Went straight from work to Bar Oz. Handily, if I get a different bus, I can get off right outside! It's opposite one of the venues, so that's where Melissa, Dan, Gwen and Darren were. I had discovered on the bus, that I left my purse at home. Oops! But was rescued by Darren buying me a pint, then Del buying me a pint and chips later. I was pretty merry, as had 3/4 pints before the chips, so they did little in the way of beer soaking... But it was nice - went to a few bars/pubs, then walked home.

Lolly came! We had an impromptu dinner party, with Melissa, Gwen, Andrea, Darren as well as Housemate Kat and Patrick. It was fun! We had lasagne and wine and cider. Then went on a mission to the Three Sisters in search of Indie (knowing that it would be pants). It was fairly pants, but kinda fun. Del joined us too. Details are a little hazy - we may or may not have gone somewhere else.

Free comedy! There's a part of the Fringe Festival called the Free Fringe, which is a great idea. It costs lots to hire venues up here, so a few have joined together, and basically don't charge the performers who don't charge their audience. The bar gets extra custom and the performers get whatever donations people give at the end. Organised busking, I like to think. Anyway, the day started with me and Lolly wandering along the mile, to see what we could find. We found a rather cute guy who was doing a free show, so we told Adam and he came too. Well, we didn't tell him the guy was cute, I don't think he would have been amused.

Mark Allen's Quite Good Britain
A show all about how Britain really isn't "Great" any more. I enjoyed it a lot - lots of funny bits, as well as informative history and stuff. He seemed like the kind of bloke we'd hang around in the pub with. In fact, I'd quite like to. Maybe I should stalk him. AND there was even a song at the end. What more could you want?? And we discussed random bit for the next few hours, proving how much we liked it. And it was free. And we got badges. 8/10.

The next few hours were spent wandering around... It was jolly nice. Then we went for more free comedy:

Fear of Ironing
A middle aged man, who we thought was gay, talking about his wife making him iron. I wasn't that amused. Sorry. 3/10.

Hearing voices
This was a comedy duo, going by the names of Michale Fabbi and Mike Manera. They were ace! A big man in a really odd charity shop outfit, and a cute man who was really quite inappropriate. They had us laughing quite a bit. Even when their special effects didn't work! 7/10.

Think nothing happened after, cause we was tired. Ooh, no! We still had beer left that we'd been carrying around, so we sat in the park and watched the fireworks at the end of the tattoo. Housemate Kat happened to cycle by, so she joined in. Hurrah for drinking in the park!

Got up about 11 and got to the show we wanted to see at 1.15. It was a show I wanted to watch all week, and Lolly did too, so we both went. The next show I watched Lolly *really* didn't want to, so I was going to go on my own, but went with Richard (PGP, who I scared last year by remembering him from 4 years before, even though we only spent a few hours in the pub together). Shows:

Much Ado About Nothing
I wanted to see this mainly for one man. There's a guy (who was actually quite cute, but I didn't fancy) that I overheard singing in a rehearsal. I found out who he was, and even made him sing in the street for me. So we went along, and I didn't know what to expect. I know, I know, it's a famous play. Whatever. I didn't know anything about it! And I enjoyed it muchly. I was a little confused by the first half hour (apparently it's longer than an hour really, so I guess that could partly be why), but really got into it. Excellent performers. 8/10.

No Oranges for the Accordians
This was a strange show. It was about 3 people's journey from Ukraine to Vienna, with voiceover from another friend who doesn't go on the trip, and interspersed with puppeteer of their mothers. There's Russian music and random bouts of dance/acrobatics, and even an inflatable crocodile. It amused me a lot. It helped that 2 of the guys were hot and got pretty undressed. 8/10.

After that, I worked a shift, which was fun! I was in the cafe (where I belong!) and then on box office. Then it was the end of week 1 party... I got drunk. I didn't mean to! I just bought one glass of wine, then Lisa (who is the most amazing person, but I don't want to talk about her on here, but you should ask me sometime) said she had a bottle I could share. Oh boy. I bought a bottle after that. Memory gets a little hazy. Ask more about that in person too!

Woke up at 8.50. Was still rather drunk. Managed to get to work for 9.55, so wasn't late, but was very rough. Gavin just kept looking at me funny. I think he could tell how rough I was! After work met Dave for a picnic in the park. He brought chocolate muffins, which I didn't eat, and I brought beer, forgetting that he didn't drink beer. Hee hee. But it was nice - we sat and watched the castle and both saw people we knew going past. Melissa and Gwen then joined us with wine, and we sat until we were too cold. Dave went off to build some set, and we went to mine to watch Spaced. Hurrah for Spaced!

Was meeting Gwen for a girly night, but we got persuaded to go see comedy:

Brendon Burns
An Australian bloke, who was doing part 3 of his trilogy. I didn't see parts 1 or 2, but I don't think that mattered much... I just don't think I knew what to laugh at. It's not going to give away by telling you that since his last show, he went mad and through the Priory. I think my issue was that I didn't want to laugh at anything about being mad (mainly cause of the way he did it, I guess, as some people do it well and I laugh). Plus, I didn't know whether to like him or hate him or slap him or hug him or shag him or laugh or cry. It was confusing. But I have to admit, also fairly funny. 6/10.

Afterwards, spent time talking to Mat about how much he'd fallen for Larissa and what they're going to do next. I kind of wanted to shake him and say "give it up, have me!", but he was being quite sensible about it, and I think they'll do what's best. Holiday romances are hard. Especially in a PGP setting, as everyone is so exhausted and often on opposite shifts, they don't get time to sort out any niggles and just have to do what they fancy at the time. It's definitely getting to the point that everyone is being a bit emotional and stuff! I've to to remember extra much that this isn't a holiday and anything I do will still be here after, so no getting annoyed by/with people! So I went home, fairly early (11).

Spent the night being a geek - catching up with people on the internet and tidying (very vaguely) and then watched Eddie Izzard. "I'm covered in bees!" Still didn't manage to catch up on that much sleep though. Oops. Well, maybe I did get 8 hours. Maybe my body just now knows what it is and wants it. Or needs it, cause I'm a bit ill. Mahinda blames kissing boys. I might too.

Is now. I was planning to watch a show at 6.20, but it appears that plan might have changed due to some events last night... I'm intrigued. It's Melissa's last night, and I'm going to be sad. But I have had an extra few days of her! She was supposed to go back on Monday with Larissa, but told work she was too scared to fly after the terrorists, and stayed some extra days. Not enough though.

1 comment:

Simon said...

I wish I could have seen something of the festival. Dangit all.