So tyred...

Didn't find Adam. He forgot me :-(

Dave came round, but I was really tired and grumpy*, so I sent him away. Think I just went to bed.

Went for dinner with Dave then met Adam for drinks. We did a pub crawl home. It was nice as I don't see Adam as much as I would like.

Orchestra! It still rocks. I still like people in it. The concert is going to be ace. I did have a scary moment when the leader of violins was laughing... The cellos were playing a bit of tune on their own, and we'd had a few goes at it. Me and Neil (the guy next to me) were confused by the bowing, but on talking to the others, they just didn't know where the notes were! Anyway, we had a few goes and were getting there, and I noticed Donald, the leader of the violins and hence orchestra, laughing away. I was a bit miffed, but it turned out he was amazed at how good the section was sounding! Hurrah!

We were getting a new housemate, so I stayed in to let her in. I stayed late at work, so by the time I got home and cooked it was about 9, which made the wait till midnight easier. I also looked in her room, and Housemate Kat had vacated to move into Patrick's old room, and left it FILTHY! So I spent an hour or so cleaning the shelves and vacuuming and things. Was a good job I had time! I then watched Bill Bailey's Bewilderment, and greeted New Housemate Jo about 1.45am. So late! Spent a little time unloading the car, then crashed out, ready for tomorrow.

Got picked up about 1.30 to go to Kelso, a sleepy town in the Scottish Borders. We were late to the rehearsal (much to Louise's pain - she hates being late, but got stuck at the school thing she was doing and in traffic), so snuck in to find we were sitting on the front desk! Pah. Had a few hours rehearsal in the afternoon, then a sandwich tea made by local village old ladies. Then a few of us went for a stroll by the river, and looked round Kelso Abbey before heading back to change for the concert. The concert was fun! At least the first half was. I was knackered by the second half and played a bit rubbishly. Oops. Did leave me on a bit of a miserable note.

Got home about 10.30, had some food, watched Shooting Fish, then headed out to a gig to cheer myself up. When I was looking round flats I looked round a flat containing a musician (amongst others), so I said I'd stay in touch and come to a gig. I didn't, until last week. He said he was playing at L'Attache, which is downstairs at the west end of Princes Street, so I went along. I was needing to do something on my own, cause I was feeling a bit attached to various groups up here already. So I got there about 1 and a band was just setting up. This band did not contain the musician in question. So I just bought myself a pint of cider (Loopy Juice!) and sat with my little note book to clear my head. The band on was pretty good! The guys could all sing and play. It was cool just being there. Turns out the guys is playing next Saturday! But I reread his text numerous times and that was not in it at all! It just said Sat. Anyway, we might go this Sat too. Pete and Sarah will be here! So it depends on how fun other things are and how tired we are.

Slept till 4.30pm. I think this is impressive! I don't often sleep at all. I did wake up numerous times in this, but hey, it'll do. I pottered around and went shopping with New Housemate Jo (I wonder how long she'll have "New"?!?) and then was in bed again for 10.30pm.

Now. I'm knackered. I should not be!!! Pah. I have really big spot on my head. This is causing a headache that is making me feel sick. It's not pleasant.

On the plus side, I won a mountain bike at work! That was very random this morning - first phone call was a woman telling me I'd won. I had to get my picture taken (following the point before, I was not very amused). It might be a little small, and the tyres are flat, and it was assembled by the catering staff, so I might want to re-tighten all the bolts. But it's a free bike! And I think it'll be good. It has Kellogg's stickers on, but these come off, so it's ok. I might just take it and my bike to a shop and see what deal they'll me for the 2...

So that's it! A week in my life. Almost.

Going to join an orchestra on Tuesday, and another on Wednesday. I might not keep them all. Definitely going to keep the Thursday one! Want to do things other than orchestras, but know that if I join a few I *might* actually get better.

Friday is someone's birthday do.

Saturday Pete and Sarah here.

This is enough plans for a week! Tonight I should relax and make some parcels.

*I spent all week feeling tired and grumpy, but I couldn't work out why. Then I realised that I'd made my flexitime go from -2 to +8, so I'd actually done an extra 2 hours each day. That is why I was tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... bike is always good! It is rather odd not having any work to do on monday or tuesday...have been filling my time with would be impressed!!!