
My usual bruises from unknown sources seem to have been taken over by scratches. These sting.

Today's Question:

Did the introduction of oyster cards affect oyster sales?


That's what happens if I type the way that Christina used to in Neighbours.

I'm going to start now.

This week I have been everywhere. Well, quite a lot of places. I was in Aberdeen Monday-Wednesday, which was pretty dull. The homes I went to were very different from each other, and the trip was interesting, but I didn't like my hotel, and just generally felt numb for the whole of it. Strange.

I did enjoy the journey up and back, as I saw family. On the way up I stopped at Sue's and fed her kids, helped Shona with homework, read Gary's school report, listened to Carla's poem and tried to make Aillie put her game machine down. The girls got to Girl's Brigade on time, and I made a brief trip to Gran's. She was pretty tired, so I left and went back on the way back down. Sat with her for a cup of tea. Apparently that's the only time she's ever drunk her coffee, so I did good. I can't tell if she's getting better or not. She just doesn't seem bothered, but why would you? There's a lovely view of the sea from the ward window, but she didn't know - she can't see. At least in this ward they get her dressed every day, and make her wear shoes. The last ward was more of a surgery recovery ward, so they were all in pyjamas and slippers - not very good for people who are unstable on their feet. Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully I'll be going past next week, but I don't know yet.

When away I watched Be Kind Rewind. Was a bit dubious, as Jack Black can be pretty annoying, but it was good! The first 30 minutes or so I was tempted to walk out, but it most definitely got better and by the end I may even have cried. Watch it.

I really need to do some 'cello practise.

On Friday I went on a plane to Heathrow to see Charlotte and Dan. Kathryn also arrived Friday night, with near perfect timing, and we had curry and watched Quiz Call until 3.30am. We didn't have a drink. You'd have though that those things could not happen on the same evening. If anyone happens to know that answers to Quiz Call that evening, then PLEASE tell me!!

Saturday was an adventure to Borough Market. On the way we saw the local Kingfisher. There wasn't a duck on the armchair. Then back to the flat to make monster chili for the masses (Liz & Andrew, Cass & Joe, Miranda & Steve) and drinking ensued. We went to a pub down the river - it was going to be a crawl, but we stayed in one place too long. It was extremely lovely to see and catch up with everyone. I couldn't help feeling quite single, but at no point did I feel awkward about it. It's just going to be tricky not to with 4 couples. The evening ended with Joe sleeping the "porch" then being amusing when trying to get into his sleeping bag, Dan being rather ill and Andrew sleeping on the world's shortest sofa. The girls were all sensible.

Sunday involved hangovers and a trip to Richmond. Del came to see me, which was lovely. We had lunch and then wandered around back streets and down the river. We saw parrots, 4 herons, swans, 2 types of geese, many types of duck, pigeons and coots. Many bird varieties. It was nice. Then everyone had to split up to get to various places. Cass and I went to Hounslow and played with sheep in cheap M&S, then had a sneaky pint before parting ways. I slept most of the flight back, due to being quite tipsy. Lovely. Landed to find snow, albeit only a tiny bit. Quite different from strolling along the river in the sun!

The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when are you free to come meet my new addition to the family?