Today is boring


I broke a tooth on Monday night. That was strange. I've never even had a filling. Maybe I should have. But I'm not in pain, just have half a molar missing, so there's nothing anyone will do. I registered at one of the few dentists who was taking people on, so I have an appointment on 20th November.

What else? Probably quite a bit really.

I cycled my new bike home on Tuesday. Firstly I pumped up the tyres, then when I sat on it I realised the breaks didn't work... So I fixed them (I'm quite proud of this) and then adjusted the saddle and handle bars. First time the saddle went straight back down again! This made me giggle. And I put the handle bars squint. That was strange. But once these were all done I was on my way. But there's something odd with the gears - when going up hill the gears change at random. Well, when going anywhere, but only if you're pushing hard. This meant that my feet slipped off the peddles and scraped the back of my legs. Owie. I also managed to do this 5 times on the scary roundabout of death, so it's probably lucky I'm alive!

My hands hurt when I cylce. So I think I'm going to have to stop, despite it being the only exercise I do... I don't like having sore hands. It's so frustrasting when you can't do the most simple things. Like pick something up. And I don't want to give up the cello. So I'm going to take both bikes to a shop and see what they say. Maybe they will have great hand saving suggestions. Or maybe I just sell both bikes. How much is a bike? I might be able to get flights to America from them...

Tuesday evening I went to a new orchestra. It's Adam's orchestra, and although they had 10 cellos last week, they still said they didn't mind me coming along. So I went. It was abit strange - it's in a school hall, so that's a bit weird for me anyway. And it was the second week (I missed last week, cause Adam forgot me and didn't tell me), so they were stopping and starting and being precise, but I didn't even know the tune/rhythm/speed. I'll give it another try next week, but it's most likely to be elbowed out at the moment.

After orchestra I went to see Dave. I'd not seen him since the Wednesday before, so almost a week. I had Wednesday off work, so figured I could safely see him Tuesday after his show without worrying about getting up. But it was still a bit rubbish, as we were both knackered and I still got up 4 hours before him, so by the time he was surfacing I was thouroughly bored and went home. Spent the afternoon pottering around charity shops with Housemate Kat.

Wednesday I tried another new orchestra. This one I found out about in Kelso at the weekend. It was a little weird, as the conductor isn't going to be the conductor. They've just picked a new one, and it was too short notice for him to come along. So we had a guy filling in, who happens to be one of the guys I met on Saturday. I like him as a conductor! So we'll see what happens when the new one starts. This is definitely my second favourite orchestra at the moment.

Tonight - favourite orchestra! Hurrah! I'm getting a little obbsessed. I make no apology*. I might even get better this term.

*Today anyway. I know I have and will again.

So tyred...

Didn't find Adam. He forgot me :-(

Dave came round, but I was really tired and grumpy*, so I sent him away. Think I just went to bed.

Went for dinner with Dave then met Adam for drinks. We did a pub crawl home. It was nice as I don't see Adam as much as I would like.

Orchestra! It still rocks. I still like people in it. The concert is going to be ace. I did have a scary moment when the leader of violins was laughing... The cellos were playing a bit of tune on their own, and we'd had a few goes at it. Me and Neil (the guy next to me) were confused by the bowing, but on talking to the others, they just didn't know where the notes were! Anyway, we had a few goes and were getting there, and I noticed Donald, the leader of the violins and hence orchestra, laughing away. I was a bit miffed, but it turned out he was amazed at how good the section was sounding! Hurrah!

We were getting a new housemate, so I stayed in to let her in. I stayed late at work, so by the time I got home and cooked it was about 9, which made the wait till midnight easier. I also looked in her room, and Housemate Kat had vacated to move into Patrick's old room, and left it FILTHY! So I spent an hour or so cleaning the shelves and vacuuming and things. Was a good job I had time! I then watched Bill Bailey's Bewilderment, and greeted New Housemate Jo about 1.45am. So late! Spent a little time unloading the car, then crashed out, ready for tomorrow.

Got picked up about 1.30 to go to Kelso, a sleepy town in the Scottish Borders. We were late to the rehearsal (much to Louise's pain - she hates being late, but got stuck at the school thing she was doing and in traffic), so snuck in to find we were sitting on the front desk! Pah. Had a few hours rehearsal in the afternoon, then a sandwich tea made by local village old ladies. Then a few of us went for a stroll by the river, and looked round Kelso Abbey before heading back to change for the concert. The concert was fun! At least the first half was. I was knackered by the second half and played a bit rubbishly. Oops. Did leave me on a bit of a miserable note.

Got home about 10.30, had some food, watched Shooting Fish, then headed out to a gig to cheer myself up. When I was looking round flats I looked round a flat containing a musician (amongst others), so I said I'd stay in touch and come to a gig. I didn't, until last week. He said he was playing at L'Attache, which is downstairs at the west end of Princes Street, so I went along. I was needing to do something on my own, cause I was feeling a bit attached to various groups up here already. So I got there about 1 and a band was just setting up. This band did not contain the musician in question. So I just bought myself a pint of cider (Loopy Juice!) and sat with my little note book to clear my head. The band on was pretty good! The guys could all sing and play. It was cool just being there. Turns out the guys is playing next Saturday! But I reread his text numerous times and that was not in it at all! It just said Sat. Anyway, we might go this Sat too. Pete and Sarah will be here! So it depends on how fun other things are and how tired we are.

Slept till 4.30pm. I think this is impressive! I don't often sleep at all. I did wake up numerous times in this, but hey, it'll do. I pottered around and went shopping with New Housemate Jo (I wonder how long she'll have "New"?!?) and then was in bed again for 10.30pm.

Now. I'm knackered. I should not be!!! Pah. I have really big spot on my head. This is causing a headache that is making me feel sick. It's not pleasant.

On the plus side, I won a mountain bike at work! That was very random this morning - first phone call was a woman telling me I'd won. I had to get my picture taken (following the point before, I was not very amused). It might be a little small, and the tyres are flat, and it was assembled by the catering staff, so I might want to re-tighten all the bolts. But it's a free bike! And I think it'll be good. It has Kellogg's stickers on, but these come off, so it's ok. I might just take it and my bike to a shop and see what deal they'll me for the 2...

So that's it! A week in my life. Almost.

Going to join an orchestra on Tuesday, and another on Wednesday. I might not keep them all. Definitely going to keep the Thursday one! Want to do things other than orchestras, but know that if I join a few I *might* actually get better.

Friday is someone's birthday do.

Saturday Pete and Sarah here.

This is enough plans for a week! Tonight I should relax and make some parcels.

*I spent all week feeling tired and grumpy, but I couldn't work out why. Then I realised that I'd made my flexitime go from -2 to +8, so I'd actually done an extra 2 hours each day. That is why I was tired.

Daydream Believer

I had a really freaky dream last night. I had a baby. I didn't know I was pregnant, just had a sore belly. And when I woke up I had a baby, who was a few weeks old. I'd had a Caesarian. I didn't know what was going on, but was then on a train with my baby. I didn't know what his name was. I saw it written down (Akbar or something - I just remember an A and some hard consonants), but then didn't even know how to pronounce it. I also had someone else's baby to look after, cause that's what you do when you have babies. I was very tired. Then I got off the train, which was tricky cause I had 2 prams and lots of luggage, and the train went off with the other person's baby on board. My dad was there and helped me with my stuff, but I was so tired I couldn't make him understand that the other baby was on the train. Then I didn't know how to breast feed. I didn't know why I hadn't been shown. But then I didn't remember having the baby or being in hospital or anything.


At the weekend I did something that I'm not sure if I'm proud of. It's something that I've offered plenty of times, but no-one has ever taken me up on the offer. Until now. I cooked meat. I'm not sure if I'm proud of myself or feel dirty.

It wasn't that exciting - I just made lasagne. But we had about half an hour to get ready for a dinner party. I'd taken Dave to the beach for the day, cause he said he wanted to be at the beach when I was on holiday. We walked over to Crammond, which is an island that you can get to when the tide's out. I had the worst headache I've had in ages, and it was squashing my head. I wasn't that interesting, and I tripped up a rock and scraped a knee and fell down on my bum and twisted my other knee and think I hurt an ankle too. Typical! When waiting for a bus home I suggested we invite people round for dinner. Suddenly I was cooking for 9. I was the only vegetarian. Oh well! It was an adventure. Oh, and I also made bread and butter pudding. It amuses me that I guess how to make it on holiday and it worked. It didn't work so well this time, but I know why. We then watched some Black Books.

I can't help be suspicious that Dave doesn't appear to eat real food. I don't think he can cook anything. I just find it odd. I mean, being rubbish at cooking, fair enough. But he doesn't ever try, as far as I can tell. And I don't think he'll eat anything that I'd class as a proper meal that didn't have meat. He eats very few vegetables, and doubt he'd eat a lentil or chick pea. I just don't know what to do with him. It makes me tired trying to work out what to make for dinner. I give up. Go eat pasta and ketchup and cheese if you want.

So that was Saturday, the beach and the dinner party. Sunday I went home after doing all the washing up and faffed around. Rearranged a bit of my room, and now I have nowhere to put my boots. All the pairs of them. Oops. Will have to rearrange a little more. I then had a really long bath/shower, and discover that we have a leak. Water was coming down from above the washing machine. Quite a lot. So I spoke to the flat upstairs, and it doesn't appear to be from them. But then Monday night I had a shower and it didn't drip, and using the washing machine didn't drip. Hmmm... The flat's getting a bit annoying. The bathroom floor is about to fall in, and the utility room ceiling. Pah. Anyway, later I went to see a show, but couldn't get a ticket. So Dave met me in the pub, then he had to go do something important like drink with someone else, and I went home via the chippy. Shhh. I drank too much beer on my own and watched Jack and Sarah. I wanted to make myself cry, but failed. Oh well.

I've accidentally already told you about Monday. I cycled to work and back. Got home about 7. I tried to find the source of the leak, but failed. I caught up with Alex a bit as he was home. I practised my cello*. I looked up how to get to the concert I am doing on Saturday, but it appears that no public transport goes to the town at all. Ooh, that's a lie, I can get there, but the last bus back leaves about half an hour after the concert starts, so I guess it won't have finished. I should be a fun day out though. I looked up other random things on the web. Then went to bed at 10 cause I'm a loser who can't handle being up late anymore. I read my book for a while though.
And then had that (^) dream.

Now I am going to leave work for Tuesday, and hopefully find Adam tonight. I might be joining a new orchestra, but we might do something else if the rehearsals haven't started yet.

Have you noticed the extra excitement about playing the cello? I'm glad it's coming back. CAOS was draining all the passion out of it for me.

*Note, this has not been done (except once the day of a concert that I had a solo in) since I was 11.

Week that was

So I failed at that!! I didn't do any of the plans. I did have a good week though.

Last night I got round to doing something gross that I've been putting off. Mainly because I got a little drunk and it was easier. When I moved into this flat, I stuck some gel flowers on the window, which were pretty. They then got very hot and melted. This was messy. But it gets worse. Before I left for holiday there were a few flies and a small moth that had flown into some of them, leaving dead things stuck to my window. When I got back from holiday (yes, I know I should have cleaned it up first!) there was a great big butterfly in one. Just stuck on my window. And as I couldn't really work out what to do with it, I left it. Until last night, when I scraped it off and cleaned my window. It was dark though, and I was tipsy, so I suspect I'm going to discover I wasn't that good at cleaning when I get home...

So, my week:

I tidied and stuff. Then we watched a Spanish film about ham. Jambon Jambon. It was random and crazy and I think everyone should watch it. It involves a girl who's breast taste of ham and omlettes, and a song that has the lyrics "Ecstasy, ecstano" (makes more sense as "ecsta-si, ecsta-no") and a fight using ham and everyone was having sex with everyone else, including people's mothers and fathers and wrong husbands and stuff (but it wasn't dodgy as in you saw much sex, so watch it even if that puts you off!).

Patrick's last night!
We went for a drink in an Irish pub called Finnegan's Wake. We all got ID'd! Hee he. And then we accidentally stayed there all night. It was quite lovely actually. Housemate Kat and her boyfriend Alex, Housemate Patrick and Housemate Alex were there. Dave appeared near the end too. We just talked and were silly and Patrick drew on everyone and I took silly pictures.

I miss Patrick.

Went to watch Curse of the Were-Rabbit outside. Mainly because it was outside and that amused me. But it was a little dull and I was on my own (Dave was involved in the setting up and running), so I went and joined in at the Savoy Fresher's event. I got a little bored there too. Oops. It was an open mic night, where anyone was invited to join in. But the established Savoy-ites were hogging the books and piano a little. And I only saw one talking to new people, and he was a little tipsy. They didn't even talk to me much. I couldn't be bothered talking to Fresher's, as I know nothing about Savoy. As an outsider, I'd say I wouldn't come back if I didn't already know anyone. So I took Dave's keys and let myself into his flat for a bath. He woke me up a while later and I made him some pasta whilst he got clean. Then I fell asleep.

Orchestra! Again, it rocked. Even though I was soaked when I got there. It appears I may be leading the section for a while. I still feel cheeky, but I've told enough people now that they know that I'm not trying to be cheeky. If everyone else is happier and plays better, then I'm willing to do it. I know and they know I'm not the best, but that doesn't matter. I'm the least phased by sitting there. There might be an issue if I'm not the best for the solos, but we'll see! Maybe I shall practise. Went to the pub after and it was nice. I like one of the other girls (me, liking a girl?!?). I keep forgetting her name though. I don't think she's offended.

Today. Work's been a bit mad, but I prefer that. Going home now.


Courgettes are young marrows, FACT.

(That was an argument from the pub yesterday.)

I've got some free songs on iTunes (couretsy of people at work and Diet Coke), so any suggestions?

Hopefully tonight is the night for the holiday blog. And the wedding at the weekend.


I love orchestra!

They forced me to sit at the front. It's one of these orchestras where everyone wants to sit at the back. So I sat on the front desk, but not in the leader seat, the other one. Until Neil came and pointed out that I'd promised I'd sit there... Which I had, but when I did this there were 3 cellos and I'd had 3 rehearsals with them. And knew that they knew I didn't think I was better, just didn't mind leading if it made them feel better. But yesterday there were 7 cellos. And I'd only met Neil, and so I'm worried the others think I think I'm better, and then noticed that I clearly wasn't...

Neil persuaded me to sit at the front cause there's a solo cello opening a piece. This solo is fairly easy, he just gets really nervous. And so I agreed. So that's fine - I look at the solo and reckon I could do it now, so by December 7th* I might be ok. Then we play the Saint-Seans (favourite piece ever!) and it was amazing. Although a little frustrating as it doesn't sound right as people don't know it! Then we get another piece (can't remember the name - will find out) and discover that it has a REALLY TRICKY CELLO SOLO!!! Pants. I'm going to look like a tit. But maybe I'll get ok.

Why does it say on the bins in the toilet "For Litter Only"? What else would I put in there?!? Jam?!? Cats?!?

I'm leaving work now to get the train to Mankychester. See ya later!

*Put it in your diaries now! But it is a Thursday, as that's the day we rehearse and have concerts, so could be tricky...


Windmills always turn anti-clockwise, except in Ireland. FACT.

OK, so I'm rubbish and didn't do as I promised myself last night. I didn't blog about my holiday and I didn't look up courses to do and I didn't look for a new job. I did tidy and clean a little, but nowhere near as much as Housemate Kat! She rocks. Then Adam came over and we had a catch up and then watched Shaun of the Dead. I like quoting it, but usually no-one knows what I'm talking about.

Tonight I go to orchestra! I'm quite excited.

I haven't packed for the weekend, or even decided what I'm going to wear to this wedding. Oops. I'm going to the train straight from work tomorrow, so I have to pack tonight. I'm going straight from work to orchestra to pub. So it could be interesting... I think I might wear a dress that is at my parents house already, so that will make it easier. Maybe I will use today at work to write a list of things I need.

I'm quite pleased with my plan for the weekend. It means I get time with Charlotte and hopefully see quite a few people on Sunday.

I'm also attempting to make plans for the next few weekends. Silly Dave has to be at the theatre he's managing quite a lot though. I wanted to take him on an adventure, but it looks like it might not happen. But hopefully a dinner party will, which could be exciting!

I don't know why I really need to plan so much at the moment. I should just calm down and have some time free. But I have urges to fill in all the time and plan everything and stuff. I'm sure it will pass.
I just wrote an e-mail to a friend, and I've realised that it might be nice to keep on my blog.

Here's a brief summary of what I've been doing:

- Holiday to the wilderness with parents and sisters (lots of hills and waterfalls and rain and wind and rock pools and sand)
- Festival (lots of drinking and seeing shows and seeing people that I've not seen for a while)
- Ill (a result of Festival playing-out-ness)
- Gained a boyfriend (also a result of Festival playing-out-ness, which is odd as I was quite ill

and pathetic)

That might be all, but I could have forgotten anything else.

Things I'm looking forward to:

- Orchestra! Starts again on Thursday. We're playing my favourite piece ever at the Christmas concert
- Wedding of Paula and Patrick in Mankychester this weekend
- Doing nothing to recover from everything and work out what normal life is again
- Planning other things to make normal life what I want (going to do some courses, I think, and going to make effort to do random adventures to see people/places I want)

Didn't blog about holiday last night. You may have noticed. I went to Daves and made him cook and put a DVD (documentary on making of Clerks, going to be followed by Clerks, but it was too late) on. Somehow he thought I'd spoilt him for the evening though, as I brought (free) food and said DVD. Weird! We both thought the other had made all the effort of the evening. Accidental chatting until the middle of the night occured, and now I am sleepy. Got to work later than planned (bus from his house goes long windy way and I thought it would take the same time), but was on time for meeting anyway, but it was cancelled. So have spent the morning faffing about what to do, resulting in some things being done without feeling like I've done anything.

Now it's time for lunch. Mmmm! I might go try to get weighed first - scales were broken yesterday. I should find out the damage of the holiday to make be eat better...

I'm back!

The word 'macaroni' means 'dearest darling' in Italian. FACT.

I have been on holiday. I will be blogging later on from home, hopefully with the aid of pictures.

On return from holiday yesterday me and Jennifer (Little Alsion) went in search of haircuts. We failed. But we did find charity shops open on a Sunday, which surprised us, but we shopped! It was fun. I'm wearing new jewellry which I'm enjoying a lot. The necklace makes a good slapping noise on my neck. I will have to demonstrate at some point.

Then we went to the fireworks! Me and Jennifer (Little Alsion) and Patrick (Housemate) and Dave (Boyfriend*) went to Princes Street (via Bristo Square to move some gas cylinders) and drank wine and watched the fireworks and listened to the orchestra. It was ace! Then we went to the Meadows and drank champagne that Dan and Gesine had left for staying in my flat when I was away. I should let people do that more often! I'm in Mankyland on Friday and Saturday nights. Anyone want to stay? :-)

It was a lovely evening and all worries that Dave would find someone better when I was in a field were squashed, and apparently I'm fantastic. Hurrah!

Am bored of work. I need to start enjoying my job more. I will try. As well as looking for one I really want. But I'm not sure that exists. So I should just start liking this one. I do like some bits. Just not all of it. But have a busy few days, so that should help. As long as I don't drink as much as last night and get more sleep!

Am really looking forward to orchestra on Thursday. Yay! And I think I'm going to join a new one. I also want to find some courses (I think sign language and something that proves I can use computers).

I'm going to leave work now. Good plan. Then I can go wash clothes and tidy and blog about holiday and go to Dave's house to watch films. Plan.

*I don't think I like that word. I don't like saying that's what he is. I don't know why. I think it is the word, cause I'm happy saying that we're together, or seeing each other, or other phrases, but just not that one.