Crazy Eyes Tex

That's my new Red Indian name, apparently. It's not as good at Dances With Wellies (Linden), Buffalo McFacePalm (Matt Lees) or Dog Which Runs Into Trees (Rosy). But still, any new name is nice.

These are the names we made up on Saturday morning whilst doing archery in a field in Derbyshire. I think we (Linden and I) were still quite drunk, as we'd drunk and played poker 'til 4.30 and I got up at 7.30. We didn't appear to be taking it as seriously as some of the others. As Linden said, "We shot things dead with the big darts and pingy things." We didn't do *too* badly - we always hit the board and had no injuries.

I just wrote a summary of the weekend to Caroline in an e-mail. It covers the bit already said, but whatever. It's just one sentence for the whole weekend. Genius:

Got there about 10 on Friday night (left work at 3.30 - that's a long time), won the pub quiz (due to clerical error), almost won poker, drank lots of beer, slept for about 3 hours, did archery (big darts with pingy things), gained a Red Indian name (Crazy Eyes Tex), did pub crawl (lovely pubs and cider and views and company), made and ate chilli, played games, drank more beer, slept for about 3 hours, lots of washing up, 3 hours in Sheffield (typically Tim managed to be in London!), learnt about spoons and neon lights, 4 hours of train back, drink with Adam, bed.

Basically, this weekend was ace and lovely. All credit goes to Mahinda for (a) getting old, (b) having a good idea, (c) organising it all, and last but not least (d) having lovely friends. Happy Birthday Mahinda!

Oh, I forgot the best/worst thing might be that I only managed to take 3 photos - two of Adam wearing a silly hat (one blurry, one washed out) and one of me when I'd poked myself in the eye with my glasses and was in pain. Other people better have some and get them on that there Facebook quick smart!

I forgot - I've been a bit lame at blogging, despite deciding that I want to do it again. I have just been busy! Had work to do, had orchestra accounts to do, had old and new house stuff to do. But it should be better now - accounts submitted, moved house, flexi balance ok. That said - all weekends are busy. But that's how I like it. They're all nice things. I just want to do more nice things! I don't want not to do anything I have booked - I am looking forward to them LOTS, I just want a little more time to do other things as well. Like be in my flat. And see a boy. Not that that's really an option, it would just be nice if it was. And only having every third Tuesday free isn't much use.

So, yes, I MOVED HOUSE! It's lovely. On a quieter street, smaller flat, no complications, just two people paying a letting agent. Easy peasy. We have a TV and DVD and Freeview box. This is a little too much for TV shy me, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it! I am tempted to shun some other form of technology to make up for it, but I'm not sure. My mobile is very tempting at the moment. I don't actually need it. I do most organising through Facebook and e-mail, and I have a phone at home which phones other houses free and America cheap. It's just costing me money. I might see if it can cost me less money, and try to use it less, but we'll see. It might be gone. The other option for shunning is the microwave, but I don't use it enough to feel it would notice being shunned!

I've had quite a few visitors to my new house, considering how often I am home! Nikki and Iona helped build a wardrobe, and then Nikki did 6,000,000 stairs to help me move, as did Mummy and Daddy, the Caroline came to do the accounts and Ali came to nosey. I'd missed Caroline's birthday due to wardrobe building, so made a cake and we watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It was lovely to catch up with Ali, and it was ace to watch the film with the boys, as they had perfect reactions! Caroline and I had seen it so often that it was very refreshing to see someone new watch it. Emma came over for dinner one night too, and Adam yesterday. What a lovely week.

Just for the record: my parents are ace! I would not have managed to move without them last weekend. Oh, and my sisters are ace too. I can talk to them about anything, and it's lovely. I just would like to see them all more.

I'm currently eating bread made by Eoin. Lovely. I like living with someone who can cook! Shame he eats meat, or else I might never have to cook for myself again. Not that I really want that - I love cooking - but how good would it be to be cooked for when you're too busy?? But for now, I will just steal bread (with permission).

Soon I am leaving the office to go to Aberdeen for 2 nights. Today's meeting was cancelled, which has worked out quite well as I will get to see the cousins and Gran on the way up.

Ooh, best go NOW!

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