Housemate Jo appeared after about6 weeks of absence. Can't remember anything else of interest. I generally pottered around the flat trying on shoes and corset to take to America.
After work I went to see poorly Adam. I took him grapes and bread and we were very sad and played on GoogleEarth, looking at where I will be, how it can't cope with Edinburgh Castle, and where Scottish people say "Poo!"
Work - I actually had work to do! Went to East Dunbarton and did 2 interviews. Was very tiring. Driving 2 hours each way too. I realised I couldn't see as much as I expected, hence...
... glasses. I went to the optician after work and picked glasses and got them shortly after. They are cool! Look:

I also got some plain black ones (free) with tint. I'm going to go back later and ask them to take the tint off, as it's not sunny. And I want sensible ones too. I'm a bit worried this means I'm going to end up buying lots of glasses, as they are an accessory...
I had a slight panic about money, realising that I can't afford them, meaning I can't afford anything on holiday. So I did the mature sensible thing* and rang Mummy for help. I only wanted to borrow the money, so that I can do stuff on holiday, but I was later informed that they paid for Katherine and Jennifer's first glasses, so they pay for mine too! And I realised they owe me for Christmas (I ended up doing some food shopping) and they also said they'd pay for some of my dentist, so that I got white fillings and not metal. So that's why I'd been feeling so skint!!
It's very weird looking through glasses. I keep looking round them.
My tooth hurts today. The main one that I needed dentisting. So I'm going to go tomorrow and see if they can fix it before my holiday. I'm suddenly running out of time for everything! Got to go back to the glasses shop later, to get my other pair adjusted, and got to go to the bank to sort out rent, and got to sort out a bed for Housemate Mo as Kat is wanting to take hers away, and got to take a wrong present back to a shop, and got to get my bus pass sorted for when I get back, and got to do some washing, and got to get me some dollars, and pack, and AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH. Holidays are stressful, I've decided.
But tonight I go to the pub and orchestra and the pub. Which will be fun. Hurrah!
*It is mature and sensible in a way, as they have always said they'll help me if I need, but I usually struggle on and get miserable.
glasses are weird! FACT. getting used to mine now.
cow glasses...ace...almost as cool as fact they are cooler...x
Cool glasses mate.
I remember getting mine and suddenly being to see so much more :) Was top. Hmm until I wnet in to school with em. You get used the the seeing round em thing.
Have a good holiday & Happy New Year btw.
Ian (GingerISHOne)
Nice specs. You'll look all stern.
New job sounds good. Are you enjoying it?
Holiday to America sounds even better. Hurrah!!!
Emma - How many STRIPY* cows have you seen???
*I first wrote STROPY, which is probably funnier.
e - which "e" are you?
That'd be telling.
Not sure why I didn't sign in like I normally do. Must be half asleep.
That's who I thought! But it made no sense.
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