I hate the M8 in rush hour!

Who built a motorway THROUGH the middle of Glasgow?!? But I did see a great rainbow, and am quite convinced that for a while I was actually in the bottom of it.

I currently have a rifle in my living room. And some humongous fairy wings. It's fun.

This is my early night. It is after midnight and I *should* get up at 6. I think I will not. I need sleep. As most of you know, I'm not a nice person when I don't sleep. Or eat. I ate tea today. It had spinach in, cause I thought that was a good idea. Yesterday my tea was Guinness. No wonder I was rude to people. Well, not actually rude, just pathetic and usless.

I am very much looking forward to my bed.


Anonymous said...

I may have lived in The Grim And Frozen North for over 11 years, but I still don't associate "tea" with "dinner".

Spinach and teabags just don't mix.

Unknown said...

tea is dinner, dinner is lunch. that's just the way things are.

Anyway, quite a few connurbations have motorways through the middle, manchester has one, and London has several (ok, London only has segments in and around the centre as opposed to one that goes right through, but you know what I mean)

Anonymous said...

You see I come from a world where the meals go:


(the latter two are the same meal but it's supper between 6.00 and 8.00 and dinner thereafter [or if it involves candles then it's definately dinner])

This almost makes me a hobbit I think (aside from the tallness).

Anonymous said...

Yes, Tall One, that is how things should go. But afternoon tea should include scones and delicate little sandwiches...which certainly wouldn't have been the case in my household!

As a hobbit, you'd be even taller than "Bullroarer" Took!

Also, Birmingham has the M6 running right though it. Actually, that sort of confirms your point.