
Mary (but she doesn't take genius responsibility):
"Life is a terminal sexually transmitted disease."

Dan, when pondering how to stop this STD spreading:
"Don't let people get drunk."

What you don't need to hear your boss say:
"I don't think I'm pregnant, unless I've been sitting on dodgy toilet seats."

Twice as long...

Every day this week, outside of work has been as long as inside of work. Actually, isn't is always? It just feels like I've had full days in the evening a lot. I'm getting too old for this...

Emma was in town! So after work I drove to the bank and met her. I got her to watch the car whilst I put money in the bank, but didn't tell her which car* it was! Oops. Then we went to my house, but realised it was too early to be able to park, so we went shopping and bought the most amount of food ever for tea! This was consumed, and then we went to a couple of pubs with New Housemate Erin. It was nice! But no-one was that energetic, so the evening ended fairly early. I was driving (so to be sober enough for driving in the morning!) and Emma had to get back to her hotel/audition** in Glasgow.

Drove to Kirkpatrick Flemming and spoke to a nice lady in a care home. Stole some ideas for future use. Mwah ha ha ha. Then went to my hotel in Dumfries. It had a four poster bed and spa bath, which sounds ace. But it wasn't. The light was above the bed, so made the room have a weird light to it. And there was a dodgy light above the mirror in the bathroom which was very noisy. I was planning on a trashy film & browsing the internet, but the TV had 2 sky channels, which were rubbish, and the internet was broked. So I bought wine and had a bath. Was a bit boring. I should have taken more entertainment. But if the hotel had what it advertised I wouldn't have been bored. I did get to watch Diagnosis Murder! Yay!

Drove to Newton Stewart and spoke to a nice man there, then had lunch and drive back to Edinburgh. I got to the office at 5.30, so felt like I should stay for a while. I didn't. I had to get to the theatre to watch Singalong Sound of Music. It was fun! Not quite what I expected - as it was in a theatre, I thought it would be performed. But it was the film. Which is LONG! So after all the hype, dressing up judging*** and an interval, it didn't finish until nearly midnight. So I had to walk home.

Work. Then pub before orchestra. I feel like I've not been to the pub before or after orchestra for weeks (probably not true) so it was nice to catch up with Caroline, Katrina & Tim. We were thin on the ground, but good quality. Then the rehearsal. I feel like I've not been at rehearsals for ages either, but this one was excellent. I didn't play well, or anything like that! But my brain was at rehearsal more than it has been for a while, the guy who's better than me wasn't there. So I felt more needed than usual. Which is just what I needed.

After orchestra I headed over to Mary & Woody's 21st celebrations - a ceilidh. I didn't really feel like dancing, so just joined in with the Orkadian Strip the Willow at the end. I have bruised arms. One guy in particular hurt! Then I went for a drink with Dave. I really appreciate his friendship at the moment. I've discovered that I can't trust some people. But I can really trust him. I think! And that's ace.

Is now. I'm trying to stay at work as long as possible. But this might be enough. Everyone around me left over an hour ago. I don't have much to do. I've discovered that I'm not going on a visit in a while. This annoyed me a little. But I'll just have to deal with it! Have been volunteering for things, so should be ok. And if I'm not going on visits, then maybe I can dye my hair! Woo!

I am very much looking forward to not getting up tomorrow. I'm going to spend the weekend tidying, sorting, cleaning, organising, etc. My room and my head. Although mot my head much. It's pretty ok.

But first, I am going to get drunk. And hopefully NOT switch the computer on when I get home. I might change my password to something tricky.

*It was the red one. There are 2 work pool cars - red and silver. I do know what they are, but prefer these descriptions. I like the silver one better. It doesn't have keys. The key is a bit of plastic. But you can put it in your handbag in the boot and still drive the car. This scared me at first, but now I like it. It's a bit like magic. It also decides how fast to do the wipers, and when to put the lights on, and fades in and out of radio channels when you change them, and tells you all sorts, if you want. It's fancy. And has power. Vroooooom!

**The audition wasn't in the hotel, as far as I know. It wasn't *that* kind of audition.

***One of the winners was A Jew, from the goodnight song - #Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you...


A wedding!

Work then show! Surprisingly. Caroline & Eoin from orchestra, Dave from work & Erin, and Gavin from old work & Lyndsey came to watch. Look at my ticket selling abilities! Ken from work had been on Thursday, and Ali from orchestra on Wednesday, too. Si arrived from Manchester half way through the show, but between him and Emma they managed to get his bags into my flat, so after the show we could go straight out to the cast meal*. It was an Italian on Lothian Road. Pretty nice! Chaotic though, as you'd expect for a meal for 60 ish people...

Up early to get to the fabric shop before the matinee. Spent most of the matinee sewing when I wasn't playing, to make wings for the crew. Demanding creatures! I wanted to do it though. I just didn't have time or space or resources in the orchestra pit, so half way through I gave up and passed it over to Nikki, to save my ass, once again... Between the performances I took Nikki, Andy & Iona for curry, at a place I took Linden & Liz to when they helped me move up. It wasn't as good as I remember, so next time I shall either try somewhere else or go back to the other dish!

Quick dash home to change, as I'd accidentally ended up wearing my huge purple trousers for the matinee, and I wanted to look better in the evening. Then to the final performance! I couldn't be bothered. When the show started, I was just tired and grumpy. But got very much into it, as the audience and general mood was ace. Quickest get out ever, and we were all at the party about 12/12.30. Awards & general merriment ensued. Home about 5.

Emma's alarm was set for 8, but she didn't move for a while! Then she went off to Glasgow, and me and Si joined Kelly & Dave for a drink in Bedlam. Si went off to get his train, and I went with Kelly to Dave's to watch something... I can't remember what, I fell asleep! Ooh, High Fidelity. I then stumbled back to mine and slept some more.

Work. Then Mission Flatmate! Basically spent the night tidying/writing adverts for a flatmate.

Flat viewings all evening. It's tiring.

Ditto Tuesday. Jo only got back late, so we told her about all the people we met and picked one.

Tried to arrange new girl moving in, whilst not being in at all! Straight to pub after work, then orchestra, then Leith, then my flat, then Doctor's, then Leith, then home. Mission wings! but I got rid of some. Still loads in my living room... But that Doctor's trip was the best in a while, and it was spontaneous. Hurrah!

Went to Ayr for work. Was nice. Then had a lovely evening drinking wine in the bath whilst listening to Bill Bailey on Radio 3, before going to meet Mahinda at the train station (with a gold shoe mission in between too). A drink at Est Est Est with the groom & various guests, before heading back for an early night.

Liam appeared at my house about 10.30, so we kicked Mahinda up too, and pottered around for a while. Liam then headed off to New Lanark and Mahinda & I went to the wedding of Richard Townhill and Susan Harris. Or Shiny & Suzy. It was a lovely ceremony, with a speech from Suzy's grandfather. His surname is the same as my Gran's maiden name, so for a while I thought we might be related. But I rang my parents and spoke to my dad whilst my mum spread pages of family tree round the house, to discover we're not related. At least not that much. Still possible if you go back a long way, I guess.

Anyway, the meal was gorgeous. I was sat between Mahinda and Gordon, who'd been playing trumpet in the ceremony. He knows Suzy from EYO many years ago, and is now a real musician! How exciting. We were also on a table with a couple from California and a girl who used to live with Richard at university. They've got such a fantastic set of friends. Dancing followed, but I stayed well away from that! Good spectator sport, imho. We left when we got kicked out (!) about 12.30, and Kate wanted another drink, so off we went to Doctor's. Kate changed her mind en-route, and the others walked too slowly and missed last orders. Was a bit pointless really! Then froze a lot trying to find a cab. Got home and Mahinda opened more drinks. Ouch.

Lazy movement happened, and we went out to meet Matt, Sarah, Cattac, Ross & Bex for lovely food and then a wander around town (up and down the Royal Mile) where we found other wedding guests & rabbits. Back to my flat to get Liam's stuff, then sent him on his merry way. Mothers were phoned, and then me and Mahinda watched Mallrats and ate pizza before going to watch the Penny Dreadfuls perform Aeneas Faversham at Bedlam. The pub quiz happened to be on after that, so we joined in, and me, Mahinda & Nick beat the other million playered Savoy team, but sadly didn't do that well overall... A fun day of adventures.

Is now. I am very sleepy. Emma is going to be here this evening. Tomorrow I go to Lockerbie then stay in a hotel in Dumfries. It's going to be odd, staying on my own in a hotel for work. But it says it has satellite & broadband, so I'm sure I'll be entertained! A TV will be a novelty, and maybe I'll even relax and recover a bit...

*It upsets me that it's called the "cast" meal, as they want the crew and orchestra to come along, but it can feel like they're being left out due to the name. GRUMP!
I have drunk far too much coffee.

Wheeeeeeee... Zzzzzzzz.

Anyone need a room?

We are in desperate need of a flatmate! Anyone know anyone who needs a room?

This is a ridiculous time of night to be on my computer.

Just realised...

That is might not make sense. I talked and talked about costumes, and then swapped to drums... At the costume run, the percussion part appeared in my handbag. When I remembered to ask Ed (the MD), it turns out that he would like to take me up on my offer to play in the show. But I didn't have chance to look at the music! So played half of it at the dress rehearsal, and sight read the rest on the opening night. I've gradually been telling people that I'm not a percussionist, I'm a cellist. And I haven't seen the part lots. And then they're impressed with me. Before that, they think I'm rubbish, which is probably fair...

Not very long

It feels like a week since that last post. Turns out it's only 2 days. Oops.

Justin, Gesine and Jonathan arrived from Manchester to see the show, so we went for a bite to eat before hand. This turned out to be silly, cause I had to go back to the theatre pretty soon, so I grabbed some chips. Show was quite good, by other people's feedback. I didn't play as well as Tuesday, cause Ali (cellist from my orchestra who is really a drummer and had leant me his kit) was listening. After the show headed to Doctor's for a couple of cheeky pints, then back to mine for bed finding for the masses.

Didn't sleep well. Felt awful at 7 when I eventually crawled out of bed. Found a very chirpy Justin in the kitchen. Had shower. Felt human. Got the others up. It's funny how people are different in the mornings. Don't talk to Gesine*. She doesn't like it. They packed up very swiftly, after cranberry sauce on toast. It makes a good alternative to jam.

Work was fairly dull - not out of the office until next Friday. Fat Club was uneventful.

So, to the theatre. Arrived just before 5. I asked Nikki, Iona and Andy to get there ASAP, in an attempt to buy them dinner for helping me so much with stuff. But Andy and Iona were at the ballet, so when they arrived they weren't in time for that. So rescheduled. Everything seemed pretty calm, so tuned my timps and went to find chocolate for Ed who hadn't eaten. Then the fire alarm went off... So the cast, crew, orchestra and audience all had to evacuate and wait for the fire engine. Joy. Half the cast were in costume, some were in very little. It was windy and rainy. I ran round and tried to get anyone in costume away from the audience, but they didn't seem to think it important. Grump. But at least I the chocolate that I'd got for Ed to share out!

Show started 20 or so minutes late, once everyone had warmed up. I played better. Show looked ace from where I was. I know the techies weren't happy though. It's funny that everyone has different perspectives on it. Well, not funny, but you know what I mean... Wasn't going to go to the pub, but then fell down the stairs and decided I needed a drink. So went to Doctor's with the techies. It was fun.

Got home about 1, slightly worse for wear. I'm such a light weight at the moment! Which is good, but I forget. Oops. Alex had just got in too, so got up to talk to me. Turns out his mate who was going to move in tomorrow is not going to move in tomorrow. This leaves me stuck as the rent goes out of my account and everyone pays me. But now one person is not going to pay me. I'm so cross. I'm sick of the people in the flat being so unreliable. I'm the one who's always left to deal with it, as the one with a real job and the one who's organised. GRUMP! I don't even think Mo (who's moving out) has told the landlady. Which will leave it to me, again. But he's never signed a lease for the flat, so he can just leave with no record of being there. As can Alex.

I really need to move out.

Now. I eventually dragged myself out of bed about 7.30 to find a dead mouse outside my door. Thank you, Spellbound. Just what I always wanted.

*In the morning. Not ever. That would be rubbish.


Another week. Who'd have thunk it?

Monday - Costume Run
So, the costume run wasn't as ready as I'd hoped. But a lot readier that some people expected, I think... Busy busy evening, and quite disheartening.

Went to Irvine with work. Tried to do as much as I could on the costumes in the evening.

Wednesday - Rehearsal?
Can't remember

Thursday - Band Call & Orchestra & Committee Meeting
Went to Troon with work. Was pretty. Band call was in the evening, but so was orchestra. So went to band call/did some cosutmes, then went to orchestra. Almost fell asleep. Then had my first committee meeting. No comment. Then pub. It was nice.

Friday - Rehearsal
Maybe. Not sure. Don't remember anything specific.

Saturday - "Day off"
Got up late (9.30) and went to Bedlam to raid their costume store. Carried lots of costumes accross the meadows. Arms nearly fell off. Then went to the pub for lunch with Nikki (she's been an angel!), Dave, James and Lou. Talked techie. Made a plan for Sunday. Went home. Sewed. Iona & Andy & Josie came to help. We went a little crazy. Were giggling for hours about nothing.

Sunday - Tech
Got to the theatre at 12pm. Left at 11pm. In between is a blur of not stopping. Some people cannot follow instructions or listen at all.

Monday - Dress rehearsal
Went to Galston with work. So had to be in the office at 8. Dress rehersal wasn't as good as it could have been. Some costumes were missing, but I knew I'd made them. Some were rubbish. So I shouted at all the cast. Told them not to let each other go on stage looking rubbish. They didn't listen. Got home about 11.30. Had lots of nightmares about people not listening/following instructions, and therefore being naked on stage. Or looking weird.

Tuesday - First night
Went to Kilmarnock with work. Got lost. Oops. Opening night went far better than I expected! Maybe just from where I was sitting though... No-one died, which I think is a miracle. Wings are lethal. A staff did fall on the french horn player though. Oops. It's props though, not costumes. NMFP!

Wednesday - Today!
Tonight some people from Manchester are coming. And Ali who leant me the drums. So I best not mess up.

Bleugh, Yellow!

Your Aura is Yellow
You're a deeply happy and content person, and you enjoy sharing your cheer with others.While you may seem like a simple optimist, there is a lot of thinking going on inside you.
The purpose of your life: bringing joy and a better life to others
Famous yellows include: Conan O'Brien, Jenny Mccarthy, Jim Carrey
Careers for you to try: Athlete, Actor, Yoga Instructor

What does it mean?

I had a scary dream. Well, it was scary until the last moment...

Me and my mum and Jennifer were in some woods, which seems like a fairly normal thing. And then Jennifer goes missing. We search for her for ages and ages, and it's creepy and scary and nasty. And then I find Jennifer's hat and a bit further along her hoody. And then a bit further along I find Jennifer, and I think she's dead. Then Mummy catches up, and Jennifer wakes up. She'd just gone for a nap. And it turns out Daddy was in the car very nearby, and knew this.

I think it means that I drank too much last night, and am too stressed to sleep deeper than dream level. Nothing more. Oh, and I'm sure it helps that I spoke to Jennifer late last night.