News and excitement

Today's fact (probably loved by Pete):

One pound of tea can make 300 cups. FACT.

So, I've been having an ace time, which is partly the reason for no blogs. The other reason being no interweb at home... I shall update:

Show. Can't remember anything specific about it! Afterwards had a few drinks in the bar and then went home.

Show. Afterwards was the "cast meal", which really bugs me as a title. It's not just cast! It's the crew and orchestra and directors and everything. Chinese set meal. It was pretty nice actually, but as with all of these things you end up stuck with who you are sitting with. Not that there was anything wrong with I was sitting with, just would have liked to mingle. But was fun - stayed for a while after the meal, and then went to a random party with Geoff and James. Was nice. Had a good chat with James, but as I was exceedingly tired I think I said some rather inappropriate things about someone he met in the festival and I happen to know too. Oops. He doesn't seem to hate me for it though, so that's ok! Home about 3.30.

Up at 9 to let the joiner in. Ouch. Jo was up too, so I nipped to the bank and shop so that she could go to the library later on. Made brownies and did washing and had a bath. Fell asleep in the bath! Oops. Was cold when I woke up. Never mind. Off to the last night of the show and the aftershow party. Hurrah! Show was very good - watched much of it from the wings, as Nikki hadn't seen much and didn't know what it was about. Was such a good atmosphere and a great performance.

Show finished about 10.30. Left the theatre about 12.30. Got home about 7. I can remember most of what happened in between, but not all! Kissed some boys that I probably shouldn't have, but I'm hopefully not in trouble. I was fairly drunk for the amount of alcohol I had, which I put down to not eating or sleeping much recently.

Woke up at 1, which I thought was shockingly late, until I realised that's still not many hours sleep. Stayed in bed till 4. Hee hee. I had intended to get up and go to Glasgow with Helen, who was back from her highland tour, but I failed. It turned out Helen didn't go anyway, as she was knackered. She came over and we got takeaway (I think the first time I've had it delivered to my door! And it was literally to my door, bnot the downstairs buzzer, which scared me quite a bit) and then chatted and chatted and chatted (a lot, considering we both felt too tired to talk!) and then watched Dave Gorman in bed.

Helen went to get the train and I went to work. Think I did nothing in the evening, as still knackered.

Work. Went to see my friend Tim's band (Milford Cubicle) play at Subway (Scrubway) Cowgte. The support band was VERY LOUD, meaning that by the time Tim's band came on I couldn't hear much. I did like them better than the support though, even though the played rubbishly by their standards.

EARS RINGING. Had interview. Was late, so had to cycle down hill to the bus stop. Rushed to interview, couldn't hear much, probably talked really fast. Interview was very quick, which I didn't know if it was a good sign of me answering the questions or not... Had the morning off work, so when I was free at 10.45 I went shopping! Picked a coat, but needed ths size inbetween the ones in the shop. But bought hat/glove/scarf combo and some fingerless mitten things. This is all thanks to the Winter Clothing Allowance as decreed in Chancellor Pickering's Budget Statement. It's sad that I can't afford a coat except when Daddy pays! But that's not true - I could afford it anyway, just wouldn't let myself. Did over 7 hours work, which is not strickly a half day! But then couldn't be bothered with orchestra, so just had a bath and rang people from it.

I GOT THE JOB!!!! So I have a groozy new job now. 27 days holiday plus up to 2 days flex a month plus bank holidays adds up to 59 days! I could have a day a week off! But I don't think it would work out like that. Will have trips away and set meetings and things. But it sounds cool and an ace job to have for a significant period of time, with opportunities to meet people all over the area.

After work came orchestra and associated fun ness. I played my solo exceedingly RUBBISHLY, which upsets me. But I don't think I can do anything about it. I can play it fine at home, I just get very scared. Oh well. Something will happen.

Is now. I've been telling people at work. And working quite a bit (and writing this!!). I'm now watching the clock and panicing about being able to leave, as I want to go ask someone about my broken iPod before meeting CHARLOTTE from the train. I get Charlotte for the weekend! And Kathryn. I feel a bit mean that I say Charlotte so much more, but it's not that I'm not excited about Kathryn coming too, it's just Charlotte. And I hope she understands. It's going to be an ace weekend of adventures, I hope.

I like being happy and excited. Everything's going to be ok. It's still not perfect, like flat rubbish ness and no men, but who wants perfect?!? What would I do then?!?


Anonymous said...

yayness on new job...

i am currently preparing flat for jens austin powers party...could be interesting!!

word verification for today - rabed

Mahinda said...

My winter coat will be 12 years old this Christmas. I might get a new one one day, but I like the old one, and I've been told that it looks fine.

Congrats again regarding the job. You rock.

BTW, what was your mate's band doing playing a gig in a popular sandwich-supplying establishment?

Unknown said...

I want a pound of tea.