
I’m writing lots of blogs. I’m very behind. I need to catch up. I’ve been very lazy blog-wise. It didn’t start off as laze. It started off as not feeling exciting enough, then I went on holiday and there was a load to blog about. Then I got back and didn’t have anything to say again. I couldn’t even really decide what to say about the festival. I couldn’t decide about anything and nothing that I had been doing. Then it all just got too much to write. But today I am inspired and I’m giving it a go. But it is 10pm already, and I’ve not done much. I’m in a hotel with Chinese takeaway and pear cider and work’s laptop. This could be a long night… But that would be a bad idea, as tomorrow I have to drive all the way back to the ‘Burgh and then I’ve got orchestra after work. It’s the last one of the term. I hope it’s fun. I want to go to the pub afterwards. I haven’t done that for weeks. I’ve been too tired.
Anyway, this isn’t me writing blogs. I need to write what happened before I forget.

Well, really, I need to get over being worried about forgetting what I did ona particular day. Why do I care? Why do I need to know what I did every day for years?

I don’t know. But I do. So I will.

BTW, I had to open the pear cider bottles with a teaspoon. I’m quite proud of that.

(I did cut two fingers on first attempt. Second was far easier. By the third I’ll have it cracked!)

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