let me know details of the meal out the group had, but didn't, much to my relief! I stayed home and caught up with Housemate Kat and hoovered.

Wandered down to the venue about 12 to help out. Found Melissa!!! Hurrah! And other people I know from last year. It's great - instant friendship group! There are a lot of new people too, and I think it's going to be ace. There's a cute boy, which is always nice. Spent the day doing work type stuff, and the night playing out.

Had to delivery onions and garlic to the cafe, then spent a while with a very important TO Do list (ok, so not really that important, I just liked how they thought I was competent and let me do important things, even though I don't work for them). Went home about 5 and couldn't move again. Watched something about Huckleberries. I think it was a good film, I was just too tired. And also counting my change jar at the same time.

Is today. I am tired. This is going to be a theme. I am also fat and going to lose the bet. A lot.


Last night I met Adam with the intention of going to see The Da Vinci Code. It wasn't on. Stupid Metro newspaper. Or more likely, Stupid Alsion for reading the wrong cinema... Anyway, we went to his house to drink wine instead. Far better plan, especially considering the no alcohol this week rule I'd just decided! There are 2 versions of the evening I could use, depending on whether I wanted to sound like a geek or not:
1. (non-geek) Went to Adam's, drank wine, caught up with gossip and put the world to rights.
2. (geek) Went to Adam's, played online pool with Liz, did Suduko, moaned about being single.
The truth is both and I had an excellent evening. Especially considering how grumpy I was after work... I'd been having a bad day. Lots of things seemed to be wrong on the computer and had broken payroll (they're trialling the new system), and they were all under my user ID. Grrr!! I'd only done what I'd been shown! They know that, and I know that, but I still felt rubbish about doing things wrong. And I was grumpy cause I cycled in the rain, and so had to put my wet clothes back on to cycle home in, and it was manky. Anyway, Adam had been grumpy too, and by the end of the evening we weren't. And were quite drunk. Yay!

What else has happened?

Andrew came to visit. It was exactly as I expected - we got drunk. Incredible drunk.

Hangover from hell. Sat in pub, that was about all. Andrew left around 6. I went to party around 10 for a few hours. It was my first Savoy party! Was nice, but I was really quite hungover still, and not that exciting.

Went to town, wandered around, went to Jazz festival in Princes Street Gardens, went to National Gallery. Was just on my way to read my book in the Meadows, when I bumped into Jonathan Hunter, Ben Seaby and Rufty, who had just arrived for Week 0 of PGP*. I then spent about 6 hours carrying boxes, chairs, scaffolding, beds, etc. and got to use tools (hammer and screwdrivers, that's all!) and generally lots of hard work, but with fun people.

I ached.

That was yesterday. I've already talked about that.

That's today! I'm about to leave work (which was far better today!) and go help out at the venues, if they can use me. I intend to tidy/clean as girls should, and make sure people eat/drink.

*PGP is the company I've worked for through the festival in the past. They provide accommodation and food and tickets to their shows, in return for working for them. Lots of MUGSS/Bradford people go, and lots of fun is had. Week 0 is the week before any shows happen. In this time the church and soup kitchen that we take over are converted into fully functioning theatres. Hard work, little fun as there are no shows.