I just wrote an e-mail to a friend, and I've realised that it might be nice to keep on my blog.

Here's a brief summary of what I've been doing:

- Holiday to the wilderness with parents and sisters (lots of hills and waterfalls and rain and wind and rock pools and sand)
- Festival (lots of drinking and seeing shows and seeing people that I've not seen for a while)
- Ill (a result of Festival playing-out-ness)
- Gained a boyfriend (also a result of Festival playing-out-ness, which is odd as I was quite ill

and pathetic)

That might be all, but I could have forgotten anything else.

Things I'm looking forward to:

- Orchestra! Starts again on Thursday. We're playing my favourite piece ever at the Christmas concert
- Wedding of Paula and Patrick in Mankychester this weekend
- Doing nothing to recover from everything and work out what normal life is again
- Planning other things to make normal life what I want (going to do some courses, I think, and going to make effort to do random adventures to see people/places I want)

Didn't blog about holiday last night. You may have noticed. I went to Daves and made him cook and put a DVD (documentary on making of Clerks, going to be followed by Clerks, but it was too late) on. Somehow he thought I'd spoilt him for the evening though, as I brought (free) food and said DVD. Weird! We both thought the other had made all the effort of the evening. Accidental chatting until the middle of the night occured, and now I am sleepy. Got to work later than planned (bus from his house goes long windy way and I thought it would take the same time), but was on time for meeting anyway, but it was cancelled. So have spent the morning faffing about what to do, resulting in some things being done without feeling like I've done anything.

Now it's time for lunch. Mmmm! I might go try to get weighed first - scales were broken yesterday. I should find out the damage of the holiday to make be eat better...

1 comment:

Simon said...

Your morning there sounded like my morning. Long live nothing to do!