Ok, so here's the big catch up...

I have no excuse for the big gap in posts. I've been online. I'm just rubbish. Anyway, I've just discovered I can post from work , so here we go! A lot of this I can't remember, so may have to use the diary/text messages/e-mails to find out. Oh, how I love being a detective.

I just wrote loads and my computer switched off. GRRRR!!!

Fri 16th Dec

Went for a drink after work with the department. Although only me and Rebecca from out 5 person team made it. Go girls! It was ok, but I was exceedingly tired so didn't really talk to strangers. Then I went home and back out to Matt Clark's party. I half dressed as an elf. Looked very silly. Met Mike who works with Matt/Ed again, but wouldn't have remembered where if it weren't for the fact that he said "giraffe". Also met Clare, Liz's lodger. I later realised that I might have been rude cause I felt like I'd met her before and treated her as such, which could come across weird. I then went and slept in Liz's bed.

Sat 17th Dec

Fat Club. Lost 4 1/2 pounds! In a week! Hurrah. That's what happens when I don't drink. Am going to try not to drink for a while again. It was good. Also means that I'm drunk off a pint now. Hurrah! Then went shopping. This was almost all the Christmas shopping I did. I feel like a bloke. Then I met Mark for lunch at Kro Piccadilly. I decided it was posh, but Mark didn't. It was nice, but Mark still didn't let me pay, even though it's Christmas. Then tried to meet Nik as he had plans for his birthday. He was late. So I went off again. Went home to change/eat and then tried to meet him again. Found Shaun who I've not seen for aaaages, which was nice. We then did find Nik, but he was going for food and I forgot, so I'd eaten. Instead I went to find Linden and Ed at Fab Cafe, to be joined by Pete and Rosy. We played 3 drinking games simultaneously (Thumbmaster, Mats and 21) which was amusing. Especially as I was sober. I won everything*. I then nipped off to see Nik again and played different drinking games with sober people. Then back to Fab as I was very tired and rubbish at efforting, so could only cope with Fab/Goonies, where Pete and Rosy tried to teach me how to dance. Talking to strangers on the bus ensued, followed by being bored** at home as there were no housemates. Turns out they were still partying at Mark's and got home about 6.30, after trying to buy a paper at the shop across the road.

Sun 18th Dec

Spent a while laughing at Adam/Dan and tried to fix them. Then it was Goonie Christmas Dinner! This first involved a trip to Sainsbury's, where we found a bored looking Mighty G and me and Mahinda quizzed him on stuff. He thought they only sold 1 type of pea. I think he is wrong. It was then back to Linden's house for cooking/eating/drinking. Mahinda was King of The Kitchen, cause he knew what he was doing. He got help from the boys, but me and Linden didn't seem to do much... I tried, but there isn't that much to do that's vege... We swapped Goonie Secret Santa pressies and I was impressed! Mahinda got me a notebook and matching pen, which are cool. I shall have to make sure I do use it. I got grumpy cause I didn't feel well so left when everyone was trying to watch Stand By Me and probably annoyed them all. Oh yeah! I probably annoyed Ed by making a mince pie with a sprout in. I'm still amused about how polite he was in not telling me in minged.

Mon 19th Dec
Liz and Carl's Wedding.

I took a long time to my degree, which many of you probably know. I did 1st year pharmacy, 1st year maths, 2nd year maths, 2nd year maths and 3rd year maths. In second 2nd year I met Liz who I then was good friends with for the next 2 years (along with Kiki, Adam and Dave and others who I didn't see this day). Mainly the second one as I skipped a lot of the first one as I already had the lecture notes. Anyway, I've been a bit rubbish at keeping in touch and I miss her. She got married to Carl (who she's been with for ages) and it was lovely! I'll try to put pictures in when I make friends with my computer.

So, the day... Met Kiki and Adam at Adam's swanky flat near Piccadilly station to get changed. Eventually found Dave at the station cause he was late. Got the train after faff of nearly being late. Couldn't find a taxi at the other end, so we were late for the ceremony. Oops. Snuck in after the legal bit (we decided NOT to barge in in the middle) and saw the wedding vows, which were lovely. Then found a bench and sang hymns and listened to religious bits. I can't decided about religion, so don't generally join in as I feel like I'm taking the piss, but always sing along. I can't help it! Anyway, we went back to Adams and changed and went for Chinese, then back to the reception at the Britannia, Stockport. It was nice, but a bit of a shame that the 4 of us only knew Liz, so looked like outsiders. And there was only 1 single boy and 4 girls! At a wedding! Pah. Ended up being home about 1. Very tired.

Tues 20th Dec

Christmas Curry! This was an idea created by Liz and Cassie, I believe, to be the least Christmassy thing they could think of. In Hardy's we wrote a card for the bar staff cause they are lovely. Then headed to King Cobra. I was sat opposite Phil, who didn't really know anyone else. It's always a bit worrying when you know a big group and someone who only knows one person comes. But it was ace and Phil talked to all random people! Hurrah. And once again I learnt that Kate is Matt Lees' sister. I'm not sure I'll believe it until I see them together. In fact, I probably have and still don't.

Weds 21st Dec

Katherine's birthday. Went home for tea. Went to a garden centre to buy my parents present. Possibly stole a bit, but I don't think so. Can't remember**** what we ate... I think Katherine liked her random present (furry Audrey Hepburn style telephone). She does need a house now! On the way back I discovered people were in The Pub after squash, so headed there for a pint before denying the power of 5th Ave and heading home.

Thurs 22nd Dec

Not salsa. I tried to plan salsa for Katherine/Sarah, but it was closed for refurbishments. So was instead going to go to the Didsbury to meet Liam H, etc., but didn't make it. I went for a drink after work. 1 became 10 and I don't remember***** getting home. Oops. But think I'm now officially the social one of the department, as I was introduced to someone to which I replied that I'd already met them in the pub before...

Fri 23rd Dec

Dinner with Liz and Jenny. Jenny was my bestest friend at primary school. Well, since she moved to Bolton until about 4th year secondary (when we fell out, but our parents are still friends, so we were friends again later) and ever since, so I've definitely known her longest ever. She got married in September and it was a bit odd going as I'd not seen her in so long. So am attempting to make a better effort of seeing her. Liz was in school orchestra/Bolton Youth Orchestra with me and in my sisters group of friends (I was friends with a lot from that year too) who I'd not seen for years until she walked into a MUGSS orchestra rehearsal. We've staying in touch since. It's strange as she knows a lot of the same people as me in different ways!

So, I picked Jenny up from her house (which I last went to for her 21st) and we drove to town (which I probably last went to about 2000), so it was all a bit odd. Met Liz at Pizza Express. I enjoyed myself. We were all a bit knackered, it being Friday after a whole week of work, but kept going. So yes, they are going to be on my list of people to effort (it's a new year's resolution...).

Sat 24th Dec

Christmas Eve. Most of the day was filled with making mincemeat and mince pies and getting ready in general and playing music. Simon was there till about 4/5 and we all swapped instruments a bit. I played violin and cello and piano and bass (ok, so 3 of those are "my" instruments, but they've both got Grade 8's in theirs, so I feel like a beginner), Simon played piano and cello and violin, Jennifer played saxophone and piano and cello. It was interesting with all the different abilities. But I quite liked it mostly. It's hard not to go too fast if the others can't play though. So there was a little tension...

Does the fact that we all tell each other to go to bed before midnight or Santa won't come make us sad?!? Cause we still do it. And I like it.

Sun 25th Dec

Christmas Day. Got up about 9 (after being awake from 4.30-6 (complete with a phone call from Del in the Caymen Islands!)) and went down to do presents. I got:

  • Bingo!
  • The Sound of Music (40th Anniversary special addition with extra documentaries)
  • Paint your own crockery set
  • A Lush bath bomb
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the new version - it has an extra feature teaching you how to dance like an Oompaloompa)
  • A battery operated stapler
  • Nail Varnish
  • A notebook shaped like a handbag (with fur and everything!)
  • A thing shaped like Little Miss Naughty that heats when you click the thing in the middle (you know what I mean...)
  • Knee/Elbow/Wrist guards for roller booting
  • Fluffy purple and pink stripy socks
  • An iPod (5G video 30G, for those in the know)
  • An umbrella with different coloured wellies all over it

I hope I haven't forgotten anything... Anyway, the rest of the day I tried to help mummy with the cooking. I like cooking and wanted to make it less stressful (I don't know how my mum makes cooking so stressful). It was yummy, so that's all ok. We had a stuffing made with Sosmix (which you make up from a packet into sausages, we just didn't do the making sausage shapes) plus lots of yummy veg. They had turkey and real sausagemeat stuffing and pigs in blankets. I think. We ate about 6, and had a little walk to see the horses first. The horses had turned into chickens***. In the evening we didn't do much. My dad phoned my cousins and left lots of messages for the kids under different guises. It amused us anyway.

Mon 26th Dec

Boxing Day. I was bored. I had lots of things to play with, but couldn't really do it there. Couldn't really watch my dvds as there were lots of people around and not everyone wanted to watch the same one. And I couldn't get on the computer as Katherine was doing iPod stuff, so I couldn't iPod or e-mail. And the computer is in the study with the musical stuff, so I couldn't play much. And I couldn't go on my roller boots cause they were in Manchester. So I eventually found a jigsaw to do. We all ate tea together and played Monopoly, which was nice. This was possibly the only crying of the trip. And it wasn't me. Even though I usually cry most at home. It was Jennifer cause she was winning. It makes no sense. But it happened. Then we watched a documentary about Little Britain.

Tues 27th Dec

"Holiday Tuesday". It amused me lots that that's what the RadioTimes called it. It was slightly less dull than boxing day. I borrowed my mum's car and brought back some stuff to Manchester cause I had more than I could bring to work today. I took my cello and bass back, as well as some washing/clean clothes and a big bag of presents! Oops, I was supposed to take the bag back to my parents and didn't. I then nipped over to see Liz cause she was feeling mopey. Think she's better after the blog she wrote, but hopefully I'll see her later to find out. I then went back to my parents and made cake (Tia Maria Gatueax out of the good for yourself dessert book that the dog bought us for Christmas) and tea (Spanish roasted vegetables) for 8. My auntie Helen and cousin Sarah came over. Lucy had a migrane, so she didn't come. Was fun. We talked about family politics and mongooses (seperately).

Weds 28th Dec

Today! It is mummy's birthday. We got up and did presents before mummy gave me a lift to work. I think she likes electronic sudoku, but it might be tricky to work out.

I am very hungry. And work is dull. The annoying man is annoying me. He's spent all day finding out what is wrong with the badge making machine. He's discovered that it's what I told him last week. He thought I was useless. I am not.

I am not doing much useful as you can tell. But I am watching Ben Folds on my iPod. It's amazing! Will probably spend too much money on downloading when my computer works again. Ooh! It's 5pm and I've wasted an hour. Oops. But time to go as I'm meeting Anne at 6 for curry.

*They might not agree with this...

**This is when I managed to break my computer. It now has spyware, so I'm not really speaking to it. Can anyone help?

***Or they were in a different field.

****That's the only thing all post I can't remember! Wow. My memory likes me today.

*****Ok, so I don't remember that either. But never could. I can remember some stuff that definitely can't be blogged about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Busy busy busy!

You definitely need some form of Lizzification. Maybe you should use my trick of prefixing people, e.g. "Housemate Al" and "Workmate Caroline".

I won't comment rigorously, suffice to say that (a) we had real sausagemeat stuffing at Goonie Christmas, and (b) you and your sisters are definitely weird - crying 'cos you're winning at Monopoly is definitely not normal behaviour.