Sunrise, Sunset

So, now I have the song from Fiddler on the Roof stuck in my head, whereas the title was supposed to be nothing about that at all!

Last Sunday Caroline came round for several reasons including loveliness, yummy food, making me tidy, doing some work on my computer, and watching Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. They were on at the Cameo, but I didn't want to spend money and I needed to do stuff too. So Caroline brought them round. Lovely films - lots of conversation and semi-deep thoughts. Here are some that I have kept:

People often don't like themselves because they are always with themselves. There's no way of getting any time off. You've not been anywhere that you haven't been. You've never told a story that you didn't already know. It's obvious when you think about it - anyone would bug you if you knew what they were about to say/do at all times. If you knew every story they told. If they couldn't tell you about somewhere you haven't been. Of course, there's some good things on the same tact - you always know who you're talking about and you don't have to explain what you really meant. But no wonder people are fed up with themselves!

So, I'm going to try not to be bored of myself. Go somewhere I've not be (yet) and tell stories I've not told (yet). Ignore myself sometimes. Stuff like that. I'm not really sure how it's going to work, if at all, but it might be interesting...

Don't you just love it when you check for spelling errors and it says "No misspellings found"? I do. Lovely.

I'm in the same strange situation this weekend as last weekend. Where I might have plans that last the whole weekend, or I might have none. I just don't know what to plan! I don't *need* to plan, I just like to. I feel a bit strange not knowing whether I'll spend the whole weekend on my own or none of it. I don't know who I can try to see at last minute. I don't know what's going on at all! I feel a little lost.

This has been open all day on my computer. I keep forgetting. I don't know if I've finished any sentences.

Oh well...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I only watched Before Sunset. Hated every minute of it. The girl is SO poncy it's unreal. "oooh, when I was little I would look at the shape of a leaf, oooh I'm so fucking special"