
On my many journeys around Scotland, I've seen some amazing things. I saw possibly the best view I've ever seen yesterday. I was on top of the world! I had to stop, I was that amazed. Luckily, there was a handy car park for such things. I took a photo, but it doesn't look as good as it should.

I've seen lots of road kill. There's generally rabbits, pheasants, etc. But on Tuesday I saw a baby deer. It was like Bambi. Except dead with broken legs. It was sad. I'm not surprised there are so many pheasants though. They're dumb and not at all scared of cars. Apparently in some parts of the country, natural selection is breeding rabbits that run in straight lines (rather than zig-zag, as is usual for them). Interesting.

I've also come across some rather interesting things at work. Obviously I can't say too much, nor would I want to. The people I learn about are elderly and it's very strange what can happen to people. But what I am going to say is what surprised me was the length of time some people are in hospital. I've discovered a few people who've been in hospital over 50 years. 50 YEARS! That's mad. One was in their 80s and had never lived anywhere else. I don't know why, but I didn't really comprehend anyone being in hospital over a year. Even that seems too long.

Today has been interesting. I had a meeting this morning, which is rather unusual for me. At least a meeting in the office, not a care home/hospital. And then I have mostly been laughing about a phone call. I was charged for breackfast at my hotel the other day, but apparently this had already been paid for by work, so I had to ring for a refund. We've been laughing at "Hi, I'm just ringing up about my breakfast". And then we went to an alternative therapies event in a boardroom, so I now have a worry crystal and some funny herbs and potions. Evelyn just accidentlly sprayed lavender bath crystals around her desk.

As you can tell, I'm not in the mood to work.

Soon I leave the office and board a train to Manchester. Woo! Home! Although it feels less and less like home, but never mind. I did manage to pick a weekend when Liz is busy and Charlotte is away. There are still many people to see though, and I'm looking forward to it muchly. :-)

Oh, I need to write down what I've done, or else I will forget forever and that will make me sad.

Since last blog I was rehearsing and then in a concert, went to Beltane with Housemate Erin to watch Housemate Alex, Mazz and Tom perform (I didn't realise that Tom was The Main Man - we were like moms at a school play!), stayed at my cousins in Carnoustie, went to St. Andrews, had Part II of Alison's Educational Pub Crawl, Helen and Jo came to visit and we went to the beach and in some vaults, I went to Richard & Katharine's wedding reception and danced, I was off sick for a week, I went for posh dinner with Uncle Bert & Paul, I stayed overnight in Aberdeen & I watched some work colleagues in a play.

Phew! So much I should like to write more about. But not now. Now is the time to get a train!!!

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