The shortest for a while...


I went to help out at the theatre after work. It was lots of fun! I carried scaff and helped build stages, in heels and a skirt. I rock.

Was in a big, big grump. I'm rubbish at being tired! But I'd forgotten that, as I've not really been that tired since I've been up here. Went to Bobby's and had a drink with PGP people, then Doctor's to see Savoy people. Patrick had persuaded me to go see some free comedy as Barry'd got us free tickets. But it was on at 11.15, and was running late. By 11.45 I gave up and went back to Doctor's and went to see the Improverts with Kelly. It wasn't free, and was on later than the other, so my excuses were rubbish! But I just felt better there. And the guy I've had a crush on for a year was performing, so it was nice. Except that I'm sure he was drunk and being a bit odd... Got home about 2. Oops!

Bex from PGP was going to let me know details of the meal out the group had, but didn't, much to my relief! I stayed home and caught up with Housemate Kat and hoovered.

Wandered down to the venue about 12 to help out. Found Melissa!!! Hurrah! And other people I know from last year. It's great - instant friendship group! There are a lot of new people too, and I think it's going to be ace. There's a cute boy, which is always nice. Spent the day doing work type stuff, and the night playing out.

Had to delivery onions and garlic to the cafe, then spent a while with a very important TO Do list (ok, so not really that important, I just liked how they thought I was competent and let me do important things, even though I don't work for them). Went home about 5 and couldn't move again. Watched something about Huckleberries. I think it was a good film, I was just too tired. And also counting my change jar at the same time.

Is today. I am tired. This is going to be a theme. I am also fat and going to lose the bet. A lot.

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