What *is* cottage cheese?!

I've spent years avoiding the stuff, thinking that it's gross, but on this diet I can eat it. So I have been. But I've not been quite sure what it is. So I looked it up. I'm not much wiser about it, but hey, it's not as gross anymore.

I've had a pretty good diet week. I put this down entirely to not drinking*. Until last night (when I had kebab on the way home from Ben Folds) I don't think I've had anything I'm not supposed to. I've generally eaten 3 sensible meals everyday, and mostly have been doing the stairs at work (it's 3 flights, and the top floor, which is always borderline about walking/lift). If I've not lost any weight after all this effort I may cry. But probably not - I'll just go and eat.

So, what have I been up to?? I dunno. Monday I had Liz evening. Tuesday I went to Booth Hall for work, which is far away, so when we'd finished early it wasn't worth coming back to this hospital, so ended up in town about 4. I *should* have been organised and done Christmas shopping, but didn't know what to buy, so I just bought some material and hair dye and shoe dye, intending to make stuff and do my hair and fix some shoes Tuesday evening. What actually happened was I fell asleep in the sofa. Then went to bed, after texting Mark to say give me warning for when you're coming over. He didn't have his phone, so had to put up with me looking minging in pyjamas when he arrived for a chat. Couldn't cope for long, so kicked him out (not literally!) and went back to bed. Exciting. I decided I must be getting the illness my collegue had.

Wednesday I decided that I wasn't going to let being ill get in my way, so got some people** to come to Hardy's. It was nice, cause I can go and sit in there and not have to be exciting or interesting (which is a good job with how I was feeling), so it's equivalent to sitting at home, but not as dull. We played pool (Linden and Pete were as competitive as normal) and quiz machines (Pete and Rosy were as married couple as normal). They then went for curry and I went home. I'm so sensible.

Last night I went to see Ben Folds!!! Hurrah. There was a bit of rubbishness in getting there, cause I was late and hadn't got a real plan and Sarah got stuck in traffic and Mark left late too, I think. So eventually we met at Kro and decided to go straight there. Picked up my tickets (Thanks Kathryn!) and we decided not to bother with the support band and go for a drink instead. I ordered a pink of beer without even thinking!! That's so bad. I only realised halfway through. So switched back to diet coke for the rest of the night.

Ben Folds rocks. It was at the Apollo (Sarah was going to go to the Lowry! Hee hee.) and downstairs was standing, upstairs seated. Sarah and Dan were downstairs, me and Mark were upstairs in the 3rd row. I found Charlotte and Dan after a trip to the toilet and hearing hamsters shouting my name (so it was actually them, I just reckon they sounded like hamsters). Andy and Debs were downstairs somewhere, but I didn't find them until I saw them speeding off in a car afterwards.

I don't really know what to write about the gig. He amazes me. Every time. I'm not convinced about his band. The drummer didn't look like he was doing anything amazing (but I could be wrong) and the bassist is odd. He reminds me of my friend Nik, but he isn't, so that's wrong. But I don't think Ben needs a band. He started as a drummer, I believe, so plays very rythmically and sounds like a whole band on his own. The lights were annoying too! Cause they kept getting in my eyes and after a while of squinting it hurts. But all of that did not take away anything from how amazing Ben Folds is. So there.

After the gig we went to Scubar for a beverage and the boys played table football while us girls did quiz games. Then went via kebab home. I decided kebab was ok as I'd not eaten much all day and tea was a long time ago. And I wasn't drunk, so was actually just very hungry. At home me and Dan just sat around for a bit. I'm going to miss him when I move.

*Sorry Daddy*** - I can't be bothered working out how to unsplit that infinitive.

**Justin (who left when the next person arrived), Liam, Ed, Linden, Justin, Sam, Pete, Adrian, Rosy.

***I hope my dad isn't really reading this. I don't know why, I just do.


Anonymous said...


In this case, drinking isn't being used as an infinitive, so there's nothing wrong with 'splitting' it.

In fact, I think it's actually a gerund, as it's a verb being used as a noun.

I think. Either way, people who bother too much with split infinitives have far too much time on their hands - there are far worse crimes against the English language to be seen.

Cottage Cheese

WRONG. Very wrong.


I thought they were quite healthy, as long as you go for a lamb/chicken shish rather than donner or seekh?

I think most of the calories are then in the sauces.

Alsion said...

Being vegetarian, I've never bothered with kebabs. I don't eat salad. But Emily (lives with Joel and The Greek) introduced me to peneer kebabs. Fried cheese kebabs. No matter how much salad/naan/no naan can make that heathly. FACT.

Pete - Arguing about making something fun is rarely fun itself. FACT.