Week that was

So I failed at that!! I didn't do any of the plans. I did have a good week though.

Last night I got round to doing something gross that I've been putting off. Mainly because I got a little drunk and it was easier. When I moved into this flat, I stuck some gel flowers on the window, which were pretty. They then got very hot and melted. This was messy. But it gets worse. Before I left for holiday there were a few flies and a small moth that had flown into some of them, leaving dead things stuck to my window. When I got back from holiday (yes, I know I should have cleaned it up first!) there was a great big butterfly in one. Just stuck on my window. And as I couldn't really work out what to do with it, I left it. Until last night, when I scraped it off and cleaned my window. It was dark though, and I was tipsy, so I suspect I'm going to discover I wasn't that good at cleaning when I get home...

So, my week:

I tidied and stuff. Then we watched a Spanish film about ham. Jambon Jambon. It was random and crazy and I think everyone should watch it. It involves a girl who's breast taste of ham and omlettes, and a song that has the lyrics "Ecstasy, ecstano" (makes more sense as "ecsta-si, ecsta-no") and a fight using ham and everyone was having sex with everyone else, including people's mothers and fathers and wrong husbands and stuff (but it wasn't dodgy as in you saw much sex, so watch it even if that puts you off!).

Patrick's last night!
We went for a drink in an Irish pub called Finnegan's Wake. We all got ID'd! Hee he. And then we accidentally stayed there all night. It was quite lovely actually. Housemate Kat and her boyfriend Alex, Housemate Patrick and Housemate Alex were there. Dave appeared near the end too. We just talked and were silly and Patrick drew on everyone and I took silly pictures.

I miss Patrick.

Went to watch Curse of the Were-Rabbit outside. Mainly because it was outside and that amused me. But it was a little dull and I was on my own (Dave was involved in the setting up and running), so I went and joined in at the Savoy Fresher's event. I got a little bored there too. Oops. It was an open mic night, where anyone was invited to join in. But the established Savoy-ites were hogging the books and piano a little. And I only saw one talking to new people, and he was a little tipsy. They didn't even talk to me much. I couldn't be bothered talking to Fresher's, as I know nothing about Savoy. As an outsider, I'd say I wouldn't come back if I didn't already know anyone. So I took Dave's keys and let myself into his flat for a bath. He woke me up a while later and I made him some pasta whilst he got clean. Then I fell asleep.

Orchestra! Again, it rocked. Even though I was soaked when I got there. It appears I may be leading the section for a while. I still feel cheeky, but I've told enough people now that they know that I'm not trying to be cheeky. If everyone else is happier and plays better, then I'm willing to do it. I know and they know I'm not the best, but that doesn't matter. I'm the least phased by sitting there. There might be an issue if I'm not the best for the solos, but we'll see! Maybe I shall practise. Went to the pub after and it was nice. I like one of the other girls (me, liking a girl?!?). I keep forgetting her name though. I don't think she's offended.

Today. Work's been a bit mad, but I prefer that. Going home now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eueeeeuuw, mucky sticky insects!

I need to clean our "lads" shower, actually - now that there seem to be two girls using it*, there's a hair-clogging-up-plughole problem :o(

* For quite some time, I was the only housemate using that bathroom due to its inferior shower.

Breasts that taste of ham and omelette? Bonus! Although I'd expect them to taste more like chicken...