Twice as long...

Every day this week, outside of work has been as long as inside of work. Actually, isn't is always? It just feels like I've had full days in the evening a lot. I'm getting too old for this...

Emma was in town! So after work I drove to the bank and met her. I got her to watch the car whilst I put money in the bank, but didn't tell her which car* it was! Oops. Then we went to my house, but realised it was too early to be able to park, so we went shopping and bought the most amount of food ever for tea! This was consumed, and then we went to a couple of pubs with New Housemate Erin. It was nice! But no-one was that energetic, so the evening ended fairly early. I was driving (so to be sober enough for driving in the morning!) and Emma had to get back to her hotel/audition** in Glasgow.

Drove to Kirkpatrick Flemming and spoke to a nice lady in a care home. Stole some ideas for future use. Mwah ha ha ha. Then went to my hotel in Dumfries. It had a four poster bed and spa bath, which sounds ace. But it wasn't. The light was above the bed, so made the room have a weird light to it. And there was a dodgy light above the mirror in the bathroom which was very noisy. I was planning on a trashy film & browsing the internet, but the TV had 2 sky channels, which were rubbish, and the internet was broked. So I bought wine and had a bath. Was a bit boring. I should have taken more entertainment. But if the hotel had what it advertised I wouldn't have been bored. I did get to watch Diagnosis Murder! Yay!

Drove to Newton Stewart and spoke to a nice man there, then had lunch and drive back to Edinburgh. I got to the office at 5.30, so felt like I should stay for a while. I didn't. I had to get to the theatre to watch Singalong Sound of Music. It was fun! Not quite what I expected - as it was in a theatre, I thought it would be performed. But it was the film. Which is LONG! So after all the hype, dressing up judging*** and an interval, it didn't finish until nearly midnight. So I had to walk home.

Work. Then pub before orchestra. I feel like I've not been to the pub before or after orchestra for weeks (probably not true) so it was nice to catch up with Caroline, Katrina & Tim. We were thin on the ground, but good quality. Then the rehearsal. I feel like I've not been at rehearsals for ages either, but this one was excellent. I didn't play well, or anything like that! But my brain was at rehearsal more than it has been for a while, the guy who's better than me wasn't there. So I felt more needed than usual. Which is just what I needed.

After orchestra I headed over to Mary & Woody's 21st celebrations - a ceilidh. I didn't really feel like dancing, so just joined in with the Orkadian Strip the Willow at the end. I have bruised arms. One guy in particular hurt! Then I went for a drink with Dave. I really appreciate his friendship at the moment. I've discovered that I can't trust some people. But I can really trust him. I think! And that's ace.

Is now. I'm trying to stay at work as long as possible. But this might be enough. Everyone around me left over an hour ago. I don't have much to do. I've discovered that I'm not going on a visit in a while. This annoyed me a little. But I'll just have to deal with it! Have been volunteering for things, so should be ok. And if I'm not going on visits, then maybe I can dye my hair! Woo!

I am very much looking forward to not getting up tomorrow. I'm going to spend the weekend tidying, sorting, cleaning, organising, etc. My room and my head. Although mot my head much. It's pretty ok.

But first, I am going to get drunk. And hopefully NOT switch the computer on when I get home. I might change my password to something tricky.

*It was the red one. There are 2 work pool cars - red and silver. I do know what they are, but prefer these descriptions. I like the silver one better. It doesn't have keys. The key is a bit of plastic. But you can put it in your handbag in the boot and still drive the car. This scared me at first, but now I like it. It's a bit like magic. It also decides how fast to do the wipers, and when to put the lights on, and fades in and out of radio channels when you change them, and tells you all sorts, if you want. It's fancy. And has power. Vroooooom!

**The audition wasn't in the hotel, as far as I know. It wasn't *that* kind of audition.

***One of the winners was A Jew, from the goodnight song - #Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you...

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