
I feel nowhere at the moment. And I'm quite fine with that. Just haven't felt like writing much... So here's a summary:
  • Work - is going ok. Am enjoying travel. Am feeling good in the team. Have had nice interactions with everybody, some of which were surprising. For example, I'm surprised at how interested some people were in my hippo dress! Random. But I'm still not sure if this job is pointful enough for me personally to stay much longer term.
  • Home - is fine. It's strange getting used to living in a new place with a new person. And because I've never shared with just one person before, it's new to me. If something's been left out, we know who did it. If I lose my keys and Eoin is in a different country, I can't get in*. If we need to be home for the gas man, someone has to take time off as we both work. But Eoin is a great housemate - doesn't mind mess or washing up or anything. I just need to be more disiplined with myself to be tidy and find corners for things to live in!
  • Orchestra/'cello - is getting there. Need to sort out the insurance, etc. and see if I can afford the 'cello I'm currently borrowing to be mine. Then he will need a name. I'm not sure the whole broken 'cello story is on here (very likely not!) but I'm not going into it now. I'm also going to music camp soon, and playing in a folk festival. That's new.
  • Costumes/crafting - are good. I am officially not involved in any shows, but will help out with 2 in the festival, should they need it. I'm doing things for me - making dresses - which is both improving my skills and giving me cool dresses. I think I want to do some courses and learn more. But I don't know what to do and how it could fit into my life.
  • Holidays - are ACE! I've just got back from a short break in Barcelona. I'm quite in love with Gaudi. I want a house to decorate. I'm trying to go round Scotland for a week at the end of the festival, but not sure if I can do it, because I need to save all my holiday days and money for AUSTRALIA in January!!! Wheee!
  • Boys - are useless. I have no interest in pretty much any of them at the moment. (This does exclude anyone who lives over 100 miles away, but are also useless.)
  • Friends - are all too far away. I certainly do have some exceedingly close and speical ones here. I just miss others too.

I think that's all.

Overall, everything's fine. I still LOVE Edinburgh, but just don't know what I'm doing here or what to do next.

*This has not happened yet, touch wood, but is making me surprisingly more anxious!

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