
Last night I met Adam with the intention of going to see The Da Vinci Code. It wasn't on. Stupid Metro newspaper. Or more likely, Stupid Alsion for reading the wrong cinema... Anyway, we went to his house to drink wine instead. Far better plan, especially considering the no alcohol this week rule I'd just decided! There are 2 versions of the evening I could use, depending on whether I wanted to sound like a geek or not:
1. (non-geek) Went to Adam's, drank wine, caught up with gossip and put the world to rights.
2. (geek) Went to Adam's, played online pool with Liz, did Suduko, moaned about being single.
The truth is both and I had an excellent evening. Especially considering how grumpy I was after work... I'd been having a bad day. Lots of things seemed to be wrong on the computer and had broken payroll (they're trialling the new system), and they were all under my user ID. Grrr!! I'd only done what I'd been shown! They know that, and I know that, but I still felt rubbish about doing things wrong. And I was grumpy cause I cycled in the rain, and so had to put my wet clothes back on to cycle home in, and it was manky. Anyway, Adam had been grumpy too, and by the end of the evening we weren't. And were quite drunk. Yay!

What else has happened?

Andrew came to visit. It was exactly as I expected - we got drunk. Incredible drunk.

Hangover from hell. Sat in pub, that was about all. Andrew left around 6. I went to party around 10 for a few hours. It was my first Savoy party! Was nice, but I was really quite hungover still, and not that exciting.

Went to town, wandered around, went to Jazz festival in Princes Street Gardens, went to National Gallery. Was just on my way to read my book in the Meadows, when I bumped into Jonathan Hunter, Ben Seaby and Rufty, who had just arrived for Week 0 of PGP*. I then spent about 6 hours carrying boxes, chairs, scaffolding, beds, etc. and got to use tools (hammer and screwdrivers, that's all!) and generally lots of hard work, but with fun people.

I ached.

That was yesterday. I've already talked about that.

That's today! I'm about to leave work (which was far better today!) and go help out at the venues, if they can use me. I intend to tidy/clean as girls should, and make sure people eat/drink.

*PGP is the company I've worked for through the festival in the past. They provide accommodation and food and tickets to their shows, in return for working for them. Lots of MUGSS/Bradford people go, and lots of fun is had. Week 0 is the week before any shows happen. In this time the church and soup kitchen that we take over are converted into fully functioning theatres. Hard work, little fun as there are no shows.

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