I'm back!

So, I'm back. Home doesn't not feel much like home. I don't know why.

I'm not going to write about my holiday just now, as I'm grumpy! My flat annoyed me. I've had very random sleep* and food, so I need to get back to "normal" before I write about it. And I've not yet decided how much I am going to write, as it could get very long!

So for now, just know that I'm back in Edinburgh and at work. And had an excellent time.

*Thursday night = 3 hours
Friday night = 3 hours
Saturday night = 10 minutes (on plane)
Sunday night = 12 hours

One more sleep...

I wonder if I'll be able to sleep much? I'm like a kid going to Disneyland!! Actually, I'm probably more like an adult going to Disneyland... Nah, I'm a kid.

Have been to the dentist. She didn't find anything to fix. I get antibiotics, as it's probably an infection under the filling. I just looked up if I can drink with them, and Google seems to think so, but in moderation. As if I can do that?!? Anyway, it did tell me that it can interfere with the pill, which is of no problem to me - I don't like hormonal interference - but I would have expected either the dentist or pharmacist to tell me, surely?!? Anyway, it doesn't matter. But it could have. Maybe it will get rid of my cold too.

Anyway, after work it's to the bank, Lush, bus shop and then home to pack. I will be far more excited when I have some stuff in a suitcase...

Anyway, farewell for 2 weeks! I may be online at Melissa's, but I don't want to be much if at all. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, and make sure you all have blog for me to read when I'm back.


A week of almost nothing...

Week's been pretty quiet...

Housemate Jo appeared after about6 weeks of absence. Can't remember anything else of interest. I generally pottered around the flat trying on shoes and corset to take to America.

After work I went to see poorly Adam. I took him grapes and bread and we were very sad and played on GoogleEarth, looking at where I will be, how it can't cope with Edinburgh Castle, and where Scottish people say "Poo!"

Work - I actually had work to do! Went to East Dunbarton and did 2 interviews. Was very tiring. Driving 2 hours each way too. I realised I couldn't see as much as I expected, hence...

... glasses. I went to the optician after work and picked glasses and got them shortly after. They are cool! Look:

I also got some plain black ones (free) with tint. I'm going to go back later and ask them to take the tint off, as it's not sunny. And I want sensible ones too. I'm a bit worried this means I'm going to end up buying lots of glasses, as they are an accessory...

I had a slight panic about money, realising that I can't afford them, meaning I can't afford anything on holiday. So I did the mature sensible thing* and rang Mummy for help. I only wanted to borrow the money, so that I can do stuff on holiday, but I was later informed that they paid for Katherine and Jennifer's first glasses, so they pay for mine too! And I realised they owe me for Christmas (I ended up doing some food shopping) and they also said they'd pay for some of my dentist, so that I got white fillings and not metal. So that's why I'd been feeling so skint!!

It's very weird looking through glasses. I keep looking round them.

My tooth hurts today. The main one that I needed dentisting. So I'm going to go tomorrow and see if they can fix it before my holiday. I'm suddenly running out of time for everything! Got to go back to the glasses shop later, to get my other pair adjusted, and got to go to the bank to sort out rent, and got to sort out a bed for Housemate Mo as Kat is wanting to take hers away, and got to take a wrong present back to a shop, and got to get my bus pass sorted for when I get back, and got to do some washing, and got to get me some dollars, and pack, and AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. Holidays are stressful, I've decided.

But tonight I go to the pub and orchestra and the pub. Which will be fun. Hurrah!

*It is mature and sensible in a way, as they have always said they'll help me if I need, but I usually struggle on and get miserable.

I miss my hippies


Weekend goodness

(mini rant)
Why, oh why, can't I manage not to make a tit out of myself, just once?!? I'm such a moron.
(/mini rant)

It's a glorious* Monday morning. I feel like I have a hangover. This is unjustified, but I shall take it without moaning, as I'm sure I should have had more this year so far. I've been useful at work. I feel like my head is organised. This is all good. I do realise that I'm blogging far too much at the moment, and being on Facebook far too much. I make myself feel less sad about this, knowing that it's not going to be for long. Soon I will have work to do, and dossing on the internet will be a thing of the past. Until I get round to getting broadband in the flat. And then I shall spend my evenings dossing on the net, instead of doing out and drinking. This has to be good for the wallet and waist. I'm *almost* getting round to dieting again. Hurrah!

Got home from work. Went to bed. I was quite sure I was getting some kind of bug. There has been little evidence since, until I arrived at work again. I must be allergic to the building. Or work. We shall find out tomorrow when I work out of the office. Was disturbed from my rest when Eoin turned up for dinner. I said "IT'S TOMORROW" and laughed, although he should probably laugh more, as I was wearing old scabby pyjamas. I usually wear cute ones. Promise. He would pick the wrong day! After that disturbance (and the fact that it was still early) I could no longer sleep, so bathed. This was the extent of my interesting evening.

I'd organised a few friends to come over for dinner, so I got up fairly early and spent the day cleaning, washing and cooking. Dinner was succ essful, as in everyone ate and said they liked it. The guest list was Caroline (who also supplied an amazing ginger pudding), Eoin, Andy, Iona, Kelly and Housemate Alex, so everyone only knew 1 or 2 people. Could have been a disaster looking at it like that! But it wasn't. How does my evening of nothing look more interesting than my evening of fun dinner party? It wasn't. The dinner party was ace. I then stayed up till 4 with Housemate Alex and Tom. Oops.

Got up at 11. I felt bad for staying in bed so late, until I remembered that this isn't that much sleep. I wandered around some charity shops and the fabric shop before going to the Savoy rehearsal. I measured some people and played with wire which will be wings. Then I went to the pub and had a grump, so came home to find Housemate Mo moving in! I think it's going to be good. I did wus out though, and go to bed early.

My sister now lives on Ffriddoedd Road. How on earth do you say that?!? Stupid Wales.

I'm sure I should be doing more things to prepare for my trip. Have I mentioned I go to America on Saturday? Actually, I bet I haven't!! I'm going to America on Saturday for 2 weeks!!!!! I'm going to stay with Melissa and we're going to go to New York and Boston and Chicago (or maybe I made these places up**) and we're going to be sparkly and amazing. I'm going to be Melissa's date for a glitzy show opening. I'm going to stay in my own bedroom at Melissa's house, which has hot pink sheets and hot pink towels. I'm going to drive on the wrong side of the road. Whether this is the wrong side for here or there is yet to be decided. I am VERY excited. I am wearing rubbish pants all week in preparation. Not because I'm worried about being excited. Because I want to take all my best pants on holiday. I am going to take lots of pictures and write in a diary so I can remember forever. I may or may not blog about it. It might be secret. We shall see.

I should stop waffling now.

*By glorious, I don't mean weather wise, as usually implied. It's actually quite minging. Although sunrise was a pretty pink.

**By made these places up, I mean made up that that's what we're doing. I believe they exist and I did not invent them.

A lot in just a couple of days

I forgot to write about mime juggling! This was an ace game we played in the pub. I was playing the piano on the table, as the jugglers were talking techie. So one of them tried to guess what I was playing. As they are jugglers and not musicians, they failed! But then they started mime juggling and the others had to guess what they were doing. They made me pretend to be doing poi, and then said "That's a weave" and "That's a double backwards butterfly" and other such nonsense sentences. It was fun. We should play more mime games.

So, Wednesday I went straight from work and found Shaun. We went back to my flat, met new Housemate Mo and did admin of keys and deposits and stuff and drank some whisky and ginger wine, before heading to Kat's new flat with pillows and a plant for a nose around. Her new room is a lot smaller, so I don't know how she will ever fit her stuff in, but it's got an ace view and she loves it, so it'll work out fine! I look forward to her being happier and meeting up on purpose.

Me and Shaun* then went for dinner. It was lovely! I had cous cous, which I don't often bother with, but it was an excellent choice. A bottle of wine was also lovely and consumed. I think by this point we'd just about caught up with each other's lives. We realised we're rubbish at keeping in touch, and it'd been aaaages since I knew what he was up to. Turns out his year has been pretty rubbish, mostly due to one girl, but it finished well and he's looking forward to this one with Nat. I know both Shaun and Nat from teacher training, which is a pretty hard time for me to think about. So I try not to. But I think some reflection is probably good. I've got some excellent friends out of it, and it has also shown me a lot about me. Anyway, I shall be friends with Shaun for a long time. I'm quite sure.

After dinner, a trip to Doctor's was in order. Here we found Chris and Kelly, and were later joined by Lou and Dave. An amusing time was had by all, and I had a good chat with Dave. It's ace that we get on. Neither of us have really got on with an ex before! It's going to be a good friendship, cause we still look out for each other. Mess with either of us and you'll be sorry!! A sneaky bus home was in order, followed by talking more rubbish and drinking more beer. Hurrah!

Thursday was an odd day. I didn't go to work. I went to a funeral. And in a way it was really nice. I know you probably shouldn't say that about funerals. But it was. It's not nice that John died. But it was nice to see how many friends loved him and how good him and his family are. His wife and sons seemed very composed, because they loved him and appreciated all the time with him. And so could everyone else. We could talk about his life and times in a good way. I also had the opportunity to see my cousins, which I don't do often. I took duty of the little ones, involving carrying Carla for most of the time due to her not having any shoes**, so Sue could appreciate the service more. They were all highly amused at me singing the hymns. I was in tune! What was funny?!?

After the service I went to find Shaun in town. He'd been sight seeing and walking miles and miles, so was knackered. We found a pub and chips and told each other about our days, before heading home to get Shaun's bag and a five minute rest. Then it was off to Stockbridge to meet Caroline and Ali (from orchestra) to prepare ourselves for next week's rehearsal. This involved drinking beer and eating food. Hurrah! Was lovely. But had to end when Shaun needed to get his bus home. Bus to Manchester. Nutter! It left at 9.30pm, and got to Manchester at 3.50am. As if you'd do that! GET THE TRAIN! Muppet. But very, very much appreciated a visitor. I need people that I know around me. I'm getting there with a few in Edinburgh, but not quite there yet. Everything's still an effort.

I've enjoyed this blog post. I don't think it's interesting to many other people, but that's not actually the point anyway. Woo!

*I know this is incorrect grammar, I just don't talk the other way and it feels too odd to write down!

**Sue had been staying at Helen's (my mum's sisters) for New Year. Helen's kids (Sarah and Lucy) had been over at their dad's and picked up a bug from his daughter. So there had been much throwing up and stuff. Hence Sue and her 4 kids being late leaving Stockport to get to Edinburgh, and not beeing able to find Carla's shoes.

Bunch of juggling hippies...

So, off I went and (eventually) found Jennifer and Abi at the train station. As the buses didn't appear to be going along Princes Street, we decided to go get our party packs for New Year on the way home. This did seem to be a bit of a detour (!), but it was ok as I wheeled Abi's bag for her, and Jennifer managed without much moaning. Got back to the flat, had some dinner, and then ventured off to see Ali's band again. I'm addicted! Jennifer accused me of flirting (probably because I was) with some people, but it's all allowed, so there. Back home for some Spaced and bed.

After limited sleep due to Jennifer being a bed hog, bBreakfast and showers happened, fairly slowly, as Abi needed more Spaced. Then we headed to find Emily after some sale shopping. By sale shopping, I mean attempting to go into shops and then leaving again. It was horrible!! We got Emily and as she is very good at packing light, we went for a wander to find out about ghost tours for later. After deciding a plan we realised we needed to get food and get to the flat, so we went for a buffet and then bus. Quick visit home and bus back to town for the tour. It turns out that we weren't the only people with that plan, so we changed our minds as we couldn't hear! So we found a quiz machine in one pub and Donald from orchestra in another, before heading to George Street for a FLAMING CAR RACE!!

Firstly we saw a bagpipe orchestra, then a ceilidh in the street, as well as all sorts of other crazy things, like people jumping on springly stilts and people cutting hair. But we knew what we'd come for and went in the hunt of cars on fire. It turned out to be in an hour, so we found mulled wine and came back. The event itself was a chariot race performed by (I think) members of a German circus. I so should look it up, but can't be bothered... I like not knowing some things. Which is good, considering how much I don't know. Anyway, waffling! There were chariots and fire and fireworks and it was highly entertaining and amusing. Hurrah! Not sure if Jennifer’s friends liked it too much (it was a bit weird…) but I think Jennifer did at least.

New Year's Eve
Getting up and showering and breakfast took longer due to a bunch of juggling hippies also trying to get up and shower and breakfast. There was no floor space in my room due to a double mattress on the floor, nor any in the living room, and lots of people milling around the kitchen. I decided the best thing to do was stand in the corner and wash up. So I did. For ages. But it was great! I was surrounded by people but didn’t have to talk to any. I had a migraine coming on, and didn’t want it for the evening, so when Jennifer, Abi and Emily went to town I had a bath in glitter and mooched around exceedingly grumpily, mostly in the dark. It did me the world of good and by the time the got back I was all grumped out and finally a little chirpy about the evening out. So I had a drink. Here the memory gets hazy.
The Street Party was cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, so we firstly went to a party near mine to kidnap Mr Dan Paterson, who was in town for the night. We then walked across to Newington in the rain, to get to a party just in time for midnight (I *think* I talked to my dad and cousins on route). After that party there was another. It must have rained as there is one picture of me and I looked a bit drowned. This (and Abi telling me) is the only way I know what I was wearing for the evening! I wasn’t really dressed for a party, as I thought we’d be outside all night at the party, and didn’t intend to take off my coat. Oh well. I’ve probably looked worse… I was wearing my wellies though, and remember that I jumped (or jamp, as the correct past tense surely should be) in all the puddles I could find on the way home. Got home about 5.30 and decided to sleep on the sofa, so when the hippies got back I talked rubbish a bit more.

New Year's Day

Had about 3 hours sleep and then was up and awake! Same as the day before really, I just pottered around and tidied, whilst surrounded by people. Jen and the others went to get their trains, and I watched the Chronicles of Riddick (RUBBISH!) with hippies, before going to the pub. This was silly but very fun. I got tipsy and flirted with all 5 boys. Hurrah! Ooh, I practised cello too. Go me!

After 3 hours sleep and 2 more hours lying around I got bored and did more washing up. I’m not very good at sleeping, especially with other people in my bed that take up too much space. Hippies all had to go, which was a bit sad. But then Adam rescued me by suggesting a trip up Arthur’s Seat. I’d forgotten about no sleep, so half way up was VERY tired! But we made it, along with the world and his dog. Then a pint, more walk, tea, more walk, bed. I watched Big in bed. I want a trampoline and bunk beds.

Now. I ache everywhere. Really need not to drink for a while! But going to meet Shaun from his train now, so we’ll probably then go to the pub. :-)