I really can't be bothered thinking of a title...

5/6/7 - Went over to Adam's for the evening. Was a good catch up. I love Adam. We are such geeks though. Listened to cover songs and ordered takeaway online. It was ace knowing that they couldn't get it wrong cause it was typed, rather than misheard over the phone. And it was yummy.

6/6/7 - Don't remember. Think I just hung out with Erin for the evening. And by "just", I don't mean that it wasn't fun. I mean that it's not for writing about.

7/6/7 - I cheered up after a dream about a friend who I have a crush on. But I'd forgotten all about it/him. But my dream reminded me, and I lost the grump that I'd had for a while. Then I had orchestra. It was weird, cause it's the summer and less people turn up. And our conductor was late, so we had someone else. So all odd. And by the end of the rehearsal I was feeling awful. So I went home and not to the pub.

8/6/7 - Feeling awful turned into a cold. Grump. After work I went to find Auntie* Linda at the train station. It took me ages to get there, so I wasn't there when her train arrived, so I had to ring mummy to get numbers, and then spoke to her husband to get the right number, and eventually found her. She was in Jenner's, shopping. I'm not sure if she had a plan other than "arrive in Edinburgh". Strange. Anyway, we went back to my flat and Auntie* Helen arrived for a nosey and then we bought BBQ stuff and went to the campsite. I helped Daddy with the awning and Helen with the tent. I'm useful. Then I drank wine. Helen gave me a lift back, which was ace.

9/6/7 - Daddy came over in the morning and we went to a bike charity shop to give them 2 old bikes, and then we went to buy me a tent. I got neither of the ones I was thinking of. We then went back to the campsite and had lunch and went for a walk. I was feeling pretty rubbish by then, so had a nap. I snored in time with the dog, apparently. She is the loudest snorer EVER. I put my tent up to test it. Look:

It is cute AND sensible. Mummy and Helen and Linda then arrive back, with Auntie* Sue. They had been at a school reunion, so had lots of stories that I didn't understand at all. They had a DVD of a tour of the school, and I discovered why my mum is so posh sometimes. Was going to go meet Mark for a drink, but was completely knocked out with cold still, so went to bed.

10/6/7 - Woke Mark up by ringing him at 12 and forced him to get up. Went for lovely lunch with Mark and Erin and Dan and Olivia. Yum! I really should meet Dan and Olivia when Mark isn't here. Well, when he is here too, but it shouldn't be just when he's here. I should steal his friends. Mwah ha ha ha. Think I did nothing more after Mark left except watch DVDs and grump about being ill still.

11/6/7 - Recorder rehearsal. First half was awful, but it got better. It makes more sense with both violin parts there.

12/6/7 - Went to Kingussie with work, before travelling to Aviemore to my hotel for the night. The hotel I was supposed to be in was overbooked, so they upgraded me for free. Woo! Ace room. I went shopping a little - it's an outdoorsy kind of town, so I went looking for useful things for my trip. I bought a holdall. Not sure if I'll get something more suitable, but it might do... I then got food and went back to hibernate in my room, and discovered I'd lost the stupid card key. It'd fallen out of the ill fitting card. Grrr! I was rescued, and then I stayed in my room all night with TV and bath and nail varnish and magazines and books. Ace.

13/6/7 - Left my beautiful hotel (after discovering a conference of men in suits - where were they the night before?! I should have gone to the bar) and ventured to Grantown-on-Spey and then Inverness, before the long drive home. I did manage to stop in Pitlochry to take a picture of a sign that Erin's Mom wanted:

'Nuff said. Got back and watched some Arrested Development before bed. I love that show.

14/6/7 - I was mostly tired. So tired. I need to start getting enough sleep! Oh well. So I went straight home... After an evening of samba drumming. I keep getting the words samba and salsa mixed up. That's confusing. But it was a fun evening of hitting drums and cow bells that weren't called cow bells.

15/6/7 - I spent most mostly want a VW camper van. I went for a very long lunch with the team from my old job. It's funny - I've been in this new one as long as I was there, but still feel like I know more about that old job. And I feel like that job was harder, even though I get paid far more here. Most of them haven't seen me with my glasses. Or the coat that I wear all the time! So they haven't seen me since America. Or, in fact, Christmas. Was ace though. But with long lunch and then leaving early, my flexi time got a battering. Oops. I left at 3.30 to get the train to Lancaster! Met up with Helen and Lolly and had a lovely evening of pizza and wine and then shots in Revolution. We discovered that all the men in Lancaster are students or dumb.

16/6/7 - A slow get up followed by a cooked breakfast started the say well. Helen was being a fantastic hostess and made us breakfast and then ate fruit instead. Weirdo. We then ventured into town to find Charlotte and lunch. Basically, we just kept eating. And talking. Charlotte bought me and ace necklace/earrings for my birthday. I bought a cow print tripod stool thing, an airbed with built in pump and a pan set for camping. Then we found Archie and afternoon tea. Oh, Danny appeared occasionally too. He's got a funny beard. We went back to Helen's flat and played Jenga and then got ready to go out. Charlotte had to head back to Manchester, which was poo, but I'm glad I saw her. We (me, Helen, Archie, Lolly) then headed out to various bars ending up in Hustle, which is a cheesy club. They were playing roulette and black jack upstairs. The lady doing roulette was lovely and fun. We "gambled" for about 3 hours. I say "gambled" because she kept giving us our money back if we lost. Eventually we won a pitched of alcohol, and by this time we'd gained a couple of blokes. They helped us pick a bright blue pitcher of some description. Nice. I'd been ready to go to bed at about 11. I was so tired. But somehow managed to stay away until we got kicked out of the club (about 4.30) and didn't get into The Lounge, so the four of us and 4 random blokes came back to Helen's. There was more drinking and Jenga and other activities resulting in me sleeping in a corridor for about an hour.

17/6/7 - Got up about 10 (see above to work out I was up till 9am - hardcore!) and cleaned and showered and stuff, before making the boys get up and drink tea. We eventually got our stuff together and headed to Weatherspoons. I forgot that I'd bought so much stuff, and that I'd now have to carry it. Grump. Train was uneventful and I got back into my house just after 7. Lovely

18/6/7 - Just checked my little sister on facebook. She has been on for 8 days and has 109 friends. I've got 311. She better not catch up.

I'm a bit anxious. I'm not really sure why. It could be my birthday. I generally have one good year and then two rubbish ones. I'm pretty sure this doesn't have to be the case. But still, what if the next two years suck? I don't fancy that much. But I could just be worried about the concert I'm doing tonight, as I can't play it and the composer's daughter is coming to watch. Or I could be worried about camping for 8 days. What if I'm not good at it? Or it could be something else. Like seeing Housemate Alex after he's been away for ages. What if he's not happy about me asking him for money whilst he's been away? What if he's grumpy that we're having a party? Or something I've not even considered yet. Hmmm... I have been grumpy for far too long now. I hope I work out why soon and make it stop. Camping will probably fix it, if I don't manage before then. Must take writing paper and pens.

*I don't generally call them Auntie. It was for explanation purposes.


Unknown said...

you're grumpy because you forgot to mention that a weird academic person came to stay with you and called your cat self harm by mistake when you were out.

Alsion said...

I *knew* I'd missed writing something fun. I am so blonde...